

This bundle is only available in the Enterprise edition.

In enterprise edition, OroSellerDashboardBundle provides a Seller Dashboard type to the dashboards. The dashboard shows a pre-configured dashboard with e-commerce statistics like Orders number and revenue, products or top selling items.


  • Seller dashboard.
    • Orders Revenue

    • Orders Count

    • Products Statistics

    • Top Selling Items

    • Latest Orders

    • Orders Over Time


Important - this configuration is available only via config.yml/app.yml. It is not exposed via system configuration.

  • oro_seller_dashboard.order_count_status_criteria - only orders with selected statuses will be calculated in the “Orders Count” and “Orders Revenue” widgets

  • oro_seller_dashboard.top_selling_status_criteria - only orders with selected statuses will be calculated in the “Top Selling Items” widgets

  • oro_seller_dashboard.order_overtime_status_criteria - only orders with selected statuses will be calculated in the “Orders Overtime” widget

Color settings

  • oro_seller_dashboard.chart_base_font_color

  • oro_seller_dashboard.chart_bg_color

  • oro_seller_dashboard.chart_label_font_color

  • oro_seller_dashboard.chart_value_font_color

  • oro_seller_dashboard.chart_tooltip_color

  • oro_seller_dashboard.chart_tooltip_bg_color

  • oro_seller_dashboard.doughnut_chart_increase_label_color

  • oro_seller_dashboard.doughnut_chart_decrease_label_color

  • oro_seller_dashboard.doughnut_chart_palette_colors

  • oro_seller_dashboard.bar_chart_palette_colors

  • oro_seller_dashboard.scroll_chart_x_axis_line_color

  • oro_seller_dashboard.scroll_chart_y_axis_line_color

  • oro_seller_dashboard.scroll_chart_div_line_color

  • oro_seller_dashboard.scroll_chart_scroll_color

  • oro_seller_dashboard.scroll_chart_anchor_bg_color

  • oro_seller_dashboard.scroll_chart_palette_colors

Implementation details 

Main Classes 

  • Oro\Bundle\SellerDashboardBundle\Provider\ChartDataProviderInterface - Interface that represents each chart identifier, default date period and data, also contains constants that represent date periods
    • ChartDataProviderInterface::getChartIdentifier - each chart should have its own identifier, so that JS component can properly identify it and update on period switching.

    • ChartDataProviderInterface::getDefaultPeriod - returns the default period to be used for chart data. Default date period is defined in AbstractChartDataProvider.

    • ChartDataProviderInterface::getChartData - each chart data provider implements this method to prepare the data in the specific format and is used to build a specific chart.

  • Oro\Bundle\SellerDashboardBundle\Provider\AbstractChartDataProvider - Encapsulates commonly used logic needed by chart data providers
    • AbstractChartDataProvider::getDefaultPeriod - returns default period to be used for chart data

    • AbstractChartDataProvider::getDateRanges - returns an array of Date objects that represents current period start date, end date and previous period start and end dates (to be used for periods comparison, e.g. Order Revenue Chart, Order Count Char, etc.)

    • AbstractChartDataProvider::getIntervalsForPeriod - returns an array of formatted label and value values representing intervals to be used for a chart e.g. Order Revenue Chart

    • AbstractChartDataProvider::applyDateRangeRestrictionToQB - used to modify QueryBuilder object and apply dates filter according to required period


The Seller Dashboard is represented by a twig template, see @OroSellerDashboard/Index/default.html.twig.

Date periods 

By default, the following date periods are available, see constants in Oro\Bundle\SellerDashboardBundle\Provider\ChartDataProviderInterface




They are used in Oro\Bundle\SellerDashboardBundle\Provider\AbstractChartDataProvider, JS component Oro\Bundle\SellerDashboardBundle\Resources\public\js\app\components\seller-dashboard-component.js to request charts data, see Oro\Bundle\SellerDashboardBundle\Controller\ChartDataController.php, etc.

As an example, the period Year: * is represented by constant PERIOD_YEAR with value year in ChartDataProviderInterface * in dashboard template OroSellerDashboardBundle:Index:default.html.twig in period switcher :

<div class="btn-group">
    <button class="btn" data-period="year">{{ 'oro.seller_dashboard.period.year'|trans }}</button>
  • in AbstractChartDataProvider is used in methods getIntervalsForPeriod and getDateRanges

  • in seller-dashboard-component.js is used to display currently selected period and appropriate label and to perform chart data request.

In order to add a new option for period switcher - all the above parts should be updated.

