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InlineEditableViewComponent ⇐ BaseComponent
Allows to connect inline editors on view pages. Currently used only for tags-editor. See the index of supported editors.
Extends: BaseComponent
{% import '@OroUI/macros.html.twig' as UI %}
<div {{ UI.renderPageComponentAttributes({
module: 'oroform/js/app/components/inline-editable-view-component',
options: {
frontend_type: 'tags',
value: oro_tag_get_list(entity),
fieldName: 'tags',
metadata: {
inline_editing: {
enable: is_granted('oro_tag_assign_unassign'),
save_api_accessor: {
route: 'oro_api_post_taggable',
http_method: 'POST',
default_route_parameters: {
entity: oro_class_name(entity, true),
autocomplete_api_accessor: {
class: 'oroui/js/tools/search-api-accessor',
search_handler_name: 'tags',
label_field_name: 'name'
editor: {
view_options: {
permissions: {
oro_tag_create: is_granted('oro_tag_create')
}) }}></div>
Param |
Type |
Description |
options |
Object |
Options container |
options._sourceElement |
Object |
The element to which the view should be connected (passed automatically when page component is connected through DOM attributes) |
options.frontend_type |
string |
frontend type, please find available keys here |
options.value |
* |
value to edit |
options.fieldName |
string |
field name to use when sending value to server |
options.metadata |
Object |
Editor metadata |
options.metadata.inline_editing |
Object |
inline-editing configuration |
Kind: instance class of InlineEditableViewComponent
new initialize (options)
Param |
Type |
options |
Object |
Resizes editor to base view width
Kind: instance method of the InlineEditableViewComponent