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Entity Configuration 



Root Node




Both the entity and field options must not be used directly under the entity_config key, but a scope key must be used as an intermediate mapping key:

        # ...

This scope is later referred to with the defaultValues option of the @Config and @ConfigField annotations.

Example of ‘Entity’ Scope Configuration 

    # An example of 'entity' scope configuration
    entity:                                                         # configuration scope name
        entity:                                                     # config block for Entity instance

            form:                                                   # A configuration of a form used to configure an entity
                block_config:                                       #
                    entity:                                         # A name of form block
                        priority:           20                      # A display order (sort order) of this form block. This is an optional attribute
                        title:              'General'               # A title of this form block
                        subblocks:                                  # Form sub blocks configuration
                                title:      'General Information'

            items:                                                  # A configuration of Entity properties

                label:                                              # A property code
                    options:                                        # A property options
                        priority:           20                      # The default sort order (will be used in grid and form if not specified)
                        indexed:            true                    # If a property is filterable or sortable in a data grid it should be indexed

                    grid:                                           # Define how this property is displayed in a data grid (same as in DatagridManager)
                        type:               string
                        label:              'Label'
                        filter_type:        string
                        required:           true
                        sortable:           true
                        filterable:         true
                        show_filter:        true
                    form:                                           # Define how this property is displayed on the Entity update form
                        type:               text                    # A form field type
                            block:          entity                  # A name of form block this field will be rendered ( specified in entity.form.block_config)
                            subblock:       base                    # A name of form sub block this field will be rendered ( specified in entity.form.block_config.subblocks)
                            required:       true                    # Specify whether this field is required or not

        field:                                                      # A configuration of a form used to configure entity field
                        priority:           60
                        indexed:            true
                        type:               boolean
                        label:              'Auditable'
                        filter_type:        boolean
                        required:           true
                        sortable:           true
                        filterable:         true
                        show_filter:        false
                        type:               choice
                            choices:        ['No', 'Yes']
                            empty_value:    false
                            block:          entity
                            label:          'Auditable'
                        use_in_template: true                       # Specify whether this config item should be available in the import fields template
                        value: Yes                                  # The value of the item in import template example data


type: map

Options defined under the entity key can be applied on the class level using the @Config annotation. Refer to the field option to define config options that can be applied to individual class properties.


type: map

This options can be used to configure some global form options. This is mostly useful for adding custom blocks to the form. This is done with the block_config option which is a map in which the keys are block names and the values are the options that configure the custom blocks:

title (type: string)

The block title which will be passed to the translator before being displayed.

priority (type: integer default: 0)

The block’s priority which is used to control the order in which form blocks are rendered.


type: map

The keys of this map are the names of your custom config options. The values for each option are used to control how the options are presented in the UI that lets the modify configuration values:

constraints (type: map)

Validation constraints that must be applied to values that are submitted by the user. Have a look at the validation constraints reference section of the Symfony documentation to see how to set up validation constraints.

form (type: map)

Configures the form field that is used to make the option value configurable:

type (type: string)

A form type name.

options (type: map)

Additional options that will be passed to the form type through the form builder.

grid (type: map)

This map configures how the option will be presented in the data grid views in the entity management interface. Have a look at the columns option of the datagrid configuration reference for all available options.

options (type: map)

Some basic options are grouped under this key:

auditable (type: boolean default: false)

Changes to the option value will be tracked when the field is audited.

indexed (type: boolean default: false)

When enabled, values of this option will be indexed which may increase performance when you query for particular values of the config option.

priority (type: integer)

This controls the order in which fields are rendered when they are modified. Fields with a higher priority are rendered first.

translatable (type: boolean default: false)

By default, the values configured by the user will be treated as is. They will be passed to the translator if the translatable options is enabled.

required_property (type: map default: null)

The configuration property item and value required for this item to be displayed. If the required property item is located in the same scope, then the change of the required property triggers the AJAX request that reloads the form to update the list of displayed fields.

code (type: string)

The configuration property item name required for this item to be displayed.

value (type: string)

The configuration property item value required for this item to be displayed.

config_id (type: map)

scope (type: string)

The scope of the configuration property item required for this item to be displayed. For example: entity, extend, attachment, etc. If empty, the current scope is used.

required_properties (type: collection default: null)

A collection of required configuration property items. The structure of each item is the same as in the required_property option.


type: map

Under this key, options that are applied on the field level will be configured:


type: map

You can use the same options to configure entity fields that you can use when configuring options for an entity class.

Additional options:

import_export (type: map)

Configures the usage of the config item during import or export:

import_template (type: map)

Configures the usage of the config item during import:

use_in_template (type: boolean)

Specify whether this config item should be available in the import fields template.

value (type: mixed)

The value of the item in the import template example data. If this item does not exist in the configuration, the empty value will be added to the template demo data.

Dump Reference Structure 

Use the oro:entity:config:dump-reference command to dump the reference structure for Resources/config/oro/entity.yml:

php bin/console oro:entity:config:dump-reference