How to create your own widget 

Step 1

Create chart data provider class, it must implement ChartDataProviderInterface, also it will be more easily to extend from AbstractChartDataProvider as it already contains commonly used methods.

namespace My\Bundle\SellerDashboardBundle\Provider;
class MyChartDataProvider extends AbstractChartDataProvider implements ChartDataProviderInterface

Then, register provider in a service container with tag seller.chart.data.provider:

    class: My\Bundle\SellerDashboardBundle\Provider\MyChartDataProvider
    parent: Oro_seller_dashboard.provider.abstract
            name: 'seller.chart.data.provider'
            key: 'chart-container-my-chart'

Step 2

Create and register the twig extension with the function that will be used in widget twig template to render the initial state of the chart, e.g. Oro\Bundle\SellerDashboardBundle\Twig\OrderChartDataTwigExtension.

namespace My\Bundle\SellerDashboardBundle\Twig;

use ...
class MyTwigExtension extends AbstractExtension implements ExtensionInterface
    private MyChartDataProvider $myChartDataProvider;

    public function __construct(MyChartDataProvider $myChartDataProvider) {
        $this->myChartDataProvider = $myChartDataProvider;

    public function getFunctions()
        return [
            new TwigFunction(
                [$this->myChartDataProvider, 'getChartData']

And register the extension in the service container, e.g.:

    class: My\Bundle\SellerDashboardBundle\Twig\MyTwigExtension
        - '@my_bundle.provider.my_chart_data_provider'
        - { name: twig.extension }

Step 3

Implement the method ChartDataProviderInterface::getChartIdentifier - each chart should have its unique identifier.

public function getChartIdentifier(): string
    return 'chart-container-my-chart';

Implement the method ChartDataProviderInterface::getChartData - each chart data provider implements this method to prepare the data in the own specific format to be used by e.g. FusionChart component. As an example, please refer to any provider that implements ChartDataProviderInterface, e.g. Oro\Bundle\SellerDashboardBundle\Provider\TopSellingCountChartDataProvider

public function getChartData(?string $period = null): array
  $period = $period ? : $this->getDefaultPeriod();


  $this->chartData[$period] = [
      'data' => $currentPeriodResult ? : [['label' => '', 'value' => 0, 'amount' => 0]],

 return $this->chartData[$period];

Step 4

Create widget template for a new chart, see existing ones in Oro\Bundle\SellerDashboardBundle\Resources\views\Index\Charts as a reference.

{% block chart-container-my-chart %}
    {% import 'OroUIBundle::macros.html.twig' as UI %}

    {% set chartData = get_my_chart_data() %}
    {% set containerId = "chart-container-my-chart" %}
    {% set options = {
        "name": "horizontal_bar_chart",
        "data_schema": {
            "label": {"field_name": "label", "type": "string"},
            "value": {"field_name": "value", "type": "string"}
    } %}
    {% set componentOptions = {
        view: 'Orosellerdashboard/js/app/views/bar-chart-count-view',
        autoRender: true,
        chartOptions: {
            containerId: containerId,
            dataSource: {
                type: 'Bar2D',
                chart: {
                    # chart configuration options
                    # see FusionChart documentation
                    # http://docs.fusioncharts.com/archive/3.13.0/chart-attributes?chart=bar2d
                annotations: annotations|default({}),
                data: chartData.data|default([]),
                trendlines: []
            options: options,
            isCurrencyPrepend: 0
    } %}
    <div class="dashboard-widget">
        <div class="widget-header clearfix">
            <div class="title widget-title">{{'Orosellerdashboard.chart.my_chart.label'|trans}}</div>
        <div class="widget-content dashboard-widget-content">
            <div class="chart-container"><div class="clearfix">
                <div id="{{ containerId }}-chart" class="column-chart chart"
                {{ UI.renderPageComponentAttributes({
                    module: 'oroui/js/app/components/view-component',
                    options: componentOptions
                }) }}>
{% endblock chart-container-my-chart %}

How to add a new widget to the seller dashboard 

Current implementation of the seller dashboard widgets is done in a static way, this means that in order to add a new widget, remove existing one, change widget position, add or remove option in period switcher, etc. - it is required to modify or override the default OroSellerDashboardBundle:Index:default.html.twig template that is used to render the seller dashboard.

As an example, to add widget into 2nd column add block into div id="dashboard-column-1":

<div id="dashboard-column-0" class="responsive-cell dashboard-column responsive-cell-no-blocks">
<div id="dashboard-column-1" class="responsive-cell dashboard-column responsive-cell-no-blocks">
    {{ block("chart-container-my-chart", 'MyBundle:Index:Charts/myChart.html.twig') }}
<div id="dashboard-column-2" class="responsive-cell dashboard-column responsive-cell-no-blocks">