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Set up Environment for OroPlatform Based Application with Docker and Symfony Server 

During development, you can use Docker to run various application services (Postgres, ElasticSearch, RabbitMQ, Redis and MailCatcher), but for simplicity, performance and reliability have PHP and NodeJS installed locally on a host machine.

Set Up the Environment 


There are quick guides to set up Docker and Symfony Server development stack:

Development Stack

  • PHP, Composer, Node.js, and NPM should be installed locally for a better development experience.

  • Symfony Local Web Server is used to make you more productive while developing applications. This server is not intended for production use. It supports HTTP/2, TLS/SSL, automatic generation of security certificates, local domains, and many other features.

  • Docker is used to run application services.

  • Docker Compose is used to manage them all with a single command.


PHP and NodeJS should meet the System Requirements.


To avoid reaching composer API rate limit and to work with enterprise applications, configure GitHub OAuth token:

composer config -g <oauthtoken>

Install the Application 

  1. Get the Oro application source code .

  2. Run application services in the folder with your application:

docker compose up -d


On Linux, it may not work if you use Docker as a root user. In this case, consider adding your user to the “docker” group with:

sudo usermod -aG docker your-user
  1. Install application dependencies:

symfony composer install -n
  1. If you are using an Enterprise edition application, update the parameters.yml file. Skip this step if you are installing a Community edition application.

composer set-parameters redis_dsn_cache='%env(ORO_REDIS_CACHE_DSN)%' redis_dsn_doctrine='%env(ORO_REDIS_DOCTRINE_DSN)%' redis_dsn_layout='%env(ORO_REDIS_LAYOUT_DSN)%'
  1. Install Oro application. This may take up to several minutes:

symfony console oro:install -vvv --sample-data=y --application-url= --user-name=admin --user-firstname=John --user-lastname=Doe --user-password=admin --organization-name=Oro --timeout=0 --env=prod -n
Oro application installation in progress

Use a Symfony Server 

To automatically apply environment variables exposed by Symfony Server from Docker Compose and to use the proper PHP version, you should run all the symfony application commands using symfony console instead of php bin/console. Use symfony php to run php binaries using proper PHP version and expose environment variables from the application services defined with Docker Compose.


On Windows with WSL2 the website is accessible using https://localhost:8000, instead of

Run Symfony Server in a Dev Environment 

symfony server:start -d

Run Symfony Server in a Prod Environment 

symfony server:start -d --passthru=index.php

Open the Application in a Browser 

symfony open:local

Check Application Logs 

symfony server:log

Switch PHP version 

You can have multiple versions of PHP versions locally. To use a specific PHP version for the project, go to the project root folder and run:

echo 8.2 > .php-version

This will switch the php version to 8.2 for Symfony Server and all the console commands wrapped with symfony.

Run Message Consumer in the Background 

symfony run -d php bin/console oro:message-queue:consume -vv

You can also ask symfony to restart the message consumer when changes happen in src/ folder:

symfony run -d --watch=src php bin/console oro:message-queue:consume -vv


You can kill Symfony server processes with command killall <PID>, you can get PID from the symfony server:status output.

Check Symfony Server Status 

symfony server:status

For more details, see: Symfony Local Web Server.

Enable Local Domain Names 

By default, projects are accessible at a random port of the local IP.

You can enable local domains by setting up the Local Proxy.

Manage Application Services 

All application services are defined in the docker-compose.yml file. By default, the docker-compose.yml file shipped with an application has a set of recommended services for each application:

  • For community edition applications: Postgres and MailCatcher.

  • For enterprise edition applications: Postgres, ElasticSearch, RabbitMQ, Redis and MailCatcher.

Override Docker Compose Configuration Locally 

You can use docker-compose.override.yml file to override Docker Compose configuration locally. By default, the file is in .gitignore.


For an enterprise application, you first have to update the parameters.yml file to start working with the application services.

Run Application Services 

docker compose up -d

Check Services Logs 

docker compose logs -f

Check Application Services Status 

docker compose ps

Stop Application Services (No Data Loss) 

docker compose stop

Destroy Application Services with all Volumes (Data Loss) 

docker compose down -v

For more details, see Overview of Docker Compose.

Store Sessions in Redis 

It is not recommended to store sessions on the same redis server as the cache, but for testing purpose, you can enable it with the following command:

composer set-parameters 'env(ORO_SESSION_DSN)'='%env(ORO_REDIS_SESSION_DSN)%'


Environment variable not found: “ORO_REDIS_URL”

This error appears when the Symfony server does not pass environment variables from the Docker Compose to the application.

Make sure that all the application services are up and healthy with docker-compose ps. There should be a redis service in the list.

If the list is empty, run docker compose up -d to start all the services.

An exception occurred while establishing a connection to figure out your platform version

Make sure all the application services are up and healthy with docker compose ps. There should be pgsql service in the list.

If the list is empty, run docker compose up -d to start all the services.