You are browsing documentation for version 5.1 of OroCommerce, supported until March 2027. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.
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Accelerate Import
This article contains several recommendation about import process acceleration, explained below.
Make Sure Xdebug is Disabled
Xdebug is a very useful debug tool for PHP, but at the same time it adds lots of overhead, especially for heavy and long
operations. Xdebug status can be checked with php -m
# xdebug is enabled
$ php -m | grep xdebug
# xdebug is disabled (no result)
$ php -m | grep xdebug
To disable it, a developer has to remove or comment inclusion of Xdebug library (usually this should be done in php.ini).
Run Import Operation from the Command Line
Import from the UI is good for relatively small amount of data (up to 1000 entities), but if you need to import thousands
or millions of entities the command line is your best choice. OroPlatform provides the CLI command oro:import:file
that allows to import records from the specified CSV file.
$ php bin/console oro:import:file --help
oro:import:file [options] [--] <file>
oro:import:file --email=<email> --jobName=<job> --processor=<processor> <file>
oro:import:file --validation --email=<email> --jobName=<job> --processor=<processor> <file>
file CSV file name
--jobName=JOBNAME Import job name
--processor=PROCESSOR Import processor name
--validation Only validate data instead of import
--email=EMAIL Email to send the import log to
Here is a small example of its usage:
$ php bin/console oro:import:file ~/Contact_2000.csv
Choose Processor:
[0] oro_contact.add_or_replace
[1] oro_contact.add
> 0
Choose Job:
[0] entity_import_from_csv
[1] category_import_from_csv
> 0
Scheduled successfully. The result will be sent to the email
Perform Import in the Prod Environment
The default environment for CLI is dev. In dev environment the application stores lots of data generally not required for real-life usage.
Therefore, it is recommended to run import in prod environment so it would finish much faster. To do so you should add
the --env=prod
option to your import command:
$ php bin/console oro:import:file ~/Contact_2000.csv --env=prod
Skip Import File Validation
During regular import operation, the validation process is performed twice: first, during the validation itself and then
before saving imported entities (invalid entities will not be saved to the DB). Initial validation can be skipped and
import can be performed without it. To do so, start the import command in no interaction mode with the --no-interaction
$ php bin/console oro:import:file ~/Contact_2000.csv --processor=oro_contact.add --jobName=entity_import_from_csv --no-interaction
Scheduled successfully. The result will be sent to the email
This trick can be very useful if you need to perform import on regular basis (e.g. by cron using external source).
Disable Optional Listeners
With OroPlatform you can disable some event listeners for the command execution. The oro:platform:optional-listeners
command shows the list of all such listeners:
$ bin/console oro:platform:optional-listeners
List of optional doctrine listeners:
> oro_dataaudit.listener.send_changed_entities_to_message_queue
> oro_notification.docrine.event.listener
> oro_search.index_listener
> oro_workflow.listener.event_trigger_collector
To disable these listeners the --disabled-listeners
option can be used. Also this option can receive value “all” -
it will disable all optional listeners. Here is an example:
$ bin/console oro:import:file ~/Contact_2000.csv --disabled-listeners=all
Remember that disabling listeners actually disables part of the backend functionality, so before using it
make sure this part is not required. E.g., if the oro_search.index_listener
listener is disabled, then
imported entities will not be found by the search engine (however, this may be fixed by manual search reindex
using the oro:search:reindex
command, which rebuilds the search index).
Write Custom Import Strategy
OroPlatform provides Oro\Bundle\ImportExportBundle\Strategy\Import\ConfigurableAddOrReplaceStrategy
to be used as the default one. This strategy automatically handles field types, relations etc.
However, all this functionality significantly slows down the import process and might perform
operations and requests that are not required for some specific cases.
To solve this issue, a developer can implement a custom strategy to perform required actions only. The following example shows services that should be created to add a new import strategy:
# Custom strategy
class: Oro\Bundle\ContactBundle\ImportExport\Strategy\ContactAddOrUpadteOrDeleteStrategy
parent: oro_importexport.strategy.add
# Processor for custom strategy
parent: oro_importexport.processor.import_abstract
- [setStrategy, ['']]
- { name: oro_importexport.processor, type: import, entity: 'Oro\Bundle\ContactBundle\Entity\Contact', alias: orocrm_contact.add }
- { name: oro_importexport.processor, type: import_validation, entity: 'Oro\Bundle\ContactBundle\Entity\Contact', alias: orocrm_contact.add }