
You are browsing documentation for version 5.1 of OroCommerce, supported until March 2027. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

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Use Authentication and Authorization in WebSocket Connections 

Despite the fact that WebSocket connections can be used to distribute messages to all site visitors independently of their roles and permissions (e.g., to notify all visitors about new publications in the Company News section), in most cases WebSocket messages are intended for a limited number of users that have appropriate permissions or interests to publish or view messages in a particular topic.

To achieve this requirement, OroSyncBundle provides mechanisms for automatic client authentication.

All clients receive authentication tickets at the beginning of the connection. Before connecting, the client must receive the connection ticket and pass it as the ticket query parameter in the connection URL.

For the frontend clients, the authentication ticket can be received by calling the POST request to the oro_sync_ticket route. The response to this request is the JSON object with a ticket field containing a one-time authentication ticket.

If the client is a backend client, the authentication ticket can be received by calling the generateTicket method of the oro_sync.authentication.ticket_provider service.

A ticket can be of two types:

  1. Representing an authenticated user.

  2. Representing an anonymous client.

The anonymous client ticket could be used only from the backend to publish messages using the WebSocket client service.

The anonymous ticket is generated using a secret key in the application configuration and cannot be created without this key.

Authentication tickets have a limited lifetime of 300 seconds by default.

If the authentication is successful, the client is able to subscribe and send new messages to topics.