You are browsing documentation for version 5.1 of OroCommerce, supported until March 2027. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.
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Session Storage
By default, the Oro application is configured to store sessions in files. If multiple servers serve your application, you must use a database to make sessions work across different servers. The recommended database for best performance is Redis. See Configure Redis Servers for more details.
Session Locking Impact on Application Availability
The Oro application needs to use shared session storage in any distributed environment (more than one web node). Redis is one of the best-supported options with high performance. By default, session data is locked to avoid race conditions, and SncRedisBundle, used in Oro to store sessions in Redis, is not an exception.
Such behavior works fine for consecutive requests flow (classic web browsing) but creates many issues for the scenarios where multiple parallel requests are executed within the same session. In the B2B world, a widespread use case is to run real-time price and inventory checks of the products against a back-end ERP application, and in many cases, ERP may respond slowly. To minimize the impact of ERP response time on user experience, such requests are typically executed in parallel using AJAX. This solution can have a critical impact on application availability in production because requests will be hitting session lock and will be queued. In case of multiple concurrent users on the website generating dozens of such AJAX requests, ERP availability and performance will directly impact Oro application availability. In case of slow ERP response, it will cause requests queue overflow.
There are a few options to overcome availability issues for this kind of scenario:
snc_redis.session.locking parameter can be set to false to disable session lock. This approach is not recommended as it may cause session data race condition.
Use stateless endpoint without session initialization. Such an approach has a significant downside as it will allow accessing data without authentication stored in the session.
Close the session before accessing any 3rd party system (recommended approach):
public function myAction(Request $request) { $session = $request->getSession(); if (null !== $session && $session->isStarted()) { $session->save(); } // do controller work here }