
You are browsing documentation for version 5.1 of OroCommerce, supported until March 2027. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

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Once the ORO application is installed, you can access it at the following link

Email Templates 

Communicating with customers is an integral part of every business. In OroPlatform, an email address is represented by the Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Entity\EmailAddress class.

When creating emails, you can reuse frequently sent text. For this, they can create templates and reuse them as needed. In addition to enabling the users to create and manage templates through the UI, every bundle can provide its own email templates.

To provide mail templates, create Twig templates for the desired format (namely HTML or plaintext) in which you can use pre-defined placeholders to define template metadata. Then you create a data fixture that implements the AbstractEmailFixture class. This class provides a getEmailsDir() method, which should return the path of the directory that contains your templates:

 namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Migrations\Data\ORM;

 use Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Migrations\Data\ORM\AbstractEmailFixture;

 class EmailTemplatesFixture extends AbstractEmailFixture
      * @inheritDoc
     public function getEmailsDir()
         return $this->container

The format of the email template is determined based on the filename extension you use:


Email Format

.html.twig, .html


.txt.twig, .txt


HTML is used as the default format if none could be derived from the filename extension.

Template Metadata 

Additionally to the email body, the template must contain some particular parameters to add metadata to the template:






The fully-qualified class name of the email owner entity (for example Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\Applicant).



The email subject.



The template name that is visible in the UI (the filename without the extension is used when this parameter is not set).



Set it to 1 to indicate that this is a system template.



If set to 1 and @isSystem is 1 too, the template can be edited in the user interface.


The details on template variables are described in details in the relevant email documentation.

Sending Emails 

Create an Email 

An email that is created and sent by OroPlatform is centered around the Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Form\Model\Email model class which reflects all the properties of an email.

There are two ways to create a new email:

  1. Manually create an email

  2. Use the email builder class

Create an Email Manually 

You can manually create an email by creating a new instance of the Email model class and call the setter methods for all the properties you want to be set:

 namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Controller;

 use Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Form\Model\Email;
 use Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Form\Model\EmailAttachment;
 use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;

 class EmailController extends AbstractController
     public function sendMailAction()
         $email = new Email();

         // the sender

         // recipient(s)
         $email->setTo(['', '']);

         // CC recipient(s)
         $email->setCc(['', '']);

         // BCC recipient(s)
         $email->setBcc(['', '']);

         // the subject

         // a template to create the email body, the passed template
         // must be an instance of Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Entity\EmailTemplate

         // a context that will be passed to the template set with setTemplate()

         // the email type (either html or text)

         // as an alternative to using a template (see above) you can also
         // directly set the email body

         // email attachments (instances of  Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Form\Model\EmailAttachment

         // ...

The EmailModelBuilder Class 

An alternative approach to manually creating Email models is to use the EmailModelBuilder helper class which offers several methods to create new emails based on existing data:

After emails have been processed (see below), they will be persisted to the database. You can create an email model based on such a persisted entity by using the useful EmailModelBuilder helper class:

 namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Controller;

 use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;

 class EmailController extends AbstractController
     public function sendMailAction()
         // ...

Send the Email 

When you create your email model, you can use the integrated mailer processor, responsible for sending the email and persisting it to the database (which also creates the needed contexts to customers, users, and so on):

 namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Controller;

 // ...

 class EmailController extends AbstractController
     public function sendMailAction()
         $email = new Email();
         // ...

         $processor = $this->get('oro_email.sender.email_model_sender');

When calling the Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Sender\EmailModelSender::send the mailer sender performs the following steps:

  1. It creates a new \Symfony\Component\Mime\Email instance and populates it with the data from your \Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Form\Model\Email object.

  2. If you did not pass an \Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Entity\EmailOrigin object, which should be used to associate the mail in the user interface, the sender would create one based on the sender address and the selected organization.

  3. The email will be sent based on your application’s Mailer configuration (if the current user configured a custom SMTP server in their settings, the configured server would be used instead).

  4. The sent email is persisted to the database storing all necessary information to be able to view it again in the future through the user interface.

  5. All the persisted data is returned as an instance of the Oro\EmailBundle\Entity\EmailUser.

Receive Email Notifications 

Sometimes you want to receive emails when entities of a particular class are written to the database. To achieve this, OroPlatform comes with the NotificationBundle. This bundle registers an event listener executed whenever a Doctrine entity is created, updated, or removed.

To be notified of such an event, you have to create an Oro\Bundle\NotificationBundle\Entity\EmailNotification that contains all the necessary information. The easiest way to register a new EmailNotification is to create data fixtures:

 namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Migrations\Data\ORM;

 use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\AbstractFixture;
 use Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectManager;
 use Oro\Bundle\NotificationBundle\Entity\EmailNotification;
 use Oro\Bundle\NotificationBundle\Entity\RecipientList;

 class CreateCommentNotification extends AbstractFixture
      * @inheritDoc
     public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
         $notification = new EmailNotification();

         // the FQCN of the entity

         // the event to be notified of, pre-defined event names are
         // oro.notification.event.entity_post_update, oro.notification.event.entity_post_remove
         // and oro.notification.event.entity_post_persist

         // recipients must be an instance of Oro\Bundle\NotificationBundle\Entity\RecipientList
         // which represents a collection of recipients, each recipient can either be an email
         // address, a User object, or a Group object
         $recipients = new RecipientList();
         $groupRepository = $manager->getRepository('Oro\Bundle\UserBundle\Entity\Group');
         $group = $groupRepository->findOneByName('Moderator');


         // the EmailTemplate that is used to render the email body
         $emailTemplateRepository = $manager->getRepository('Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Entity\EmailTemplate');
         $template = $emailTemplateRepository->findByName('comment_created_notification');


Email Address Owners 

Each email address is owned by exactly one entity. In OroPlatform, User entities and Contact entities can be owners of an email address. Suppose you want to use the CRM to track all people applying to your company. You will then probably create an Applicant entity and want to associate an email address to each of them. To let your own entities own an email address, you have to follow a few steps:

  1. Create an entity responsible for storing the email address.

  2. Create a new owner of an email address.

  3. Publish a provider that makes it possible to search for the owner of a particular email address.

  4. Update the database schema and clear the cache.

Implement the Email Entity 

Each entity owning an email address must have its own email entity that implements the Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Entity\EmailInterface. This interface defines four methods:

  • getEmailField() - Returns the name of the database table column that holds the actual email address.

