Customize Menus per Organization 


Multi-organization management is only available in the Enterprise edition.


This section is part of the Storefront and Back-Office Menu Management Concept Guide topic that provides a general understanding of the available storefront and back-office menu types and their management in Oro applications.

To customize a storefront menu for a particular organization:

  1. Navigate to System > User Management > Organizations in the main menu.

  2. Click on the organization you would like to edit the menu for.

  3. Click Edit Frontend Menu.

  4. Update the menu contents following the guidelines provided in the Edit a Frontend Menu section. The changes apply automatically.

To customize a backend menu for a particular organization:

  1. Navigate to System > User Management > Organizations in the main menu.

  2. Click on the organization you would like to edit the menu for.

  3. Click Edit Menu.

  4. Update the menu contents following the guidelines provided in the Customize a Menu section. The changes apply automatically.