
You are browsing documentation for version 5.1 of OroCommerce, supported until March 2027. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.

Configuration Reference 

The configuration declares all aspects related to a specific entity. The configuration should be placed in Resources/config/oro/api.yml to be automatically loaded.

All entities, except custom entities, dictionaries, and enumerations, are inaccessible via the API. To make an entity available via the data, enable it directly. For example, to make the Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Product entity available via the API, use the following configuration:

        Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Product: ~

If an auto-generated alias for your entity does not look good enough for you, change it in Resources/config/oro/entity.yml. For more details, see the entity aliases documentation.


Run the oro:api:cache:clear CLI command to make an entity accessible via the API immediately. If you use the API sandbox, run the oro:api:doc:cache:clear CLI command to apply the changes for it.

For additional information, see CLI commands.

Configuration Structure 

To get the overall configuration structure, execute the following command:

php bin/console oro:api:config:dump-reference

By default, this command shows the configuration of nesting entities. To simplify the output, you can use the --max-nesting-level option, for example:

php bin/console oro:api:config:dump-reference --max-nesting-level=0

The default nesting level is 3. It is specified in the configuration of ApiBundle via the config_max_nesting_level parameter. If needed, change this value:

     config_max_nesting_level: 3

The first level sections of the configuration are:

The top-level configuration example:

            # ...

                # ...
                # ...
                    # ...
                    # ...
                # ...
                # ...

exclude Option 

The exclude configuration option describes whether an entity or its fields should be excluded from the API.


            exclude: true # exclude the entity from the API
                    exclude: true # exclude the field from the API

Additionally, use the exclude option to indicate whether to disable filtering or sorting for specific fields. Please note that for fields excluded as described above, filtering and sorting are disabled automatically.


                        exclude: true
                        exclude: true

Please note that the exclude option applies only to the API. To exclude an entity or its fields globally, use Resources/config/oro/entity.yml:

        # whole entity exclusion
        - { entity: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\SomeEntity1 }
        # exclude field1 of Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\Entity2 entity
        - { entity: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\SomeEntity2, field: field1 }

entity_aliases Configuration Section 

You can use the entity_aliases section to:

  • Override the existing system-wide entity aliases

  • Add aliases for models to be used only in the API

  • Completely replace an ORM entity with a model

Use it when you need to provide entity aliases for the API, but sharing them system-wide is impossible; for example, because of the backward compatibility promise or when your models were created to be used only in the API.

Please see the Entity aliases documentation for more details about entity aliases.


            alias: acmeentity
            plural_alias: acmeentities

To completely replace an ORM entity with a model in the API, use the override_class option. As a result, the model will be used in the primary API resource, sub-resources, and relationships instead of the overridden ORM entity. This is helpful when creating and using a model that can significantly simplify the API implementation, for example, when the schema of the API resource is different from the schema of the ORM entity.


            alias: acmeentity
            plural_alias: acmeentities
            override_class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\SomeEntity


The model class must be a subclass of the overridden entity class.


When the override_class option is used, some entity-specific configuration, like Extended Associations, is required for an overridden ORM entity, but not for a model.

Example of correct configuration:

        Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Api\Model\SomeModel: ~

                    data_type: association:manyToOne

Example of incorrect configuration:

        Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Api\Model\SomeModel: ~
                    data_type: association:manyToOne

entities Configuration Section 

The entities section describes the configuration of entities.

  • documentation_resource string - Can contain the link to the markdown file with detailed documentation on a single or multiple API resources. For more details, see Documenting API Resources.

    Please note that the same entity can be configured in different Resources/config/oro/api.yml files, e.g., when some bundle needs to add a field to an entity declared in another bundle. In this case, all configuration files for this entity can have the documentation_resource option, and all documentation files declared there are merged. If the same field is documented in several documentation files, they are merged, and only documentation from one file is used.

  • exclude boolean - Indicates whether the entity should be excluded from the API. By default, it is set to false.

  • inherit boolean - Indicates whether the configuration for a certain entity should be merged with the configuration of a parent entity. By default, it is set to true. Set to false if a derived entity should have a completely different configuration than the parent entity and merging with the parent configuration is unnecessary.

  • exclusion_policy string - Indicates the exclusion strategy to use for the entity. Possible values: all, custom_fields or none. By default, it is set to none.

    • none - exclude fields marked with the exclude flag.

