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Processes provide the possibility to automate tasks related to entity management. They use the main doctrine events to perform described tasks at the right time. Each process can be performed immediately or after a timeout. Processes use the OroMessageQueue component and the bundle to provide the possibility of delayed execution.
Main Entities
Three entities represent processes:
1. Definition is the primary entity that contains information about a specific process. It contains the most important information: process-related entity type (e.g., user) and what actions must be performed with this entity (e.g., change the value of a field). Another important option is the execution order which affects the order of processes execution if several processes are subscribed to the same event of the same entity. The process can be enabled or disabled. Other fields of the process definition contain the process name, when this process was created, and when it was last updated.
Trigger entity provides information about the trigger used to run the related process when this process is invoked.
There are two types of triggers:
The first parameter is the trigger event - one of
. The second parameter defines the entity field name used to listen (used for theupdate
event only) and the process that is invoked only if the value of this field has been changed. The trigger also contains information about when the process should be performed - immediately or with delay (delay interval in the seconds of PHP date interval format). In case of delayed execution, you can also control the execution priority of process jobs.cron
Allows execution of processes based on cron definition. The cron definition itself is specified in the
parameter (e.g.,*/1 * * * *
). These triggers can be executed only if the system has configured the cron script with theoro:cron
Each trigger can define only one of these types.
3. Job is an entity that contains information specific to the performing process in case of delayed processing (in this case, a JMS job is created). Depending on the event, a job can contain the following data:
event - entity identity;
event - entity identity and change set (old and new values);
event - entity plain fields (without references).
Each job entity also contains a relation to the trigger used to create this job and entity hash (the full class name of the related entity plus the identity of a specific entity). This entity hash is required to find all registered jobs for the same entity (e.g., to remove all related jobs).
Each process definition is related to an entity type, and each definition can have several triggers.
When a user performs an action with an entity that is related to an enabled process definition, all existing triggers for this process are analyzed, and the appropriate ones are found to be executed.
A trigger can be processed in two ways. The first one is immediate execution; in this case, the process action is executed right after the entity is flushed to the database or by the cron schedule. The second one is delayed execution; it creates a job and sends it to the queue with the specified priority. If an entity has several appropriate process triggers, then all of them are processed in the order defined by definition.
Once a specific entity item is deleted, all job processes related to this entity are also deleted.
Performing the action described in the process definition can provoke triggers of other processes (or even the same process). You should either use an appropriate condition to avoid recursion or the “exclude_definitions” option.
All processes are described in the configuration. The example below illustrates a simple process configuration that performs an action with the Contact entity.
definitions: # list of definitions
contact_definition: # name of process definition
label: 'Contact Definition' # label of the process definition
enabled: true # this definition is enabled (activated)
entity: Oro\Bundle\ContactBundle\Entity\Contact # related entity
order: 20 # processing order
exclude_definitions: [contact_definition] # during handling those definitions won't trigger
preconditions: # List of preconditions to check before scheduling process
@equal: [$, 'other'] # Perform process only for entities that have "other" source
actions_configuration: # list of actions to perform
- '@find_entity': # find existing entity
conditions: # action conditions
@empty: $assignedTo # if field $assignedTo is empty
parameters: # action parameters
class: Oro\Bundle\UserBundle\Entity\User # $assignedTo entity full class name
attribute: $assignedTo # name of attribute that will store entity
where: # where conditions
username: 'admin' # username is 'admin'
triggers: # list of triggers
contact_definition: # name of trigger
event: create # event on which the trigger performed
event: update # event on which the trigger performed
field: assignedTo # field name to listen
priority: 10 # priority of the job queue
queued: true # this process must be executed in queue
time_shift: 60 # this process must be executed with 60 seconds delay
cron: */1 * * * * # execute process every 1 minute
This configuration describes the process that relates to the Contact
entity. Every 1 minute, or every time a contact is
created, or the Assigned To
field is changed, the current administrator user is set as the assigned user.
In other words, a contact is assigned to the current administrator.
The described logic is implemented using one definition and two triggers.
The first trigger is processed immediately after the contact is created, and the second one creates a new process job
and sends it to the message queue with priority 10
and time-shift 60
, so the job is processed a minute later than
the triggered action.
When contact Assigned To
field is updated, the process “contact_definition” is eventually handled, and the
value of the Assigned To
field can be changed. This process does not provoke self-triggering when the “exclude_definitions” option is specified.
If you want to test this process configuration in an actual application, you can place this configuration into the
file and reload the definitions using the console commandphp bin/console oro:process:configuration:load
. After that, you can create aContact
of the changed assigned user and ensure that the process works.Expression $. allows you to access the main data container; for processes, it is an instance of
.Expression $ (shortcut) or $.data allows you to access the current entity; above in example it is
Console Commands
WorkflowBundle provides two following console commands to work with processes.
This command loads processes configuration from .yml configuration files to the database. It is used during application installation and update. The command has two optional options:
–directories - this option specifies directories used to find configuration files (multiple values allowed)
–definitions - this option specifies names of the process definitions that should be loaded (multiple values allowed)
You should run this command if the process configuration was changed to upload your changes to DB.
This command executes a process trigger with a specified identifier and the process name. The command has two required options:
–id - the identifier of the ProcessTrigger to handle
–name - the name of ProcessDefinition. The trigger should belong to this ProcessDefinition
OroWorkflowBundle provides REST API that allows the activation and deactivation of processes.
Activation URL attributes:
parameter: processDefinition - the name of the appropriate process definition
Deactivation URL attributes:
parameter: processDefinition - the name of the appropriate process definition