
You are browsing documentation for version 5.1 of OroCommerce, supported until March 2027. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

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OroSalesBundle adds sales leads and sales opportunities entities to enable sales representative activities in Oro applications.

The bundle provides UI to manage these records and allows back-office administrators to enable and disable the functionality in the system configuration UI.


You can find sales-related user documentation in the Manage Sales in the Back-Office and Workflows documentation.

Sales Customer Relations 

Sales Entities Account Associations 

You can associate the sales lead and opportunity entities with a customer entity. This option enables you to configure this relation and display a particular form type to choose or create a customer from any allowed types of customers in the application. You can define the icon image, choose a grid and create a form route data. Customer information will be displayed on the opportunity, lead view, and entity edit pages.

Migration Extension 

To enable the association, create a migration and add a relation to the opportunity and the lead. Use migration extension CustomerExtension.

Migration example:

class YourMigration implements Migration, CustomerExtensionAwareInterface
    use CustomerExtensionTrait;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function up(Schema $schema, QueryBag $queries)
        $this->customerExtension->addCustomerAssociation($schema, 'target_customer_table');

Icon Provider 

You can define the icon image for your associated customer entity. This image appears on the list of customers in the form type component. To define this icon, create a class that implements CustomerIconProviderInterface and register the class as a service with tag oro_sales.customer_icon.


class CustomerIconProvider implements CustomerIconProviderInterface
    const CUSTOMER_ICON_FILE = 'bundles/yourbundlename/img/customer-logo.png';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getIcon($entity)
        if (!$entity instanceof Customer) {
            return null;

        return new Image(Image::TYPE_FILE_PATH, ['path' => '/' . self::CUSTOMER_ICON_FILE]);

service.yml file:

    class: Oro\Bundle\YourBundle\Provider\Customer\CustomerIconProvider
        - { name: oro_sales.customer_icon }

Entity Configuration 

For the correct work of the customer integration function, configure an option for the customer entity. First, add the default grid configuration. If you want to create an option to enable for type component, add the routeCreate option to the config.


 * @ORM\Entity()
 * @ORM\Table(name="your_customer")
 * @Config(
 *      routeCreate="your_customer_entity_create",
 *      defaultValues={
 *          "grid"={
 *              "default"="your-customer-select-grid"
 *          },
 *      }
 * )
class Customer implements ExtendEntityInterface