You are browsing documentation for version 5.1 of OroCommerce, supported until March 2027. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.
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Configure Global Theme Settings
In your Oro application, you can control and customize the storefront look and feel.
This can be done on three levels – globally, per organization and website.
You can set the following theme-related options that apply globally by default:
Pre-designed theme for the storefront
The layout for the product page details (default tabbed view, short, two column, or list)
Style of the selector in filters
Display mode for the user menu in the storefront
To configure the storefront theme options globally:
Navigate to System > Configuration in the main menu.
Select Commerce > Design > Theme in the menu to the left.
For faster navigation between the configuration menu sections, use Quick Search.
In the Theme Settings section, configure the following options:
Theme — select the theme from the list. The theme controls general design of the storefront that defines its look and feel. Default and custom themes are available out-of-the-box for the storefront.
For example, this is how the address book looks in the storefront for the default and custom themes:
Product Image Placeholder — select the image file that will appear on the product listing and product view pages for the products that have no associated images to avoid a blank image page.
Category Image Placeholder — select the image file to be applied to the category that has no associated image. The image is usually used in various category widgets (e.g., Featured Categories).
In the Page Templates section, select the product page template from the list.
This page template is used to render the product page in the storefront by default, unless the template is overridden in the product details.
Default template (tabbed), Short page, Two-column page, and List page templates are available out of the box. For preview and more information on these options, see the Manage Product Page Design with Page Templates topic.
In the Filter Settings section, specify how the multi-select filters should look in the storefront. Available options are Drop-down and All at once.
For example, this is how the user menu looks for different values:
All at once
In the Menu Templates section, select the user menu display mode that defines the look and feel of the user menu in the storefront.
For example, this is how the user menu looks for different values:
Show all items at once
Show subitems in a popup
In the Grid Settings section, configure the following options:
Responsive Grids — This option makes storefront grids responsible, realigning row cells to fit various screen sizes.
Swipe Actions Grids — This option enables swipe actions for the storefront grids on mobile devices.
Click Save Settings.