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Access Control Lists 



Root Node



The acls.yml file of a bundle can contain a map with access control lists. Each key of the map is the unique name of an ACL while the values for each ACL is a map of options:


    # an ACL used to protect an action
        label: Password Management
        type: action
        group_name: ""

    # an ACL used to grant removal permissions to users
        label: Delete Users
        type: entity
        class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\User
        permission: DELETE


type: map

When a controller action should be protected by an ACL, its method must be bound to the ACL. The bindings option expects a map with two keys that refer to the controller to be protected:


The fully qualified class name of the controller class.


The name of the controller action method.


type: string

When the type option is set to entity, the class option is used to decide whether or not the ACL has to be evaluated when checking if a user has access to a certain object. Each object ACL is only responsible for protecting access to a certain kind of objects.


type: string

A human-readable label that can be presented to the users. For example, this label is shown in the role management section of the OroPlatform UI.


type: string

Access can be granted based on the action that should be performed with a domain object. There are four types of permission which can be granted to a user:


By default, when a user creates a new entity, they will be the owner of the newly created object. But if they are granted the ASSIGN permission to other users, organizations, or business units, they can transfer ownership to users for which they have this permission.


This permission is not meant to be used in an ACL.


The user can create new objects of this entity.


The object can be deleted by the user.


The user can modify a particular entity.


New in version 1.9: Support for the SHARE permission will be introduced in OroPlatform release 1.9.

If a user is granted the SHARE permission on other users, organizations, or business units, they can share an entity with those users which means that those users can then view the entity too.


The user is able to see the data of an object.


type: string

The type of resource that should be protected. Possible values are:


A certain action in the user interface that is not bound to a particular domain object or a the type (class) of a domain object.


When using the action type, it is only possible to grant or deny access to a user for a given action. If you want to grant them access for a certain action only for a subset of the data, you can configure ACLs for each object individually by setting the action option to entity and then control the allowed action with the permission option.


When type is set to entity, each domain object can be protected individually which means that access can be granted based on a particular domain object.


type: string

The name of a group to which an ACL belongs to.


type: string

The identifier of an ACL category in which an ACL should be shown in the role management UI.

The configuration of ACL categories is described in Access Control List Categories section.