Developer Documentation
Developer Documentation is intended for developers and contains information about OroPlatform architecture, guidance on customization and extension of the existing features in Oro applications. Browse the how-to articles to learn about configuration and setup necessary for development or future use of the application.
Solution Architecture
The guide outlines the application concepts, architecture, integration points, and the necessary cloud and infrastructure required for the seamless implementation and integration of the OroCommerce application.
Backend Developer Guide
Backend Developer Guide aggregates the core concepts for configuring, deploying, and maintaining your Oro application including API references, bundles, code samples, and best practices.
Frontend Developer Guide
Frontend Developer Guide provides themes to prototype your application's storefront and back-office design.
Bundles Documentation
This section extends the rest of the Developer Guide, providing insight into core bundles implementation architecture and infrequently customizable features, which is particularly useful for non-standard customizations for backend and frontend developers as many features are interconnected.
Components Documentation
This section offers documentation on Oro Config Component which provides additional resource types to the Symfony Config Component infrastructure responsible for loading configurations from different data sources and optionally monitoring these data sources for changes.
Web Services API Guide
Web Services API Guide enables developers to integrate Oro functionality into third-party software systems.
Community Guide
Community Guide instructs on how to contribute to the Oro application development, documentation, and translations. It also explains the philosophy of Oro releases and helps users join Oro community and support teams.