
You are browsing documentation for version 5.1 of OroCommerce, supported until March 2027. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

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Manage Contacts in the Back-Office 


This section is part of the Customer Management topic that provides a general understanding of accounts, contacts, customers, and customer hierarchy available in the Oro applications.

In your Oro application, you can use contacts to save details of actual people you are getting in touch with during business activities.


For quick guidance, please see a short demo on accounts, contacts and customers.

Create a Contact 


Check out a short video on how to create and edit contact records, or keep reading the step-by-step guidance.

In order to create a contact:

  1. Navigate to Customers > Contacts in the main menu.

  2. Click Create Contact.

  3. In the General section, define the basic settings of the contact created.

    The following fields are mandatory, and must be defined in the section.




    Define users that can manage the contact, subject to the role settings.

    First Name and Last Name

    Name used to refer to the contact in the UI.

    The rest of the fields are optional. You can use them to define additional details of the contact, such as the name prefix and suffix, the middle name, free-text description, emails, phone numbers, birthday, etc.

    • With the optional field Assigned To, you can specify a user record to assign the contact to.

    • With the optional field Reports To, you can specify another contact record that corresponds to a person in charge of the contact added (e.g., department manager, company CEO, etc.).

    • You can also add a picture (upload a picture to be used for the contact in the UI) and/or tags related to the contact.

    • With the Addresses form, you can define the Billing and Shipping addresses of the contact. You can add any number of addresses.

  4. The Groups section contains all the contact groups available in the system. Check the boxes to assign a contact to a group. You can assign one contact to several groups.

  5. The Accounts section contains all the accounts available in the system. Check the boxes to assign a contact to an account. You can assign one contact to several accounts.

View and Manage a Contact 

All contacts available in the system are displayed on the page of all contacts under Customers > Contacts, where you can view, edit, delete, and bulk-delete contacts.

click the delete icon to delete contact

Inline editing can help you amend details of contacts without opening the edit contact form. For contacts, it is available from records’ grids and view pages.

If the Edit Inline icon appears next to a value, you can edit it inline. You can edit contacts inline from the grid the same way.

Illustrate inline editing

Create an Address 

For customers, customer users, and contacts in the Oro application, the address book allows to enter and view account address details.

To add an address to the address book:

  1. Click Add Address in the right corner.

    Click Add Address in the right corner of the selected page

    A popup form appears with the following fields to fill in:




    Defines the type of the address to be entered:

    • Billing

    • Shipping

    • Default Billing

    • Default Shipping

    Note: More than one type can be selected for one address.


    Checking the Primary box marks the address primary. Note that only one primary address is possible. Marking a different address primary will by default delete this mark from the address that has previously been marked Primary.


    Identify the address by adding a label. This can help distinguish addresses if there is more than one address in the address book for one account.

    Name prefix

    If applicable, add a prefix to the name, e.g., Dr., Mrs., etc.

    First name

    Enter the first name of the account representative.

    Middle name

    Enter the middle name of the account representative.

    Last name

    Enter the last name of the account representative.

    Name suffix

    If applicable, add a suffix name, e.g., IV, Jr., etc.


    Specify the organization represented by the account.


    This field is mandatory. Select the country from the list. Selecting a country prompts additional fields to appear (Street, City, State, Zip/postal code, Phone). Street, City, and Zip are mandatory fields.


Either the Organization or the First and Last Name fields are mandatory.

  1. Click Save once you have filled all the fields.

    The address and the map showing the address location is displayed on the right of the address.

    The address and the map are shown on the right of the address

View an Address on the Map 

It is possible to add more addresses to the same account. If you have more than one address on the Address Book page, clicking on one or the other will prompt a map to appear that corresponds to the selected address.

Click an address to trigger the map that corresponds to the selected address

Please be aware that a valid Google API key is required to display maps in the storefront. Please see the back-office settings for more information.

Manage an Address 

  • Mark address as primary - To mark the address as primary, click on the right top of the address background, check the Primary box and click Save. The primary label will move to the updated address.


Delete is disabled for the primary address. To delete the address marked as primary, you must first move the primary label to a different address.

  • Edit an address - To edit an address, click on the top right of the address background, update the address details, and click Save.

  • Delete an address - Delete an address by clicking next to it.