Email Templates Migrations 

This section describes how to create migration for email template to update it to a new version:

  1. Get MD5 hash of old template content (previous version). The most straightforward way is to run Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Command\GenerateMd5ForEmailsCommand to generates MD5 hashes for email template contents:

    php bin/console oro:email:generate-md5

    It will output all available template names with hashes from the current database state. Copy hash for a specific template name.

  2. Create migration class extending Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Migrations\Data\ORM\AbstractHashEmailMigration and implement two required methods.

    • getEmailHashesToUpdate - specifies template name with an array of hashes (from the first step) which represent old content versions.

    • getEmailsDir - returns folder where the current email templates are placed.

Here is an example of such a class:

class EmailTemplateMigrationExample extends AbstractHashEmailMigration
     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected function getEmailHashesToUpdate(): array
        return [
            'some_email_template_name_1' => ['ded063280f6463f1f30093c00e58b123'],
            'some_email_template_name_2' => ['2699723490ba63ffdf8cd76292bd8456'],
            'some_email_template_name_3' => ['740d3535b2e4041de1d4f1a274e4e789'],

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function getEmailsDir(): string
        return $this->container

You can edit email templates in a specified folder. New changes will be applied to the database after the migration is executed. To make things even easier, implement Oro\Bundle\MigrationBundle\Fixture\VersionedFixtureInterface so for new updates, it will be enough to increment the version as well as add a new hash to the array. There may be any number of such hashes which guaranty corresponding versions will be updated to actual one.

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