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OAuth Providers for Mailboxes
Out-of-the-box, OroImapBundle provides two OAuth-based Email origin types: Gmail and Microsoft 365.
Google Gmail implementation provides OAuth authentication/authorization via a custom Google application.
Integration configuration is available via System Configuration > Integrations > Google Settings.
Mandatory fields are Client ID and Client Secret. They are located in the Google application management panel.
Option OAuth 2.0 for Gmail emails sync must be enabled. If the provided credentials are invalid, the integration will not be enabled.
Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 implementation provides OAuth authentication/authorization via a custom Microsoft Azure application.
Integration configuration is available via System Configuration > Integrations > Microsoft Settings
Mandatory fields are Client ID, Client Secret, Tenant. They are located in the MS Azure application management panel.
Select Enable Emails Sync in Microsoft 365 Integrations.
Custom Provider Implementation
Implement a new OAuth provider class that inherits from
.Implement a new OAuth manager class that inherits from
.Tag the manager implementation with tag oro_imap.oauth_manager (the service will be automatically picked up and, if the provider is enabled, an additional account type will be available for User Configuration > General Setup > Email Configuration > Email Synchronization Settings > Account Type).
Implement a form type with default Email Origin values for a certain provider (see
and existing inheriting types).Register a route for
for a new OAuth vendor.Implement a custom controller for handling access token (see
and inheriting controllers) and register a route for it.Register custom form block widgets definitions:
Resources/config/oro/twig.yml - add this file to register the global set of definitions of form fields.
bundles: - '@ExampleVendorImap/Form/fields.html.twig'
Create a fields definitions file with the custom definition of the previously defined form field.
{# '@ExampleVendorImap/Form/fields.html.twig' #} {% block example_imap_configuration_type_widget %} {% set data = form.parent.parent.vars.value %} {% set options = form.vars.options|default({})|merge({ {# component options #} }) %} <div class="example-imap-gmail-container" data-page-component-module="examplevendorimap/js/app/components/imap-component" data-page-component-options="{{ options|json_encode }}" > <div {{ block('widget_container_attributes') }}> {# Custom form layout #} {{- form_rest(form) -}} </div> </div> {% endblock %}
Implement JavaScript components:
Create a popup for OAuth initialization (extend
).Create a view managed by the component (extend
).Depending on OAuth implementation from your provider, claim token data via a previously defined controller.
By default, the component/view handles the population of proper DOM elements with the provided token data.