CLI Commands (InstallerBundle)
The oro:install command is the application installer. It installs the application with all schema and data migrations, prepares assets and application caches.
php bin/console oro:install
The --application-url
option can be used to specify the URL at which the management console (back-office) of the application will be available.
Please make sure that you web-server is configured properly.
php bin/console oro:install --application-url=<url>
php bin/console oro:install --application-url=''
It is also possible to modify the application URL after the installation:
php oro:config:update oro_ui.application_url ''
The --organization-name
option can be used to specify your company name:
php bin/console oro:install --organization-name=<company>
php bin/console oro:install --organization-name="Acme Inc."
The --user-name
, --user-email
, --user-firstname
, --user-lastname
and --user-password
options allow to configure the admin user account details:
php bin/console oro:install --user-name=<username> --user-email=<email> --user-firstname=<firstname> --user-lastname=<lastname> --user-password=<password>
The –sample-data option can be used specify whether the demo sample data should be loaded after the installation:
php bin/console oro:install --sample-data=y
php bin/console oro:install --sample-data=n
The --language
and --formatting
code options should be used to specify the localization language and the localization formatting setting that are used by the application:
php bin/console oro:install --language=<language-code> --formatting-code=<formatting-code>
php bin/console oro:install --language=en --formatting-code=en_US
The –skip-download-translations and –skip-translations options can be used to skip the step of downloading translations (already downloaded translations will be applied if present), or skip applying the translations completely:
php bin/console oro:install --skip-download-translations
php bin/console oro:install --skip-translations
The --default-currency
option can be used to specify default currency:
php bin/console oro:install --default-currency=EUR
The --drop-database
option should be provided when reinstalling the application from scratch on top of the existing database that needs to be wiped out first, or otherwise the installation will fail:
php bin/console oro:install --drop-database
Please see below an example with the most commonly used options:
php bin/console oro:install \
-vvv \
--env=prod \
--timeout=600 \
--language=en \
--formatting-code=en_US \
--organization-name='Acme Inc.' \
--user-name=admin \ \
--user-firstname=John \
--user-lastname=Doe \
--user-password='PleaseReplaceWithSomeStrongPassword' \
--application-url='' \
Or, as a one-liner:
php bin/console oro:install -vvv --env=prod --timeout=600 --language=en --formatting-code=en_US --organization-name='Acme Inc.' --user-name=admin --user-firstname=John --user-lastname=Doe --user-password='PleaseReplaceWithSomeStrongPassword' --application-url='' --sample-data=y
The --force-debug
option will launch the child commands in the debug mode (be default they are launched with –no-debug):
php bin/console oro:install --force-debug other options
The --timeout
option can be used to limit execution time of the child commands:
php bin/console oro:install --timeout=<seconds> other options
Runs OroScript files in the application scope:
php bin/console oro:platform:run-script
The oro:platform:update command executes the application update commands to update the application state and to (re-)build the application assets.
php bin/console oro:platform:update
The --force
option is just a safety switch. The command will exit after checking the system requirements if this option is not used.
php bin/console oro:platform:update --force
The --skip-download-translations
and --skip-translations
options can be used to skip the step of downloading translations (already downloaded translations will be applied if present), or skip applying the translations completely:
php bin/console oro:platform:update --force --skip-download-translations
php bin/console oro:platform:update --force --skip-translations
The --force-debug
option will launch the child commands in the debug mode (be default they are launched with –no-debug):
php bin/console oro:platform:update --force-debug other options
The --timeout
option can be used to limit execution time of the child commands:
php bin/console oro:platform:update –timeout=<seconds> other options