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Widget is a UI element that is placed inside a widget container. Most widgets are backend actions.
Examples of widgets are: contact information, opportunity information, address book, add address form, import form, workflow transitions, etc.
Widget container is part of UI where widgets are shown. A Widget Container can show different types of widgets.
Examples of implemented BAP widget containers:
Dialog windows
Content blocks
Widgets are created to give developers the ability to use one content inside different containers on frontend.
HTML can be used as content (a fragment of a page or the whole page) generated separately by the method of a controller.
System may have different containers: dialog windows, blocks, etc. Also widgets provides additional functionality around widget content: remote content loading, widget actions handling, embedded forms processing. Widget manager adds the ability of widget-to-widget, widget-to-page and page-to-widget interaction based on Backbone events and direct usage of widgets API. Each widget on page has a unique widget identifier.
JS Modules Services
oroui/js/widget-manager - Widget manager
oro/block-widget - Block widget
oro/buttons-widget - Buttons widget
oro/dialog-widget - Dialog widget
oroui/js/widget/abstract-widget - Abstract widget, cannot be used standalone
Widget is any controller/action or static content rendered inside the widget container.
@Template annotation supports the _widgetContainer
request variable, based on which an appropriate template is chosen by the following rule:
<widgetContainer>/<action>.<format>.<templateEngine> (dialog/example.html.twig)
When no template for a specific container is found, the widget/<action>.<format>.<templateEngine> (widget/example.html.twig)
template is rendered.
If no such template is found, then the default template for action is rendered (example.html.twig).
Widgets may be rendered with twig function oro_widget_render($options)
Twig template for the widget content must have a div
element with class widget-content
as its root element for the widget to work properly with other elements on the page:
<div class="widget-content">
Frontend Widget Container
A widget container is responsible for displaying a widget, and loading widget data from the server. Widget containers are Backbone views, so you can use all Backbone views features, like events. You need to place widget content inside element with class widget-content. Widget container adds AJAX handling for included form. A widget container provides the functionality for actions with different action areas. All form actions are moved to the adopted actions section if they are placed in an element with class widget-actions.
Widget container adds _widgetContainer=<widgetContainerType>&_wid=<widgetIdentifier>
to all requests.
_widgetContainer variable is used to determine the proper template for the current container;
_wid variable can be used by widget to get an instance of a widget container from the widget manager.
Dialog window showns widget content in a dialog window
Button shows only included content without a title or actions
Block displays embedded widget content on a page
abstract-widget.js options
type - widget type name
el - widget element selector (inherit from Backbone.View options)
actionsEl - selector or element from which widget actions will be adopted
url - URL used to load remote content
elementFirst - flag, if set and both element and url are given then on first load element content will be used to render widget without AJAX request
title - widget title
alias - widget alias
wid - unique widget identifier
loadingMaskEnabled - flag, indicated enabled state of loading mask
loadingElement - element, hidden under loading mask. By default el is used. To hide the whole page, use the ‘body’ selector.
abstract-widget.js events
Widget container events:
widgetRemove - triggered when widget is removed
adoptedFormSubmitClick - triggered when adopted form submit button is clicked
adoptedFormResetClick - triggered when adopted form reset button is clicked
adoptedFormSubmit - triggered when adopted form is submitted
reset - triggered when adopted form is reset
beforeContentLoad - triggered before content loading started
contentLoad - triggered on content load
contentLoadError - triggered in case of content loading error
widget:add:action:section:action_key - triggered when action is added, triggered when action is added, section is action section name passed to addAction method, section is action section name passed to addAction method, action_key is action name passed to addAction method
renderStart - triggered before widget rendering
widgetRender - triggered on widget rendering
renderComplete - triggered on widget rendering complete
Global events triggered on mediator:
widget_remove - triggered on mediator when widget is removed
widget_initialize - triggered on mediator when widget is created
widget:render:wid - triggered on widget render, wid is widget identifier string
abstract-widget.js Methods
addAction(key, section, actionElement)
Add action element to specified section
Name |
Type |
Description |
key |
string |
action name |
section |
string |
section name |
actionElement |
HTMLElement |
getAction(key, section, callback)
Get action element when after render.
