
You are browsing documentation for version 5.0 of OroCommerce, supported until January 2025. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.

How to Change Fonts and Typography in the Storefront 


We assume that you are making all customizations in your custom AppBundle (placed in the folder src/AppBundle).


You have to insert this code into your own styles.scss file as described in the CSS Files Structure article.

Disable and Override Fonts 

To disable all Oro fonts, override the $theme-fonts variable and set map to empty.

$theme-fonts: ();

To disable all Oro fonts and override with a font stack of your choice, override the $theme-fonts variable and set a new variable – map:

$theme-fonts: (
    'main': (
        'family': '...',
        'variants': (
                'path': '..',
                'weight': normal,
                'style': normal
                'path': '...',
                'weight': 700,
                'style': normal
        'formats': ('woff', 'woff2')
    'secondary': (
        'family': '...',
        'variants': (
                'path': '...',
                'weight': normal,
                'style': normal
        'formats': ('woff', 'woff2')

Update Fonts 

To update fonts, merge $theme-fonts with your $theme-custom-fonts.


You have to put the font files in your bundle public folder beforehand, e.g., Resources/public/default/fonts.

$theme-custom-fonts: (
    'main': (
        'family': 'Lato',
        'variants': (
                'path': '#{$global-url}/orofrontend/default/fonts/lato/lato-regular-webfont',
                'weight': 400,
                'style': normal
                'path': '#{$global-url}/orofrontend/default/fonts/lato/lato-bold-webfont',
                'weight': 700,
                'style': normal
        'formats': ('woff', 'woff2')
    'secondary': (
        'family': 'Roboto',
        'variants': (
                'path': '#{$global-url}/orofrontend/default/fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont',
                'weight': 700,
                'style': normal
        'formats': ('woff', 'woff2')

$theme-fonts: map_merge($theme-fonts, $theme-custom-fonts);

Additional Tools for Overriding Fonts 

To disable all Oro fonts without overriding them with yours:

  1. Override $theme-fonts: ();

  2. Call mixin font-face() or use-font-face();

    $theme-fonts: ();
    // Using font-face
    @include font-face($font-family, $file-path, $font-weight, $font-style);
    // Using use-font-face
    $your-fonts: (
        'main': (
            'family': '...',
            'variants': (
                    'path': '..',
                    'weight': normal,
                    'style': normal
                    'path': '...',
                    'weight': 700,
                    'style': normal
            'formats': ('woff', 'woff2')
        'secondary': (
            'family': '...',
            'variants': (
                    'path': '...',
                    'weight': normal,
                    'style': normal
            'formats': ('woff', 'woff2')
    @include use-font-face($your-fonts);

@mixin use-font-face call dynamically font-face with $your-fonts.

Change Font Size 

To change the font size and line height, override the following variables:

// Offsets;

// Font families
$base-font: get-font-name('main');

// Font sizes
$base-font-size: 14px;
$base-font-size--large: 16px;
$base-font-size--xs: 11px;
$base-font-size--s: 13px;
$base-font-size--m: 20px;
$base-font-size--l: 23px;
$base-font-size--xl: 26px;
$base-line-height: 1.35;


In all cases above, you have to run the following console commands to publish the changes:

php bin/console cache:clear
php bin/console assets:install --symlink
php bin/console oro:assets:build

Recommendations for Optimizing Fonts 

You can apply several optimizations to speed up the delivery of fonts to the client and improve the user experience.

Base Optimization with Preloading of Critical Fonts 

To enable preloading of critical fonts, add a layout update (e.g., preload FontAwesome):

- '@add':
    id: font-awesome
    parentId: head
    siblingId: styles
    prepend: true
    blockType: external_resource
        href: '=data["asset"].getUrl("/build/_static/_/node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2")'
        rel: preload
            'as': 'font'
            'type': 'font/woff2'
            'crossorigin': anonymous

For more information about preloading resources, see MDN Link types: preload.

Additional Optimization 

You can split the font into Unicode subsets. For example, you can use glyphhanger to extract only those icons that are used on the frontend:

glyphhanger --whitelist=U+F002,U+F007,U+F00C-F00E --subset=fontawesome-webfont.ttf --formats=ttf
  1. Convert ttf to woff2 with Web Font Tools:

woff2_compress ./fontawesome-webfont-subset.ttf
  1. If the project still supports IE11, convert ttf to woff2:

sfnt2woff-zopfli ./fontawesome-webfont-subset.ttf
  1. Upload the of the new fonts and configure typography by overriding the default font-awesome section _typography.scss in your custom typography config:

$theme-custom-fonts: (
    'font-awesome': (
        'family': 'FontAwesome',
        'variants': (
                'path': '#{$global-url}/orofrontend/default/fonts/fontawesome/fontawesome-webfont-preload',
                'weight': normal,
                'style': normal
        'formats': ('woff2', 'woff')

$theme-fonts: map_merge($theme-fonts, $theme-custom-fonts);
  1. Create/Update path to the font in the preload link:

- '@add':
    id: font-awesome
    parentId: head
    siblingId: styles
    prepend: true
    blockType: external_resource
        # new href value
        href: '=data["asset"].getUrl("/build/_static/bundles/orofrontend/default/fonts/fontawesome/fontawesome-webfont-subset.woff2")'
        rel: preload
            'as': 'font'
            'type': 'font/woff2'
            'crossorigin': anonymous

Text Fonts and Subsets 

You can split text fonts into localization subsets:

glyphhanger --formats=ttf --LATIN --subset=lato.ttf

You can, therefore, preload the subset depending on the application’s current localization.