Create Shipping Method Integrations
This topic describes how to add a custom shipping method to your OroCommerce-based store.
It is recommended to manage shipping methods through integrations. Therefore, to create a new shipping method:
Implement an integration for the shipping method
Implement the shipping method itself
Usually, a shipping method has several services to provide a flexible choice of price and delivery time. As an example, we will implement the “Fast Shipping” method — a simple method that requires just the minimum set of options to operate. It will have two services (types): “With present” and “Without present”. Thus, at the end of the topic, you will have the understanding of what steps are necessary to add a workable shipment method and the basic template that you can further extend when the need arises.
Create a Bundle
First, create and enable the FastShippingBundle bundle for your shipping method as described in the How to create a new bundle topic:
In the /src/Acme/Bundle/FastShippingBundle/ directory of your application, create class AcmeFastShippingBundle.php:
namespace Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle;
class AcmeFastShippingBundle extends Bundle
The body of your class can be empty if you use regular case in the name of your organization (i.e. Acme or ACME in our example). getExtension()
is necessary when you use uppercase, as Symfony treats uppercase letters in the organization prefix as separate words when creating aliases.
To enable the bundle, create Resources/config/oro/bundles.yml in the same directory, with the following content:
# Set a priority higher than the priority of the ShippingBundle (i.e. 200) to ensure that all dependencies
# from the ShippingBundle are loaded before the dependent methods of your bundle.
- { name: Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\AcmeFastShippingBundle, priority: 200 }
To fully enable a bundle, you need to regenerate the application cache. However, to save time, you can do it after creation of the shipping integration.
All the files and subdirectories mentioned in the following sections are to be added to the /src/Acme/Bundle/FastShippingBundle/ directory of your application (referred to as <bundle_root>).
Create a Shipping Integration
Create an Entity to Store the Shipping Method Settings
Define an entity that to store the configuration settings of the shipping method in the database. To do this, create <bundle_root>/Entity/FastShippingSettings.php:
namespace Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Entity\Transport;
use Oro\Bundle\LocaleBundle\Entity\LocalizedFallbackValue;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag;
* Entity with settings for Fast Shipping integration
class FastShippingSettings extends Transport
* @var Collection|LocalizedFallbackValue[]
#[ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity: LocalizedFallbackValue::class, cascade: ['ALL'], orphanRemoval: true)]
#[ORM\JoinTable(name: 'acme_fast_ship_transport_label')]
#[ORM\JoinColumn(name: 'transport_id', referencedColumnName: 'id', onDelete: 'CASCADE')]
#[ORM\InverseJoinColumn(name: 'localized_value_id', referencedColumnName: 'id', onDelete: 'CASCADE', unique: true)]
private $labels;
* @var ParameterBag
private $settings;
public function __construct()
$this->labels = new ArrayCollection();
* @return Collection|LocalizedFallbackValue[]
public function getLabels(): Collection
return $this->labels;
public function addLabel(LocalizedFallbackValue $label): FastShippingSettings
if (!$this->labels->contains($label)) {
return $this;
public function removeLabel(LocalizedFallbackValue $label): FastShippingSettings
if ($this->labels->contains($label)) {
return $this;
public function getSettingsBag(): ParameterBag
if (null === $this->settings) {
$this->settings = new ParameterBag([]);
return $this->settings;
As you can see from the code above, the only necessary parameter defined for the FastShipping shipping method is the label
When naming DB columns, make sure that the name does not exceed 31 symbols. Pay attention to the acme_fast_ship_transport_label
name in the following extract:
#[ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity: LocalizedFallbackValue::class, cascade: ['ALL'], orphanRemoval: true)]
#[ORM\JoinTable(name: 'acme_fast_ship_transport_label')]
#[ORM\JoinColumn(name: 'transport_id', referencedColumnName: 'id', onDelete: 'CASCADE')]
#[ORM\InverseJoinColumn(name: 'localized_value_id', referencedColumnName: 'id', onDelete: 'CASCADE', unique: true)]
Create a User Interface Form for the Shipping Method Integration
When you add an integration via the user interface of the back-office, a form that contains the integration settings appears. In this step, implement the form. To do this, create <bundle_root>/Form/Type/FastShippingTransportSettingsType.php:
namespace Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Form\Type;
use Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Entity\FastShippingSettings;
use Oro\Bundle\LocaleBundle\Form\Type\LocalizedFallbackValueCollectionType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank;
* Form type for Fast Shipping integration settings
class FastShippingTransportSettingsType extends AbstractType
private const BLOCK_PREFIX = 'acme_fast_shipping_settings';
* {@inheritDoc}
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
'label' => 'acme.fast_shipping.settings.labels.label',
'required' => true,
'entry_options' => ['constraints' => [new NotBlank()]],
* {@inheritDoc}
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
'data_class' => FastShippingSettings::class
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getBlockPrefix()
return self::BLOCK_PREFIX;
Add Translations for the Form Texts
To present the information on the user interface in a user-friendly way, add translations for the shipping method settings’ names. To do this, create <bundle_root>/Resources/translations/messages.en.yml:
label: 'Label'
This defines the name of the field that contains the label.