Name |
Type” |
Description |
key |
string |
action name |
section |
string |
section name |
callback |
function |
callback method for processing action element |
getActions() → {Object}
Get all registered actions
Returns: Type: Object
Get actions container element
getAlias() → {string|null}
Get widget alias
Returns: Type: string or null
getWid() → {string}
Get unique widget identifier
Returns: Type: string
hasAction(key, section) → {boolean}
Check action availability.
Name |
Type |
Description |
key |
string |
action name |
section |
string |
section name |
Returns: Type: boolean
loadContent(data, method)
Load content
Name |
Type |
Description |
data |
Object or null |
method |
String or null |
Remove widget
removeAction(key, section)
Remove action from section
Name |
Type |
Description |
key |
string |
action name |
section |
string |
section name |
Render widget
Set widget title.
Name |
Type |
Description |
title |
string |
Set url
Name |
Type |
Description |
url |
string |
Add data-wid attribute to the given element.
Name |
Type |
Description |
el |
HTMLElement |
General implementation of show logic.
block-widget.js options
titleContainer - selector for title container inside template
contentContainer - selector for content container inside template
contentClasses - additional CSS classes added to content element
template - widget underscore template
dialog-widget.js options
dialogOptions - Extended ui.dialog options
stateEnabled - flag, enables window state saving, enabled by default
incrementalPosition - flag, enables window incremental positioning, enabled by default
mobileLoadingBar: flag, enables loading bar for dialog on mobile devices, enabled by default
desktopLoadingBar: flag, enables loading bar for dialog on desktop, disabled by default
Frontend Widget Manager
Widget manager is a mediator that allow different parts of system, including widgets themselves, interact with widget container instances by unique widget identifier or by widget alias. Widget manager contains registry of all widget container instances present on page. Widget instance registering/removing performed automatically on widget_initialize/widget_remove events.
Interaction Example
Let’s assume that a widget needs to trigger a formSave event when a form is successfully saved.
Page content
<div id="poll-widget" {{ UI.renderPageComponentAttributes({
'module': 'your/widget/creator'
Create a js module that creates widget 'your/widget/creator'
as shown in the example below; please remember to add this module to the list of dynamic-imports
in jsmodules.yml
import widgetManager from 'oroui/js/widget-manager';
import BlockWidget from 'oro/block-widget';
export default function(options) {
var widgetInstance = new BlockWidget({
el: '#poll-widget',
url: '/my-poll-widget',
title: 'Satisfaction survey'
widgetInstance.on('formSave', function() {
alert('Form saved');
Widget content
<div class="widget-content">
<form action="/my-poll-widget" method="post">
<label for="variant">Are you satisfied</label>
<select name="variant" id="variant">
<option value="yes">Yes</option>
<option value="no">No</option>
<div class="widget-actions">
<button type="submit">Vote</button>
{% if isSaved %}
<div {{ UI.renderPageComponentAttributes({
'module': 'your/widget/handler',
'options': {wid: app.request.get('_wid')}
{% endif %}
Create a js module with the handler definition 'your/widget/handler'
as shown in the example below; please remember to add this module to the list of 1`dynamic-imports1` in 1jsmodules.yml1.
import widgetManager from 'oroui/js/widget-manager';
export default function(options) {
widgetManager.getWidgetInstance(options.wid, widget => {
widget-manager.js Events
Global events triggered on mediator:
widget_registration:wid: - triggered when widget instance added
widget-manager.js Methods
resetWidgets() - Reset manager to initial state.
addWidgetInstance(widget) - Add widget instance to registry.
Name |
Type |
Description |
widget |
oroui.widget.AbstractWidget |
widget instance |
getWidgetInstance(wid, callback) - Get widget instance by widget identifier and pass it to callback when became available.
Name |
Type |
Description |
wid |
string |
unique widget identifier |
callback |
function |
widget handler |
getWidgetInstanceByAlias(alias, callback) - Get widget instance by alias and pass it to callback when became available.
Name |
Type |
Description |
alias |
string |
widget alias |
callback |
function |
widget handler |
removeWidget(wid) - Remove widget instance from registry.
Name |
Type |
Description |
wid |
string |
unique widget identifier |
Widget Context Provider
Widget Context Provider provides the possibility to know the current context of the application during rendering. It enables you to customize the application based on the current context. It is registered as DI service named oro_ui.provider.widget_context1. You can inject it as a global variable for twig templates.
Returns whether current widget context is in active state.
Returns unique widget identifier if widget context is active or FALSE otherwise.