You are browsing the documentation for version 4.2 of OroCommerce, OroCRM and OroPlatform, which is no longer maintained. Read version 5.1 (the latest LTS version) of the Oro documentation to get up-to-date information.
See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.
Set Up OroPlatform-Based Application From Database Dump¶
This guide demonstrates how to set up Oro applications from database dumps (postgres only).
There are 3 typical use cases for restoring your application from a database dump:
Create a db dump before executing migration and reload in case anything goes wrong.
Reload a db dump provided by your Project Lead in order to have a unified data across the team.
Reload a db dump from production or staging environment to troubleshoot issues.
Prepare a Database Dump¶
# make sure to adapt username and other params based on the values from your application's config/parameters.yml file # you can omit --host and --port if you are using localhost and 5432 respectively pg_dump --no-owner --username=oro_db_user --host=localhost --port=5432 oro_db > /tmp/oro_db_dump.sql
# commerce-crm-ee_pgsql_1 - docker container of your DB # oro_db_user - oro database user # oro_db - oro database docker exec commerce-crm-ee_pgsql_1 pg_dump --no-owner -U oro_db_user oro_db > /tmp/oro_db_dump.sql
Default docker-compose.yml setup
# oro_db_user - oro database user # oro_db - oro database docker exec $(docker-compose ps -q pgsql) pg_dump --no-owner -U oro_db_user oro_db > /tmp/oro_db_dump.sql
Follow the Sanitized Backup documentation for more details.
# make sure VPN to your OroCloud instance in on # ssh to your instance ssh USERNAME@ocom-PROJECTNAME-prod1-maint1 # execute sanitized backup command orocloud-cli backup:create:sanitized -v # output should be similar to below # Done, sanitized backup saved to: '/mnt/ocom/backup/20220081102000-sanitized-db.sql.gz' # download it then to your local instance scp USERNAME@ocom-PROJECTNAME-prod1-maint1:/mnt/ocom/backup/20220081102000-sanitized-db.sql.gz /tmp/oro_db_dump.sql.gz # unzip it gzip -dk /tmp/oro_db_dump.sql.gz
Restore a Database Dump¶
Locally and from OroCloud
Postgres superuser (sudo -u postgres) is used here to make sure there are no permission issues. If you don’t have access to sudo or prefer running the commands as a different user, use
psql -U username
.# drop an old db first sudo -u postgres psql -c "DROP DATABASE oro_db;" # an recreate a fresh db sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE oro_db;" sudo -u postgres psql -d oro_db -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";' sudo -u postgres psql oro_db < /tmp/oro_db_dump.sql
if you are using database user with insufficient permissions, you might need to grant access to the newly created db.
sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE oro_db TO oro_db_user2;" sudo -u postgres psql oro_db -c "GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO oro_db_user2;" sudo -u postgres psql oro_db -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO oro_db_user2;" sudo -u postgres psql oro_db -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA public TO oro_db_user2;" sudo -u postgres psql oro_db -c "SELECT 'ALTER TABLE '|| schemaname || '.' || tablename ||' OWNER TO oro_db_user2;' FROM pg_tables WHERE NOT schemaname IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') ORDER BY schemaname, tablename;" sudo -u postgres psql oro_db -c "SELECT 'ALTER SEQUENCE '|| sequence_schema || '.' || sequence_name ||' OWNER TO oro_db_user2;' FROM information_schema.sequences WHERE NOT sequence_schema IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') ORDER BY sequence_schema, sequence_name;" sudo -u postgres psql oro_db -c "SELECT 'ALTER VIEW '|| table_schema || '.' || table_name ||' OWNER TO oro_db_user2;' FROM information_schema.views WHERE NOT table_schema IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') ORDER BY table_schema, table_name;"
# commerce-crm-ee_pgsql_1 - docker container of your DB # oro_db_user - oro database user # oro_db - oro database # Recreate containers in order to kill all the active db sessions docker stop commerce-crm-ee_pgsql_1 docker start commerce-crm-ee_pgsql_1 # drop an old db first docker exec commerce-crm-ee_pgsql_1 psql -U oro_db_user -d postgres -c "DROP DATABASE oro_db;" # and recreate a fresh db docker exec commerce-crm-ee_pgsql_1 psql -U oro_db_user -d postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE oro_db;" docker exec commerce-crm-ee_pgsql_1 psql -U oro_db_user -d oro_db -c "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS \"uuid-ossp\";" cat /tmp/oro_db_dump.sql | docker exec -i commerce-crm-ee_pgsql_1 psql -U oro_db_user oro_db
Default docker-compose.yml setup
# oro_db_user - oro database user # oro_db - oro database # Recreate containers in order to kill all the active db sessions docker-compose stop pgsql # or docker-compose down docker-compose up -d # drop an old db first docker exec $(docker-compose ps -q pgsql) psql -U oro_db_user -d postgres -c "DROP DATABASE oro_db;" # and recreate a fresh db docker exec $(docker-compose ps -q pgsql) psql -U oro_db_user -d postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE oro_db;" docker exec $(docker-compose ps -q pgsql) psql -U oro_db_user -d oro_db -c "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS \"uuid-ossp\";" cat /tmp/oro_db_dump.sql | docker exec -i $(docker-compose ps -q pgsql) psql -U oro_db_user oro_db
Prepare Application¶
If you use Symfony CLI, run symfony console instead of bin/console
Run composer install (optionally)
composer install
Perform application upgrade
This action is needed only if the code is not in sync with the database, e.g., you restore the database from the older version. Otherwise, skip this step.
bin/console oro:platform:update -vv --timeout=0 --symlink --skip-search-reindexation --force
Update base url and optionally admin password
bin/console oro:config:update oro_website.url https://oro.localhost bin/console oro:config:update oro_website.secure_url https://oro.localhost bin/console oro:config:update oro_ui.application_url https://oro.localhost bin/console oro:user:update admin --user-password=admin
Follow the InstallerBundle documentation for more references on the oro:platform:update CLI command.