Create the Integration Channel Type
When you select the type of the integration on the user interface, you will see the integration name and the icon that you define in this step.
To implement a channel type, create <bundle_root>/Integration/FastShippingChannelType.php:
namespace Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Integration;
use Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Provider\ChannelInterface;
use Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Provider\IconAwareIntegrationInterface;
* Integration channel type for Fast Shipping integration
class FastShippingChannelType implements ChannelInterface, IconAwareIntegrationInterface
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getLabel(): string
return 'acme.fast_shipping.channel_type.label';
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getIcon(): string
return 'bundles/acmefastshipping/img/fast-shipping-logo.png';
Add an Icon for the Integration
To add an icon:
Save the file to the <bundle_root>/Resources/public/img directory.
Install assets:
bin/console assets:install --symlink
To make sure that the icon is accessible for the web interface, check if it appears (as a copy or a symlink depending on the settings selected during the application installation) in the /public/bundles/acmefastshipping/img directory of your application.
Create the Integration Transport
Transport is generally responsible for how the data is obtained from the external system. While the Fast Shipping method does not interact with external systems, you still need to define transport and implement all methods of the TransportInterface for the integration to work properly. To add transport, create <bundle_root>/Integration/FastShippingTransport.php:
namespace Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Integration;
use Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Entity\FastShippingSettings;
use Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Form\Type\FastShippingTransportSettingsType;
use Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Entity\Transport;
use Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Provider\TransportInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag;
* Transport for Fast Shipping integration
class FastShippingTransport implements TransportInterface
/** @var ParameterBag */
protected $settings;
public function init(Transport $transportEntity)
$this->settings = $transportEntity->getSettingsBag();
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getSettingsFormType(): string
return FastShippingTransportSettingsType::class;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getSettingsEntityFQCN(): string
return FastShippingSettings::class;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getLabel(): string
return 'acme.fast_shipping.transport.label';
Create a Configuration File for the Service Container
To start using a service container for your bundle, first create the bundle configuration file <bundle_root>/Resources/config/services.yml.
Add the Channel Type and Transport to the Services Container
To register the channel type and transport, append the following key-values to <bundle_root>/Resources/config/services.yml:
acme_fast_shipping.integration.type: 'fast_shipping'
class: 'Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Integration\FastShippingChannelType'
- { name:, type: '%acme_fast_shipping.integration.type%' }
class: 'Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Integration\FastShippingTransport'
- { name: oro_integration.transport, type: '%acme_fast_shipping.integration.type%', channel_type: '%acme_fast_shipping.integration.type%' }
Set up Services with DependencyInjection
To set up services, load your configuration file (services.yml) using the DependencyInjection component. For this, create <bundle_root>/DependencyInjection/AcmeFastShippingExtension.php with the following content:
namespace Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\DependencyInjection;
use Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\Extension;
class AcmeFastShippingExtension extends Extension
* {@inheritDoc}
public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container): void
$loader = new Loader\YamlFileLoader($container, new FileLocator(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/config'));
Add Translations for the Channel Type and Transport
The channel type and, in general, transport labels also appear on the user interface (you will not see the transport label for Fast Shipping). Provide translations for them by appending the <bundle_root>/Resources/translations/messages.en.yml. Now, the messages.en.yml content must look as follows:
label: 'Label'
label: 'Fast Shipping'
label: 'Fast Shipping'
Add an Installer
An installer ensures that upon the application installation, the database will contain the entity that you defined within your bundle.