    • all - exclude all fields that are not configured explicitly.

    • custom_fields - exclude all custom fields (fields with is_extend = true and owner = Custom in the extend scope in the entity configuration) that are not configured explicitly.

  • max_results integer - The maximum number of entities in the result. Set -1 (unlimited), zero, or positive number to set the limit. Use to set the limit for both primary and related entities. See max_entities and max_related_entities options in General Configuration for default limits. Please note that this option affects all actions including get_list action. Use the max_results option in the actions configuration to change the maximum number of entities that can be deleted by one request or set own limit to each action, see How To.

  • order_by array - The property can be used to configure the default ordering of the result. The item key is the name of a field. The value can be ASC or DESC. By default, the result is ordered by an identifier field.

  • disable_inclusion boolean - Indicates whether an inclusion of related entities is disabled. In JSON:API the include request parameter can be used to customize which related entities should be returned. By default false.

  • disable_fieldset boolean - Indicates whether one can request a restricted set of fields. In JSON:API, the fields request parameter is used to customize which fields to return. By default false.

  • disable_meta_properties string[] or boolean - The names of additional meta properties a requesting of that are disabled or the flag that indicates whether requesting additional meta properties is disabled at all. By default false.

  • disable_partial_load boolean - The flag indicates whether using of Doctrine partial objects is disabled. By default false. When using partial objects, the HINT_FORCE_PARTIAL_LOAD query hint is used together with them to avoid loading unneeded foreign keys.

  • hints array - The Doctrine query hints. Each item can be a string or an array with name and value keys. The string value is a short form of [name: hint name].

  • inner_join_associations string[] - A list of entity associations for which INNER JOIN should be used instead of LEFT JOIN. Use the dot notation to specify a path to a nested association, e.g., user.organization. Each element in the path must be equal to the name of the existing property of an entity. This option can be used to optimize SQL query that is used to load data if some associations are mandatory and cannot be empty.

  • identifier_field_names string[] - The names of identifier fields of the entity. Use this option to override names set in a configuration file (for the API resource not based on the ORM entity) or retrieve from entity metadata (for ORM entities). This option is helpful when you do not want to use the primary key as an entity identifier in the API.

  • identifier_description string - A human-readable description of the API resource identifier. Used in auto-generated documentation only.

  • upsert array - The configuration of the upsert operation. For details, see Configure Upsert Operation.

  • form_type string - The form type to use for the entity in the create and update actions. By default the Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType form type is used.

  • form_options array - The form options to use for the entity in the create and update actions.

  • form_event_subscriber - The form event subscriber(s) to use for the entity in the create and update actions. When the form_type option is not specified,, this event subscriber is also used for the update_relationship, add_relationship and delete_relationship actions. For custom form_type this event subscriber is not used. It can be specified as a service name or an array of service names. An event subscriber service should implement the Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface interface.

By default, the following form options are set:

Option Name

Option Value


The class name of the entity


Possible values: [‘Default’, ‘api’], and/or a custom group.


This form should not contain extra fields: {{ extra_fields }}.


            documentation_resource: '@AcmeDemoBundle/Resources/doc/api/'
            inherit: false
            exclusion_policy: all
            max_results: 25
                field1: DESC
                field2: ASC
                - HINT_TRANSLATABLE
                - { name: HINT_FILTER_BY_CURRENT_USER }
                - { name: HINT_FORCE_PARTIAL_LOAD, value: false }
                - { name: HINT_CUSTOM_OUTPUT_WALKER, value: 'Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\AST_Walker_Class'}
            excluded: false
                add: [['field1']]
            form_type: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Api\Form\Type\SomeEntityType
                validation_groups: ['Default', 'api', 'my_group']
            form_event_subscriber: acme.api.form_listener.test_entity

fields Configuration Section 

This section describes the configuration of entity fields.

  • exclude boolean - Indicates whether the field should be excluded. This property is described above in the “exclude” option section.

  • description string - A human-readable description of the field. Used in auto-generated documentation only.

  • property_path string - The property path to reach the fields’ value. Can be used to rename the field or to access a field of the related entity. Use the dot notation to separate property names in the path, e.g. user.firstName. Each property name must be equal to the name of an existing property of an entity. The _ value can be used if a field value is not mapped to any property of an entity, e.g., for computed fields.

