
You are browsing documentation for version 5.1 of OroCommerce, supported until March 2026. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.

Content Blocks 

An administrator can modify a predefined marketing content in the frontend by editing the defined content blocks.

The ContentBlock entity fields consist of:


A unique identifier that can be used in the layout to render a block.


A collection of scopes that defines the conditions for the content block to be displayed. For more information, refer to the OroScopeBundle documentation.


A localized block title that can be rendered along with the scope.


A collection of the TextContentVariant entities. Each content variant has a scope that defines when it should be rendered. Only one content variant with the most suitable scope is rendered at a time. If there is no suitable content variant, the default one is rendered instead.

Manage Content Blocks 

An administrator can edit the defined content blocks in the Marketing > Content Blocks menu.

Create a Content Block 

You can create content blocks with a collection of predefined content variants using data migrations:

use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\AbstractFixture;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectManager;

use Oro\Bundle\CMSBundle\Entity\ContentBlock;
use Oro\Bundle\CMSBundle\Entity\TextContentVariant;
use Oro\Bundle\LocaleBundle\Entity\LocalizedFallbackValue;

class LoadHomePageSlider extends AbstractFixture
    public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
        $slider = new ContentBlock();

        $title = new LocalizedFallbackValue();
        $title->setString('Block title');

        $variant = new TextContentVariant();
        $variant->setContent('<p>Block content</p>');


Render a Content Block in the Layout 

Content blocks can be rendered by unique aliases using the content_block block type:

        - '@add':
            id: marketing_block # unique layout block id
            parentId: page_content
            blockType: content_block
                alias: marketing-block # unique content block id


An administrator can rename or delete defined content blocks. So if there is no content block with a defined alias, this may be caused by a typo in a block name or non-existence of the block itself, nothing is rendered, and no errors are displayed. A notice message is written to log.

If you have rendered a content block to the layout but nothing is displayed, check whether:

  • The content block is enabled

  • The content block has at least one suitable scope or has no scope at all, which means the block is rendered without any restriction.