System Mailboxes
System mailboxes represent email addresses that are globally accessible by authorized users. These are configurable through the system configuration. Contents can be synchronized through IMAP, and any replies can be sent using separately configured SMTP.
Emails in mailboxes are visible in the user inbox for a user authorized to view emails from this inbox. Emails can be filtered to show only one mailbox and only a user’s own mailbox or all emails available to him.
System Mailboxes can be created and configured under System > Configuration > System Configuration > General Setup > Email Configuration > System Mailboxes. When set up with IMAP Synchronization, mailbox emails will synchronize using the same cron job as all other emails (oro:cron:imap-sync). SMTP settings can also be specified for sending automatic and manual replies to that mailbox.
Email Processing
Any email received by mailbox can be processed to entities in the system. Different types of email processing can be selected in mailbox configuration, and custom configuration is available for each type. Following process types are present out of the box:
Convert to Case
Convert to Lead
Developers are able to add new process types. Both mentioned processes are implemented in respective bundles.
Autoresponse Rules
Each mailbox can be configured with autoresponse rules. These rules will send configured email templates as a response to incoming emails, given that conditions for rules are matched.
Mailbox - Represents individual mailboxes. This entity implements EmailOwnerInterface so email addresses can be owned by it.
label (mailbox label)
email (mailbox email address)
origin (This is always UserEmailOrigin from ImapBundle)
processSettings (settings entity for email process)
authorizedUsers (list of users able to view mailbox emails)
authorizedRoles (list of roles able to view mailbox emails)
MailboxProcessSettings - Represents mailbox process settings. This is an entity that should be extended to represent any added process and store its settings (this entity uses single table inheritance).
Mailbox Process
Mailbox processing is added using processes from OroWorkflowBundle.
The process can look like the example below and will be triggered on the creation of the EmailBody entity. This will guarantee that complete email data (including the body) is available for processing.
Do not define triggers for this process. It will be triggered by the event listener on any new email assigned to the mailbox.**
label: 'Convert Mailbox E-mail to Lead'
enabled: true
entity: Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Entity\EmailBody
order: 150
- '@find_entity':
class: Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Entity\Email
attribute: $.email
emailBody: $id
- '@find_mailboxes':
attribute: $.mailboxes
process_type: 'lead'
email: $.email
- '@tree':
"@not_empty: [$.mailboxes]"
# Prepare data which do not depend on mailbox and mailbox process settings here
- '@traverse':
array: $.mailboxes
value: $.mailbox
# Prepare mailbox dependent data and perform desired actions here.
Additional Actions
Some actions have been added to help create mailbox processes and actions to help find them.
Find Mailboxes
This action searches for a mailbox using the provided email entity. It sets the attribute value to an empty array if no mailbox is found. Multiple mailboxes are found when, for example, an email is addressed to multiple recipients, and at least two of them are mailboxes with the processing of the same type. Use the @traverse action to iterate over these mailboxes.
attribute: $.mailboxes # Attribute that will contain result of action
process_type: 'lead' # Type of mailbox process (defined in mailbox process provider service definition)
email: $.email # Instance of Email entity which is being processed
Parse First and Last Name from Email Address
These actions are meant to parse names from an email address (for example, when this address is not yet registered in the system as Contact, etc.). This action will use a name specified with the address, and if no name is provided, it will use the address as first name and domain as the last name.
attribute: $.firstName # Attribute that will contain result of action
email_address: $.email.fromName # Email address to be parsed
attribute: $.lastName # Attribute that will contain result of action
email_address: $.email.fromName # Email address to be parsed
Add Email Activity Target
This action adds a newly generated entity as an activity target for email.
email: $.email
target_entity: $.leadEntity
attribute: $.added #true if record was added (optional)
Process Registration
Implement MailboxProcessProviderInterface and register it as a service with tag oro_email.mailbox_process. Then, provide a type with this tag.
LeadMailboxProcessProvider is ilustrated as an example below:
class LeadMailboxProcessProvider implements MailboxProcessProviderInterface
* Returns fully qualified class name of settings entity for this process.
* @return string
public function getSettingsEntityFQCN()
return 'Oro\Bundle\SalesBundle\Entity\LeadMailboxProcessSettings';
* Returns form type used for settings entity used by this process.
* @return string
public function getSettingsFormType()
return 'oro_sales_lead_mailbox_process_settings';
* Returns id for translation which is used as label for this process type.
* @return string
public function getLabel()
return 'oro.sales.mailbox.process.lead.label';
Example provider registration:
class: Oro\Bundle\SalesBundle\Provider\LeadMailboxProcessProvider
- { name: oro_email.mailbox_process, type: lead }