  • collapse boolean - Indicates whether to collapse the entity. It is applicable to associations only. When true, the target entity is returned as a value instead of an array of entity field values.

  • form_type string - The form type to use for the field in the create and update actions.

  • form_options array - The form options to use for the field in the create and update actions.

  • data_type string - The data type of the field value. It can be boolean, integer, string, etc. If a field represents an association, the data type should be a type of an identity field of the target entity.

  • meta_property boolean - A flag indicates whether the field represents meta information. For JSON:API, such fields are returned in the meta section. By default, false.

  • target_class string - The class name of a target entity if a field represents an association. If the API resource is based on the non-ORM entity, set the target class in a configuration file.

  • target_type string - The type of a target association. Can be to-one or to-many. Also, collection can be used as an alias for to-many. to-one can be omitted as it is used by default. If the API resource is based on the non ORM entity, set the target type in a configuration file.

  • depends_on string[] - A list of entity properties that the field depends on. Use the dot notation to specify a path to a nested property, e.g., user.firstName. Each element in the path must be equal to the name of existing property of an entity. This option is helpful for computed fields: the specified fields will be loaded from the database even if they are excluded.

  • post_processor string - The name of a post processor used to convert a field value to a format suitable for the API. The post-processor is used in the get, get_list and get_subresource actions.

  • post_processor_options array - The options for a post processor specified in the post_processor option.


             # Exclude a field
                 exclude: true

             # Rename the "firstName" field to the "name" field
                 description: Some Field
                 property_path: firstName

             # The "addressName" field will contain the value of the "name" field of the "address" related entity

             # A full syntax for the "collapse" property
                 collapse:         true
                 exclusion_policy: all
                     targetField1: null

             # A short syntax for the "collapse" property
                 fields: targetField1

             # A form type and form options for a field
                 form_type: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType
                     trim: false
                         # add Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank validation constraint
                         - NotBlank: ~

             # A to-one association
                 data_type: integer # the data type of an identifier field of the target
                 target_class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Api\Model\SomeTargetEntity

             # A to-many association
                 data_type: integer # the data type of an identifier field of the target
                 target_class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Api\Model\SomeTargetEntity
                 target_type: collection

             # A computed field
                 data_type: string
                 property_path: _
                 depends_on: [property1, association1.property11]

             # A field with a post processor
                 post_processor: twig
                     template: '@AcmeDemo/Api/Field/some_template.html.twig'

Special Data Types 

The data_type attribute can be used to specify a data type of a field. However, it can also help configure special types of fields. The following table contains details of such types:

Data Type



Represents a field of a to-one association as a field of the parent entity. In JSON:API, it means that the association’s field should be in the attributes section instead of the relationships section.


Represents to-one association as a field, an associative array or an object. In JSON:API, it means that the association should be in the attributes section instead of the relationships section.


Represents a field contains an array data or a field of a to-many association as a field of the parent entity. In JSON:API, it means that the association should be in the attributes section instead of relationships section.


Represents to-many association as a field. In JSON:API, it means that the association should be in the attributes section instead of the relationships section. This data type is an alias for the object[] data type.


Represents a string field of a to-many association as a field. In JSON:API, it means that the association should be in the attributes section instead of the relationships section. This data type is an alias for the string[] data type.


Represents a field of a to-many association as a field. In JSON:API, it means that the association should be in the attributes section instead of the relationships section. The data-type can be any data type, for example scalar[], string[], integer[], etc.


Represents a percentage value multiplied by 100. It means that a value is multiplied by 100 before it is stored in the database. E.g., 50% is represented in API as 0.5, but stored in the database as 50.


Helps configure nested objects. For details see Configure a Nested Object.


Helps configure nested associations. For details see Configure a Nested Association.


Helps configure multi-target associations. For details, see Configure an Extended Many-To-One Association, Configure an Extended Many-To-Many Association and Configure an Extended Multiple Many-To-One Association.


Helps configure unidirectional associations. For details, see Configure an Unidirectional Association.


Helps configure to-many associations to LocalizedFallbackValue for the Storefront API.


The scalar, object, array, objects, strings, and data-type[] data types are interchangeable in case they are used to represent an association as a field. They were introduced to increase the readability of configs and automatically generated documentation, e.g. for API Sandbox. The scalar is usually used if a field value contains a scalar value. The array, strings, and data-type[] are usually used if a field value contains a list of scalar values. The object is usually used if a field value contains several properties. The objects is usually used if a field value contains a list of items with several properties.