Follow the instructions provided in the How to generate an installer topic to apply the changes without migration and generate an installer file based on the current schema of the DB.
If you have not performed the steps mentioned in How to generate an installer, because you already have the installer file, then make sure to run the php bin/console oro:migration:load --force
command to apply the changes from the file.
After you complete the process, you will have the <bundle_root>/Migrations/Schema/FastShippingBundleInstaller.php class with the following content:
namespace Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Migrations\Schema;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
use Oro\Bundle\MigrationBundle\Migration\Installation;
use Oro\Bundle\MigrationBundle\Migration\QueryBag;
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.TooManyMethods)
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveClassLength)
class FastShippingBundleInstaller implements Installation
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getMigrationVersion()
return 'v1_0';
* {@inheritDoc}
public function up(Schema $schema, QueryBag $queries)
/** Tables generation **/
/** Foreign keys generation **/
* Create acme_fast_ship_transport_label table
protected function createAcmeFastShipTransportLabelTable(Schema $schema)
$table = $schema->createTable('acme_fast_ship_transport_label');
$table->addColumn('transport_id', 'integer', []);
$table->addColumn('localized_value_id', 'integer', []);
$table->setPrimaryKey(['transport_id', 'localized_value_id']);
$table->addUniqueIndex(['localized_value_id'], 'UNIQ_15E6E6F3EB576E89');
$table->addIndex(['transport_id'], 'IDX_15E6E6F39909C13F', []);
* Add acme_fast_ship_transport_label foreign keys.
protected function addAcmeFastShipTransportLabelForeignKeys(Schema $schema)
$table = $schema->getTable('acme_fast_ship_transport_label');
['onDelete' => 'CASCADE', 'onUpdate' => null]
['onDelete' => 'CASCADE', 'onUpdate' => null]
Check That the Integration is Created Successfully
Clear the application cache:
bin/console cache:clear
If you are working in a production environment, you have to use the
parameter with the command.Open the user interface and check that the changes have applied and you can add an integration of the Fast Shipping type. Note that at this point you are not yet able to add this shipping method to a shipping rule.
Implement a Shipping Method
Now implement the shipping method itself using the following steps:
Implement the Main Method
To implement the main method, create the <bundle_root>/Method/FastShippingMethod.php class that implements two standard interfaces \Oro\Bundle\ShippingBundle\Method\ShippingMethodInterface
and \Oro\Bundle\ShippingBundle\Method\ShippingMethodIconAwareInterface
namespace Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Method;
use Oro\Bundle\ShippingBundle\Method\ShippingMethodIconAwareInterface;
use Oro\Bundle\ShippingBundle\Method\ShippingMethodInterface;
use Oro\Bundle\ShippingBundle\Method\ShippingMethodTypeInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\HiddenType;
* Represents Fast Shipping method.