  • getId() - A unique identifier to find a particular email address entity in the database.

  • getEmail() - This method returns the actual email address.

  • getEmailOwner() - The entity that owns a certain email address.

Sample Email entity:

 namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity;

 use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
 use Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Entity\EmailInterface;

  * @ORM\Entity()
 class ApplicantEmail implements EmailInterface
      * @ORM\Id
      * @ORM\Column(type="integer", name="id")
      * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
     private $id;

      * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
     private $email;

      * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Applicant", inversedBy="emails")
     private $applicant;

      * @inheritDoc
     public function getEmailField()
         return 'email';

      * @inheritDoc
     public function getId()
         return $this->id;

      * @inheritDoc
     public function getEmail()
         return $this->email;

      * @inheritDoc
     public function getEmailOwner()
         return $this->applicant;

An Email Owner 

The entity that is the owner of the email address has to implement the Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Entity\EmailOwnerInterface:

  • getClass() - The fully qualified class name of the entity.

  • getEmailFields() - A list of properties of the entity that represent valid email addresses. You can specify more

    than one property here.

  • getId() - A unique identifier to identify a particular owner entity.

  • getFirstName() - The first name of the email address owner. It will be used to build proper recipient names

    when sending emails.

  • getLastName() - The last name of the email address owner. It will be used to build proper recipient names

    when sending emails.

For the Applicant entity, the implementation should be similar to the following:

 namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity;

 use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
 use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
 use Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Entity\EmailOwnerInterface;

  * @ORM\Entity()
 class Applicant implements EmailOwnerInterface
      * @ORM\Id
      * @ORM\Column(type="integer", name="id")
      * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
     private $id;

      * @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="ApplicantEmail", mappedBy="applicant", orphanRemoval=true, cascade={"persist"})
     private $emails;

      * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
     private $firstName;

      * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
     private $lastName;

      * @inheritDoc
     public function getClass()
         return 'Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\Applicant';

      * @inheritDoc
     public function getEmailFields()
         return ['email'];

      * @inheritDoc
     public function getId()
         return $this->id;

      * @return Collection
     public function getEmails()
         return $this->emails;

      * @inheritDoc
     public function getFirstName()
         return $this->firstName;

      * @inheritDoc
     public function getLastName()
         return $this->lastName;

Implement EmailOwnerProviderInterface 

To make the application able to find the owner of a certain email address, you have to create a provider that implements the Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Entity\Provider\EmailOwnerProviderInterface. This interface contains the following methods:

  • getEmailOwnerClass() - Gets the class of an email address owner entity (the class implementing the EmailOwnerInterface which is the Applicant class in the example above).

  • findEmailOwner() - Finds an entity object that is an owner of an email address or null if no such owner exists. The returned object must be an instance of the class specified by the getEmailOwnerClass() method.

getOrganizations() - Gets the list of organization IDs where an email address is used.

getEmails() - Gets the list of email addresses for an organization.

The provider class should then look like this:

 namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\Provider;

 use Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\Applicant;
 use Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\ApplicantEmail;
 use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
 use Oro\Bundle\BatchBundle\ORM\Query\BufferedQueryResultIterator;
 use Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Entity\EmailOwnerInterface;
 use Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Entity\Provider\EmailOwnerProviderInterface;

 class EmailOwnerProvider implements EmailOwnerProviderInterface
      * @inheritDoc
     public function getEmailOwnerClass(): string
         return Applicant::class;

      * @inheritDoc
     public function findEmailOwner(EntityManagerInterface $em, string $email): ?EmailOwnerInterface
         /** @var ApplicantEmail|null $emailEntity */
         $emailEntity = $em->getRepository(ApplicantEmail::class)->findOneBy(['email' => $email]);
         if (null === $emailEntity) {
             return null;

         return $emailEntity->getEmailOwner();

      * @inheritDoc
     public function getOrganizations(EntityManagerInterface $em, string $email): array
         $rows = $em->createQueryBuilder()
             ->from(ApplicantEmail::class, 'e')
             ->select('IDENTITY(a.organization) AS id')
             ->join('e.owner', 'a')
             ->where(' = :email')
             ->setParameter('email', $email)

         $result = [];
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $result[] = (int)$row['id'];

         return $result;

      * @inheritDoc
     public function getEmails(EntityManagerInterface $em, int $organizationId): iterable
         $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
             ->from(ApplicantEmail::class, 'e')
             ->join('e.owner', 'a')
             ->where('a.organization = :organizationId')
             ->setParameter('organizationId', $organizationId)
         $iterator = new BufferedQueryResultIterator($qb);
         foreach ($iterator as $row) {
             yield $row['email'];

You then need to create a service for the new EmailOwnerProvider class and tag it with the oro_email.owner.provider tag to make the application aware of the new email provider:

         class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\Provider\EmailOwnerProvider
             - { name: oro_email.owner.provider, order: 3 }

Refresh the Database Schema 

Update the database schema and clear the application cache:

# update the database schema
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

# warm up the application cache
php bin/console cache:warmup

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