To add a new particular type of a field that requires an additional configuration of a field or an entity, create a class that implements CustomDataTypeCompleterInterface and register this class in the dependency injection container with oro.api.custom_data_type_completer tag. The requestType tag attribute can be used to register a converter only for specific request types.

filters Configuration Section 

This section describes fields by which the result data can be filtered. It contains two properties: exclusion_policy and fields.

  • exclusion_policy string.

    Can be all or none. By default none. Indicates which exclusion strategy to use. Possible values: all or none. none - Exclude fields marked with the exclude flag. all - Exclude both marked and not marked fields.

  • fields This section describes a configuration of each field that can be used to filter the result data. Each filter can have the following properties:

    • exclude boolean - Indicates whether filtering by this field should be disabled. By default false.

    • description string - A human-readable description of the filter. Used in auto-generated documentation only.

    • property_path string - The property path to reach the fields’ value. The same way as above in fields configuration section.

    • data_type string - The data type of the filter value. Can be boolean, integer, string, etc.

    • allow_array boolean - Indicates whether the filter can contains several values. By default, false for string, boolean, datetime, date, time fields, and true for other fields.

    • allow_range boolean - Indicates whether the filter can contains a pair of from and to values. By default, false for string, boolean, guid, currency fields, and true for other fields.

    • collection (boolean) - Indicates whether the filter represents a collection valued association. By default, false for filters by fields and to-one associations, and true for filters by to-many associations.

    • type string - The filter type. By default, the filter type is equal to the data_type property value.

    • options array - The filter options.

    • operators string[] - A list of operators supported by the filter. By default, the list of operators depends on the filter type. For example a string filter supports = and != operators, a number filter supports =, !=, <, <=, > and >= operators, etc. Use this parameter when you need to limit a list of supported operators.


                exclusion_policy: all
                        data_type: integer
                        exclude: true
                        data_type: string
                        property_path: firstName
                        description: 'My filter description'
                        data_type: date
                        allow_array: true
                        allow_range: true
                        data_type: string
                        type: myFilter
                            my_option: value
                        operators: ['=']


Please note that filters for fields that have a database index are enabled automatically. Filters by all other fields should be enabled explicitly, if necessary.

See Filters for more information on the existing filter types and instructions on creating custom filters.

sorters configuration section 

This section describes fields by which you can sort the result data. It contains two properties: exclusion_policy and fields.

  • exclusion_policy string.

    Can be all or none. By default none. Indicates the exclusion strategy that should be used. all means that all fields are not configured explicitly will be excluded. none means that only fields marked with the exclude flag are excluded.

  • fields

    This section describes a configuration of each field that can be used to sort the result data. Each sorter can have the following properties:

    • exclude boolean - Indicates whether sorting by this field should be disabled. By default false.

    • property_path string - The property path to reach the fields’ value. See the property description in the fields configuration section.


                        property_path: firstName
                        exclude: true

actions Configuration Section 

The actions configuration section enables you to specify action-specific options. The options from this section will be added to the entity configuration. If an option exists in the configuration of both the entity and the action, the action option wins. The exception is the exclude option. This option is used to disable an action for a specific entity, and it is not copied to the entity configuration.

  • exclude boolean - Indicates whether the action is disabled for an entity. By default false.

  • description string - A short human-readable description of an API resource. Used in auto-generated documentation only.

  • documentation string - Detailed documentation of an API resource. Used in auto-generated documentation only.

  • acl_resource string - The name of an ACL resource used to protect an entity in scope of this action. Set to null to disable access checks.

  • max_results integer - The maximum number of entities in the result. Set -1 (unlimited), zero, or positive number to set the limit. Can be used to set the limit for both root and related entities.

  • order_by array - The property can be used to configure the default ordering of the result. The item key is the name of a field. The value can be ASC or DESC. By default, the result is ordered by identifier field.

  • page_size integer - The default page size. Set to -1 to disable pagination or a positive number. By default, 10, see the default_page_size option in General Configuration.

  • disable_sorting boolean - Indicates whether to disable the sorting. By default, false.

  • disable_inclusion boolean - The flag indicates whether the inclusion of related entities is disabled. In JSON:API, the include request parameter can be used to customize which related entities should be returned. By default false.

