
You are browsing documentation for version 5.1 of OroCommerce, supported until March 2026. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.

Sending Emails in Workflows and Actions (Operations) 

Send Email Action 

Class: Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Workflow\Action\SendEmail

Alias: send_email

Description: Send email to recipient with defined subject and body


  • class - class name of created object;

  • attribute - attribute that will contain entity instance;

  • from - email address in From field (required);

  • to - email address in To field (required);

  • subject - email template name (required);

  • body - entity parameter (required);

Configuration Example

- '@send_email':
    attribute: $attr
    from: ''
    to: ''
    subject: 'Subject'
    body: 'Body'

Send Email Template Action 

Class: Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Workflow\Action\SendEmailTemplate

Alias: send_email_template

Description: Send email to choose recipient with defined template


  • class - class name of created object;

  • attribute - attribute that will contain entity instance;

  • from - email address in From field (required);

  • to - email address in To field (required if no ‘recipients’ option);

  • recipients - receiver objects (required if no ‘to’ option)

  • template - email template name (required);

  • entity - entity parameter (required);

Configuration Example

- '@send_email_template':
    attribute: $attr
    from: ''
    to: ''
    template: 'template_name'
    entity: $entity
    recipients: [$customerUser]