class FastShippingMethod implements ShippingMethodInterface, ShippingMethodIconAwareInterface
private string $identifier;
private string $name;
private string $label;
private ?string $icon;
private bool $enabled;
private array $types;
public function __construct(
string $identifier,
string $name,
string $label,
?string $icon,
bool $enabled,
array $types
) {
$this->identifier = $identifier;
$this->name = $name;
$this->label = $label;
$this->icon = $icon;
$this->enabled = $enabled;
$this->types = $types;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getIdentifier(): string
return $this->identifier;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function isGrouped(): bool
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function isEnabled(): bool
return $this->enabled;
public function getName(): string
return $this->name;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getLabel(): string
return $this->label;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getIcon(): ?string
return $this->icon;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getTypes(): array
return $this->types;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getType(string $identifier): ?ShippingMethodTypeInterface
return $this->types[$identifier] ?? null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getOptionsConfigurationFormType(): ?string
return HiddenType::class;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getSortOrder(): int
return 150;
The methods are the following:
— Provides a unique identifier of the shipping method in the scope of the Oro application.getName
— Returns the shipping method’s name that appears on the shipping rule edit page.getLabel
— Returns the shipping method’s label that appears on the shipping method step on checkout. It can also be a Symfony translated message.getIcon
— Returns the icon that appears on the shipping rule edit page.isEnabled
— Defines, whether the integration of the shipping method is enabled by default.isGrouped
— Defines how shipping method’s types appear in the shipping method configuration on the user interface. If set totrue
, the types appear in the table where each line contains the Active checkbox that enables users to enable individual shipping method types for a particular shipping method configuration.getSortOrder
— Defines the order in which shipping methods appear on the user interface. For example, in the following screenshot, the Flat rate sort order is lower than the UPS sort order:getType
— Returns the selected shipping method type based on the type identifier.getTypes
— Returns a set of the shipping method types.getOptionsConfigurationFormType
— Returns the user interface form with the configuration options. The form appears on the shipping rule edit page. If the method returnsHiddenType::class
, the form does not appear.
Add the Shipping Method Identifier Generator to the Services Container
Append the following lines to <bundle_root>/Resources/config/services.yml:
parent: oro_integration.generator.prefixed_identifier_generator
public: true
- '%acme_fast_shipping.integration.type%'
Create a Factory for the Shipping Method
This factory generates an individual configuration set for each instance of the integration of the Fast Shipping type. In our case, it also contains the method createTypes() that generates the services (types) of the fast shipping type and assigns them labels.
Create the <bundle_root>/Factory/FastShippingMethodFromChannelFactory.php class with the following content:
namespace Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Factory;
use Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Entity\FastShippingSettings;
use Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Method\FastShippingMethod;
use Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Method\FastShippingMethodType;
use Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Entity\Channel;
use Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Generator\IntegrationIdentifierGeneratorInterface;
use Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Provider\IntegrationIconProviderInterface;
use Oro\Bundle\LocaleBundle\Helper\LocalizationHelper;
use Oro\Bundle\ShippingBundle\Method\Factory\IntegrationShippingMethodFactoryInterface;
use Oro\Bundle\ShippingBundle\Method\ShippingMethodInterface;
use Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface;
* The factory to create Fast Shipping method.
class FastShippingMethodFromChannelFactory implements IntegrationShippingMethodFactoryInterface
private IntegrationIdentifierGeneratorInterface $identifierGenerator;
private LocalizationHelper $localizationHelper;
private TranslatorInterface $translator;
private IntegrationIconProviderInterface $integrationIconProvider;
public function __construct(
IntegrationIdentifierGeneratorInterface $identifierGenerator,
LocalizationHelper $localizationHelper,
TranslatorInterface $translator,
IntegrationIconProviderInterface $integrationIconProvider
) {
$this->identifierGenerator = $identifierGenerator;
$this->localizationHelper = $localizationHelper;
$this->translator = $translator;
$this->integrationIconProvider = $integrationIconProvider;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function create(Channel $channel): ShippingMethodInterface
/** @var FastShippingSettings $transport */
$transport = $channel->getTransport();
return new FastShippingMethod(
private function createTypes(): array
$withoutPresent = new FastShippingMethodType(
$withPresent = new FastShippingMethodType(
return [
$withoutPresent->getIdentifier() => $withoutPresent,
$withPresent->getIdentifier() => $withPresent,
Add the Shipping Method Factory to the Services Container
To register the shipping method factory, append the following key-values to <bundle_root>/Resources/config/services.yml under the services section:
class: 'Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Factory\FastShippingMethodFromChannelFactory'
- '@acme_fast_shipping.method.identifier_generator.method'
- '@oro_locale.helper.localization'
- '@translator'
- '@oro_integration.provider.integration_icon'
Register a Shipping Method Provider
Append the following lines to <bundle_root>/Resources/config/services.yml under the services section:
class: 'Oro\Bundle\ShippingBundle\Method\Provider\Integration\ChannelShippingMethodProvider'
- '%acme_fast_shipping.integration.type%'
- '@acme_fast_shipping.factory.method'
- '@oro_shipping.method.loader'
- { name: oro_shipping_method_provider }
Create a Shipping Method Type
Shipping method types define different specifics of the same shipping services. For example, for Flat Rate, the type defines whether to calculate shipping price per order or per item. The Fast Shipping will have two types: “With Present” and “Without Present”.
