
You are browsing documentation for version 5.1 of OroCommerce, supported until March 2027. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.

Order Confirmation Email 

This template includes all order information details such as shipping and billing addresses, payment details, order date, all available data for each line item, etc.

To access this information, a user can use variables, TWIG functions, and filters when editing the order confirmation email template.

Use the following variables for the Order confirmation email template:

  • entity - an order instance.

Use twig for the Order confirmation email template:


Please, refer to the Email Templates article for the full list of available functions, filters, and tags.


  • oro_order_shipping_method_label — provides a label of a shipping method based on information about the shipping method and shipping method type

  • get_payment_methods — provides information about payment methods based on the instance of Order

  • get_payment_term — provides payment term based on the instance of Order

  • get_payment_status_label — provides a formatted label of a payment status based on the value that could be retrieved by function get_payment_status

  • get_payment_status — provides an internal value of the payment status based on the instance of Order

  • order_line_items — provides Order Line Items data based on the instance of Order

  • line_items_discounts — provides Line Items discounts information based on the instance of Order


  • oro_format_name — returns a text representation of the given object

  • oro_format_date — returns a text representation of the date according to locale settings

  • oro_format_address — formats address according to locale settings

  • oro_format_short_product_unit_value — formats product unit value based on the given product unit. For more examples, see Product Unit Formatting

  • oro_format_price — formats currency number according to locale settings

  • oro_format_currency — formats currency number according to the localized format


Oro\Bundle\CheckoutBundle\Migrations\Data\ORM\UpdateOrderConfirmationEmailTemplate migration modifies the old template to the new one, but only if there was no user customization in it.