Pinning pages is a convenient tool that enables you to save a page and quickly return to it. In particular, you can:
Save unfinished forms if you need to switch to another page or take a break in your work. All pinned information is preserved, even if you log out and then log in from another device.
Save frequently used filtered grids and search results.
Pin the most important records to keep an eye on them.
Pin a Page
You can pin a page to the header and return to it at any time with one click. Some pages, such as Dashboards or Calendars, cannot be pinned.
To pin a page, click the pin icon in the top right corner of the page.

When you have pinned a page, the pin icon will turn yellow, and a link to the page will appear in the pin bar at the top.
Click the link at any time to get to the page in its current state.
If you have many pinned pages that do not fit into the pinbar, click the ellipsis icon to the right of the pinbar to access hidden pins.

If someone else has edited the record you pinned, it will appear yellow in the pin bar, indicating that changes were made.
Unpin a Page
To unpin a page, click the cross next to its name in the pinbar or the pin icon of a pinned page—it will turn grey again, and the page will be unpinned.