To create a shipping method type, add the <bundle_root>/Method/FastShippingMethodType.php class with the following content:
namespace Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Method;
use Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Form\Type\FastShippingMethodOptionsType;
use Oro\Bundle\CurrencyBundle\Entity\Price;
use Oro\Bundle\ShippingBundle\Context\ShippingContextInterface;
use Oro\Bundle\ShippingBundle\Method\ShippingMethodTypeInterface;
* Represents Fast Shipping method type.
class FastShippingMethodType implements ShippingMethodTypeInterface
public const PRICE_OPTION = 'price';
private const WITHOUT_PRESENT_TYPE = 'without_present';
private const WITH_PRESENT_TYPE = 'with_present';
private string $label;
private bool $isWithPresent;
public function __construct(string $label, bool $isWithPresent)
$this->label = $label;
$this->isWithPresent = $isWithPresent;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getIdentifier(): string
return $this->isWithPresent ? self::WITH_PRESENT_TYPE : self::WITHOUT_PRESENT_TYPE;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getLabel(): string
return $this->label;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getSortOrder(): int
return 0;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getOptionsConfigurationFormType(): ?string
return FastShippingMethodOptionsType::class;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function calculatePrice(
ShippingContextInterface $context,
array $methodOptions,
array $typeOptions
): ?Price {
$price = $typeOptions[self::PRICE_OPTION];
// Provide additional price calculation logic here if required.
return Price::create((float)$price, $context->getCurrency());
— Returns a unique identifier of a shipping method type in the scope of the shipping method.getLabel
— Returns the label of the shipping method type. The label appears on the shipping rule edit page in the back-office and in the storefront.getSortOrder
— Defines the order in which shipping method types appear on the user interface. For example, see the UPS shipping types below. The number that defines the sort order of the UPS Ground is lower than that of the UPS 2nd Day Air (i.e. the lower the number, the higher up the list the method type appears):getOptionsConfigurationFormType
— Returns the user interface form with the configuration options. The form appears on the shipping rule edit page. If the method returnsHiddenType::class
, the form does not appear.calculatePrice
– Contains the main logic and returns the shipping price for the given$context
If you implement a more complicated shipping method, see Oro\Bundle\ShippingBundle\Context\ShippingContextInterface for attributes that can affect a shipping price (e.g., shipping address information or line items).
