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Available in OroCommerce

Configure Payment Method Integration in the Back-Office 


This section is part of the Payment Configuration topic that provides a general understanding of the payment concept in OroCommerce.

You can configure an integration with third-party payment providers to offer their payment services for the quotes and orders placed using OroCommerce.

Generic Payment End-to-End Flow in OroCommerce 

Any third party payment system integration involves the following steps to enable it for the OroCommerce storefront customers:

  1. A B2B seller signs up for payment provider services (e.g. PayPal Business Account).

  2. A B2B seller administrator or integrator obtains integration information using the service information resulting from the first step (e.g. partner ID, partner login credentials, etc.). Integration information may include credentials, security tokens, etc. These details may be generated by the payment provider for a B2B seller, or a B2B seller may generate some of these items using the payment provider services.

  3. Sometimes for secure connection, a B2B seller administrator or integrator supplies the payment provider with identification and authentication artifacts, like secure public key, secure certificate or authentication token. Private tunnel and proxy may be used for advanced security of the payment related traffic.


    Every sandbox, testing, and production environment should use a unique, dedicated set of integration details. Usually, payment service providers allow test mode access with debug level information. It is crucially important to use the test and debug set of access details only for the test and sandbox environments.


    Never use test integration access in production mode or on the production servers as this might expose your customers to the sever security risks.

  4. Once the integration and connection details are available, the B2B seller administrator or integrator may set up an integration of the payment provider services into OroCommerce.

  5. Next, the administrator may limit the availability of the particular payment methods (enabled by the payment provider services integration) using the payment rule configuration.

  6. Once the payment configuration is complete, the payment methods may be used by customer users during the checkout. Payment may be captured immediately or authorized for delayed capture.

  7. A sales person can view payment history and capture the delayed payment (e.g. when the order is complete and is ready for shipping).

Create an Integration with a Payment Method Provider 

You integrate OroCommerce with the following systems and services:


The default OroCommerce application includes the following payment methods out-of-the-box: Check/Money Order, Payment Terms, and PayPal Payflow Gateway/PayPal Payment Pro. Check out OroCommerce's Extensions Store to download other payment extensions that you can pair with your OroCommerce applications.

Remove an Integration with a Payment Method Provider 

To delete an integration with the payment provider and disable payment methods they offer in OroCommerce orders and quotes:

  1. Navigate to System > Integrations > Manage Integrations in the main menu. The Manage Integrations page opens.

  2. Hover over the More Options menu at the end of the row with the necessary integration and click the Delete icon.

    The confirmation dialog appears.

    If any payment rule depends on the integration that is being deleted, the affected payment methods in those payment rules will be disabled. The payment rule might also be disabled if none of its payment methods remain enabled.

  3. If necessary, review the payment rules using the link in the confirmation dialog.


    The payment rules open in a new tab in your browser.

  4. Once you are ready to delete the integration, click Delete.

The payment methods that were based on this integration are no longer usable in OroCommerce and cannot be enabled in the payment rule.