
You are browsing documentation for version 5.0 of OroCommerce, supported until January 2025. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

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Stores data for localization. It can be used to display the interface in the required language and formatting.

Localization entity contains the following fields:

  • name (string) - a unique name of the localization, used for system purposes and not available in the user-interface

  • titles (LocalizedFallbackValues[]) - a set of translatable titles of the Localization

  • languageCode (string) - the language code, used to display the full title of the language by code; formatter Oro\Bundle\LocaleBundle\Formatter\LanguageCodeFormatter can be used

  • formattingCode (string) - is used to display the full title of the formatting by code

  • formatLocale (string) - is used to display the full title of the locale by code Oro\Bundle\LocaleBundle\Formatter\FormattingCodeFormatter

  • parentLocalization (Localization) - parent Localization


LocalizedFallbackValue stores the translation of the necessary data for different localizations. It can be used to display the interface in the required language and formatting.

LocalizedFallbackValue entity contains the following fields:

  • fallback (string) - fallback type

  • string (string) - translation for a short string

  • text (string) - translation for a long string (used if string is empty)

  • localization (Localization) - localization

To retrieve the translated value for the necessary localization, use trait Oro\Bundle\LocaleBundle\Entity\FallbackTrait that provides methods getFallbackValue(), getDefaultFallbackValue() and setDefaultFallbackValue().