Define Translation for the Shipping Method Type
Provide translations by appending the <bundle_root>/Resources/translations/messages.en.yml. Now, the messages.en.yml content must look as follows:
label: 'Label'
label: 'Fast Shipping'
label: 'Fast Shipping'
price.label: 'Price'
without_present.label: 'Fast Shipping Rate Without Present'
with_present.label: 'Fast Shipping Rate With Present'
Create a Shipping Method Options Form
This form with options for a shipping method appears on the user interface of the back-office when you add the shipping method to a shipping rule. Add FastShippingMethodOptionsType.php to the <bundle_root>/Form/Type/ directory:
namespace Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Form\Type;
use Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Method\FastShippingMethodType;
use Oro\Bundle\CurrencyBundle\Rounding\RoundingServiceInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\NumberType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Exception\AccessException;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Type;
* Form type for fast shipping method options which are displayed on shipping rules page
class FastShippingMethodOptionsType extends AbstractType
private const BLOCK_PREFIX = 'acme_fast_shipping_options_type';
* @var RoundingServiceInterface
protected $roundingService;
public function __construct(RoundingServiceInterface $roundingService)
$this->roundingService = $roundingService;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
$priceOptions = [
'scale' => $this->roundingService->getPrecision(),
'rounding_mode' => $this->roundingService->getRoundType(),
'attr' => ['data-scale' => $this->roundingService->getPrecision()],
->add(FastShippingMethodType::PRICE_OPTION, NumberType::class, array_merge([
'label' => 'acme.fast_shipping.method.price.label',
'constraints' => [new NotBlank(), new Type(['type' => 'numeric'])],
], $priceOptions));
* @throws AccessException
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
'label' => 'acme.fast_shipping.form.acme_fast_shipping_options_type.label',
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getBlockPrefix()
return self::BLOCK_PREFIX;
Add the Shipping Method Options Form to the Services Container
Append the following lines to <bundle_root>/Resources/config/services.yml under the services section:
class: 'Acme\Bundle\FastShippingBundle\Form\Type\FastShippingMethodOptionsType'
- '@oro_currency.rounding.price_rounding_service'
- { name: form.type }
Define Translation for the Shipping Method Form Options
Provide translations by appending the <bundle_root>/Resources/translations/messages.en.yml. Now, the messages.en.yml content must look as follows:
label: 'Label'
label: 'Fast Shipping'
label: 'Fast Shipping'
price.label: 'Price'
without_present.label: 'Fast Shipping Rate Without Present'
with_present.label: 'Fast Shipping Rate With Present'
acme_fast_shipping_options_type.label: 'Fast Shipping Rate'
Add a Template
In the shipping rules, this template is used to display the configured settings of the Fast Shipping integration.
Create the /Resources/views/method/fastShippingMethodWithOptions.html.twig file with the following content:
{% import '@OroShipping/ShippingMethodsConfigsRule/macros.html.twig' as ShipRuleMacro %}
{% apply spaceless %}
{% set methodLabel = get_shipping_method_label(methodData.identifier)|trans %}
{% if methodLabel|length > 0 %}
<li>{{ methodLabel }}
{% endif %}
{% for type in methodData.types %}
{%- if type.enabled -%}
<li>{{ get_shipping_method_type_label(methodData.identifier, type.identifier)|trans }} ({{ 'acme.fast_shipping.method.price.label'|trans }}: {{ type.options['price']|oro_format_currency({'currency': currency}) }}
) {{ ShipRuleMacro.renderShippingMethodDisabledFlag(methodData.identifier) }}</li>
{%- endif -%}
{% endfor %}
{% if methodLabel|length > 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% endapply %}
Add a Check for When Users Disable Used Shipping Method Types
To show a notification when a user disables or removes the integration currently used in shipping rules, use the event listeners to catch the corresponding event and the event handlers.
Add Event Listeners to the System Container
Append the following lines to <bundle_root>/Resources/config/services.yml under the parameters and services sections:
acme_fast_shipping.admin_view.method_template: '@@AcmeFastShipping/method/fastShippingMethodWithOptions.html.twig'
parent: oro_shipping.admin_view.method_template.listener
- '%acme_fast_shipping.admin_view.method_template%'
- '@acme_fast_shipping.method.provider'
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: oro_shipping_method.config_data, method: onGetConfigData }
parent: oro_shipping.remove_integration_listener
- '%acme_fast_shipping.integration.type%'
- '@acme_fast_shipping.method.identifier_generator.method'
- '@oro_shipping.method.event.dispatcher.method_removal'
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: oro_integration.channel_delete, method: onRemove }
parent: oro_shipping.disable_integration_listener
- '%acme_fast_shipping.integration.type%'
- '@acme_fast_shipping.method.identifier_generator.method'
- '@oro_shipping.method_disable_handler.decorator'
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: oro_integration.channel_disable, method: onIntegrationDisable }
Add Actions
Create actions.yml in the <bundle_root>/Resources/config/oro/ directory:
# Disable the default deactivate method for the Fast Shipping integration.
- '@not_equal': [$type, '%acme_fast_shipping.integration.type%']
# Disable the default delete method for the Fast Shipping integration.
- '@not_equal': [$type, '%acme_fast_shipping.integration.type%']
# Use the deactivate method that:
# a. first checks whether there are shipping rules that use the Fast Shipping method, and
# b. if yes, displays to a user the confirmation dialog with the notification message and the link to the list of the corresponding rules.
