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Tips & Tricks
Sketch is a powerful and lightweight tool for creating user interface designs. Each designer tries to improve their skills and optimize design creation workflow. In this section, we will give you tips and tricks on working with Sketch, which will help to solve possible difficulties, inconveniences and increase the speed of work.
Useful Extensions
Runner Pro - Perform Sketch actions quicker with your keyboard. Launch, search, and execute. Having a project with a huge quantity of styles and symbols, it gradually becomes inconvenient to work with them using a native approach. Runner helps you apply a style quickly, insert a character using hotkeys, and use a convenient search to find exactly what you need.
Merge Duplicates - Get rid of duplicate and inconsistent symbols and styles in a breeze. In the work process, while copying a character from one file and pasting it into another, the Sketch creates duplicates, even though the content of each is identical. The plugin allows you to merge duplicate characters, text styles, and layers.
RenameIt - Keep your Sketch files organized, batch rename layers, and artboards. RenameIt allows mass renaming of selected layers, groups, artboards and enables inserting additional parameters in the name, such as counters, element sizes, etc.
Symbol Name Autocomplete - The plugin enables autocompletion of symbol names when creating a symbol. It allows designers to free their minds from a hierarchy of symbols and clearly categorize new symbols when creating them.
Symbol Organizer - Organize your symbols page and the layer list alphabetically and into groups determined by your symbol names. Also, it provides the ability to choose the structure of the groups and layout symbols, either horizontal or vertical, and much more. Now, you do not need to sort elements manually.
Unused Style Remover - During an interface creation, it often happens that the created styles are unfit for use in the end. Use the extension to find unused styles automatically and remove them from your project.
Sketch Image Compressor - A plugin for Sketch that compresses your exported bitmap assets to keep the file size to a minimum.