
You are browsing documentation for version 5.1 of OroCommerce, supported until March 2027. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.

CLI Commands (TranslationBundle) 


The oro:translation:dump command dumps the translations used by JavaScript code into the predefined public resource files.

php bin/console oro:translation:dump

The --locale option can be used to dump translations only for the specified locales:

php bin/console oro:translation:dump --locale=<locale1> --locale=<locale2> --locale=<localeN>


The oro:translation:load command loads translations to the database.

php bin/console oro:translation:load

The --languages option can be used to limit the list of the loaded languages:

php bin/console oro:translation:load --languages=<language1> --languages=<language2> --languages=<languageN>

The --rebuild-cache option will trigger the translation cache rebuild after the translations are loaded:

php bin/console oro:translation:load --rebuild-cache


To rebuilds the translation cache, use the following commad:

php bin/console oro:translation:rebuild-cache


The oro:translation:update command downloads and installs a new version of translations for a specified language:

php bin/console oro:translation:update <language>

The --all option can be used to download and update translations for all installed languages:

php bin/console oro:translation:update --all

The command will print the list of all languages installed in the application if run without any options:

php bin/console oro:translation:update


The oro:translation:dump-files command dumps translations from the database or Crowdin to files into the translations directory of the application.

php bin/console oro:translation:dump-files --locale=en_US

By default, the translations are dumped from the database. You can load translations to the database via the back-office UI or via the oro:translation:load command.

To dump from the Crowdin use the --source option:

php bin/console oro:translation:dump-files --locale=en_US --source=crowdin

To determine whether only new translations should be applied to existing dumped files, use the --new-only option:

php bin/console oro:translation:dump-files --locale=en_US --new-only

The default format of the dumped translations is YAML. To specify another format, use the --format option:

php bin/console oro:translation:dump-files --locale=en_US --format=xlf