extends: oro_integration_deactivate
for_all_entities: false
for_all_datagrids: false
- preactions
- preconditions
- frontend_options
# Filter the grid with the active shipping rules that use the Fast Shipping method and generate the link to it.
- '@call_service_method':
attribute: $.actionAllowed
service: oro_integration.utils.edit_mode
method: isSwitchEnableAllowed
method_parameters: [$.data.editMode]
- '@call_service_method':
attribute: $.methodIdentifier
service: acme_fast_shipping.method.identifier_generator.method
method: generateIdentifier
method_parameters: [$.data]
- '@call_service_method':
attribute: $.linkGrid
service: oro_shipping.helper.filtered_datagrid_route
method: generate
method_parameters: [{'methodConfigs': $.methodIdentifier}]
# Check that the method is used in the shipping rules.
- '@shipping_method_has_enabled_shipping_rules':
method_identifier: $.methodIdentifier
- '@equal': [$type, '%acme_fast_shipping.integration.type%']
- '@equal': [$.actionAllowed, true]
- '@equal': [$.data.enabled, true]
# Show the confirmation dialog with the notification message.
title: oro.shipping.integration.deactivate.title
okText: oro.shipping.integration.deactivate.button.okText
message: oro.shipping.integration.deactivate.message
linkGrid: $.linkGrid
component: oroui/js/standart-confirmation
# If there are no shipping rules that use this method, deactivate without displaying to a user the confirmation dialog.
extends: acme_fast_shipping_integration_deactivate
for_all_entities: false
for_all_datagrids: false
- preconditions
- frontend_options
- '@not':
- '@shipping_method_has_enabled_shipping_rules':
method_identifier: $.methodIdentifier
- '@equal': [$type, '%acme_fast_shipping.integration.type%']
- '@equal': [$.actionAllowed, true]
- '@equal': [$.data.enabled, true]
frontend_options: ~
# Use the delete method that:
# a. first checks whether there are shipping rules that use the Fast Shipping method, and
# b. if yes, displays to a user the confirmation dialog with the notification message and the link to the list of the corresponding rules.
extends: oro_integration_delete
for_all_entities: false
for_all_datagrids: false
- preactions
- preconditions
- frontend_options
- '@call_service_method':
service: oro_integration.utils.edit_mode
method: isEditAllowed
method_parameters: [$.data.editMode]
attribute: $.actionAllowed
- '@call_service_method':
attribute: $.methodIdentifier
service: acme_fast_shipping.method.identifier_generator.method
method: generateIdentifier
method_parameters: [$.data]
- '@call_service_method':
attribute: $.linkGrid
service: oro_shipping.helper.filtered_datagrid_route
method: generate
method_parameters: [{'methodConfigs': $.methodIdentifier}]
- '@shipping_method_has_shipping_rules':
method_identifier: $.methodIdentifier
- '@equal': [$type, '%acme_fast_shipping.integration.type%']
- '@equal': [$.actionAllowed, true]
title: oro.shipping.integration.delete.title
okText: oro.shipping.integration.delete.button.okText
message: oro.shipping.integration.delete.message
linkGrid: $.linkGrid
component: oroui/js/standart-confirmation
extends: acme_fast_shipping_integration_delete
for_all_entities: false
for_all_datagrids: false
- preconditions
- frontend_options
- '@not':
- '@shipping_method_has_shipping_rules':
method_identifier: $.methodIdentifier
- '@equal': [$type, '%acme_fast_shipping.integration.type%']
- '@equal': [$.actionAllowed, true]
title: oro.action.delete_entity
title: oro.action.delete_entity
message: oro.action.delete_confirm
entityLabel: $name
component: oroui/js/delete-confirmation
To enable this shipping method, you need to set up a corresponding shipping rule. Follow the Shipping Rules Configuration topic for more details.