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Address Formatting 

Formats Source 

You can find address formats in the address_format.yml file. Address formats are grouped by country.

An example of format configuration for the US:

    format: '%name%\n%organization%\n%street%\n%CITY% %REGION_CODE% %COUNTRY_ISO2% %postal_code%'

Possible format placeholders:

  • name - address owner name

  • organization - organization

  • street - street

  • street2 - street line 2

  • city - city

  • country - country name

  • country_iso2 - country ISO2 code

  • country_iso3 - country ISO3 code

  • postal_code - postal/ZIP code

  • region - region

  • region_code - region code

When a format placeholder is in the upper case, the corresponding value will also be uppercased. Address formatter uses name formatter to format names according to the address country locale.

Additional optional data that is not currently used in the LocaleBundle is also stored in the address_format.yml stored. Possible keys are:

  • latin_format - address format for latin characters

  • require - an array of required address fields for country

  • region_name_type - how a region is named in a country

  • zip_name_type - how post code (zip) is named in a country

  • format_charset - format charset encoding

  • postprefix - post code prefix

PHP Address Formatter 

Class: Oro\Bundle\LocaleBundle\Formatter\AddressFormatter

Service id: oro_locale.formatter.address

Formats addresses are based on the given country address format. By default, the address country is used for formatting.

Methods and Usage Examples 


string *public* *format*(AddressInterface *address*[, string *country*[, string *newLineSeparator*]])

You can use this method to format objects that implement AddressInterface. To format an address using a specific country format, set the country parameters. The newLineSeparator parameter defines the default line separator as n and can also be changed.

$formatter = $container->get('oro_locale.formatter.address');
// $region->getCode() is CA
// $country->getIso2Code() is US
$address = new Address();
$address->setStreet('726 N. Vista Street');
$address->setCity('Los Angeles');
$address->setOrganization('Oro Inc.');
echo $formatter->format($address);


Oro Inc.
726 N. Vista Street


string *public* *getAddressFormat*([string *localeOrRegion*])

Get address format based on the locale or region; if the argument is not passed, locale from the system configuration will be used.




This filter uses the format method from the address formatter and has the same logic.

{{ address|oro_format_address('US') }}


This filter outputs a formatted address where each address part (i.e., city, country, etc.) is wrapped into an HTML tag with CSS class address-part-PART-NAME and attribute data-part="PART_NAME" to allow more fine-grained control of address styling.

{{ address|oro_format_address_html('US') }}


Methods and Usage Examples 


string *public* *format*(Object *address*[, String *country*[, String|Function *newLine*]])

This method is used to format addresses. To format an address using a specific country format, set the country parameters.

The newLine parameter defines the default line separator. It can be a string that will be used as a line separator or a function that will be called for each line and must return string.

Possible address object parameters are:

  • prefix - name prefix

  • suffix - name suffix

  • first_name - first name

  • middle_name - middle name

  • last_name - last name

  • organization - organization

  • street - street

  • street2 - street line 2

  • city - city

  • country - country name

  • country_iso2 - country ISO2 code

  • country_iso3 - country ISO3 code

  • postal_code - postal/ZIP code

  • region - region

  • region_code - region code


import addressFormatter from 'orolocale/js/formatter/address';

const data = addressModel.toJSON();

data.formatted_address = addressFormatter.format({
    prefix: data.namePrefix,
    suffix: data.nameSuffix,
    first_name: data.firstName,
    middle_name: data.middleName,
    last_name: data.lastName,
    organization: data.organization,
    street: data.street,
    street2: data.street2,
    country_iso2: data.countryIso2,
    country_iso3: data.countryIso3,
    postal_code: data.postalCode,
    region: data.region,
    region_code: data.regionCode


string *public* *getAddressFormat*([string *country*])

getAddressFormat is based on country; if the argument is not passed, the default country from system configuration is used.