  • disable_fieldset boolean - The flag indicates whether requesting a restricted set of fields is disabled. In JSON:API, the fields request parameter can be used to customize which fields should be returned. By default false.

  • disable_meta_properties string[] or boolean - The names of additional meta properties a requesting of that are disabled or the flag that indicates whether requesting additional meta properties is disabled at all. By default false.

  • upsert array - The configuration of the upsert operation. For details, see Configure Upsert Operation.

  • form_type string - The form type that should be used for the entity.

  • form_options array - The form options to use for the entity. If form_type is not specified, the form options specified here are merged with form options defined at the entity level. If form_type is specified in the action configuration, the action form options completely replace the form options defined at the entity level.

  • form_event_subscriber - The form event subscribers to use for the entity. Can be specified as a service name or array of service names. An event subscriber service should implement the Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface interface. If form_type is not specified, the event subscribers specified here are merged with the event subscribers defined at the entity level. If form_type is specified in the action configuration, the action event subscribers completely replace the event subscribers defined at the entity level.

  • status_codes array - The possible response status codes for the action.

    • exclude boolean - Indicates whether the status code should be excluded for a particular action. This property is described above in “exclude” option section.

    • description string - A human-readable description of the status code. Used in auto-generated documentation only.

  • fields - This section describes entity fields’ configuration specific for a particular action.

    • exclude boolean - Indicates whether the field should be excluded for a particular action. This property is described above in “exclude” option section.

    • property_path string - The property path to reach the fields’ value. Can be used to rename the field or to access a field of the related entity. Use the dot notation to separate property names in the path, e.g. user.firstName. Each property name must be equal to the name of the existing property of an entity. The _ value can be used if a field value is not mapped to any property of an entity, e.g., for computed fields.

    • direction string - Indicates whether the field is input-only, output-only or bidirectional. The input-only means that the request data can contain this field, but the response data cannot. The output-only means that the response data can contain this field, but the request data cannot. The bidirectional is the default behavior and means that both the request data and the response data can contain this field.

    • form_type string - The form type that should be used for the field.

    • form_options array - The form options that should be used for the field.

By default, the following permissions are used to restrict access to an entity within a scope of a specific action:















The following are examples of the actions section configuration.

Disable all action for an entity:

            # this entity does not have own API resource
            actions: false

Disable the delete action for an entity:

                    exclude: true

You can use a short syntax:

                delete: false

Set a custom ACL resource for the get_list action:

                    acl_resource: acme_view_resource

Turn off the access checks for the get action:

                    acl_resource: ~

Add an additional status code for the delete action:

                        417: 'Returned when expectations failed'


                            description: 'Returned when expectations failed'

Remove the existing status code for the delete action:

                        417: false


                            exclude: true

Exclude a field for the update action:

                            exclude: true

subresources Configuration Section 

The subresources configuration section enables you to provide options for sub-resources.

  • exclude boolean - Indicates whether the sub-resource is disabled for entity. By default false.

  • target_class string - The class name of a target entity.

  • target_type string - The type of a target association. Can be to-one or to-many. collection can be used as an alias for to-many. to-one can be omitted as it is used by default.

  • actions array - The actions supported by the sub-resource. This section has the same options as actions configuration section. If an option exists in both the entity actions section and the sub-resource actions section, the sub-resource option wins.

  • filters - The filters supported by the sub-resource. This section has the same options as filters configuration section. If an option exists in both entity “filters” section and sub-resource filters section the sub-resource option wins.

  • sorters - The sorters supported by the sub-resource. This section has the same options as the entity sorters section. If an option exists in both the entity sorters section and the sub-resource sorters section, the sub-resource option wins.


A subresource is accessible via API only if its target entity is also accessible via API. However, there are several exceptions to this rule:

  • if a target entity does not have an identifier

  • if a target entity is EntityIdentifier and at least one entity from a list of acceptable target classes is accessible via API

  • if a target entity is a base class for Doctrine’s inheritance mapping and at least one concrete entity for this mapping is accessible via API


                    target_class: Oro\Bundle\ApiBundle\Model\EntityIdentifier
                    target_type: collection
                            description: Retrieve entities that might be associated with the email
                        get_relationship: false
                        update_relationship: false
                        add_relationship: false
                        delete_relationship: false
                                data_type: string
                                operators: [ '=' ]
                                property_path: _