Creating Resource or Updating Existing Resource via Single API Request 

Some API resources can be created, if a particular resource does not exists, or updated, if it already exists, via a single API request. It is called an “upsert” operation and it works the following way:

  1. If a resource is not found by a upsert criteria, then a new resource is created according to the request body and a 201 (Created) status code is returned.

  2. If a resource is found, then the resource is updated according to the request body and a 200 (Ok) status code is returned.

  3. If several resources are found, then the resource is not created or updated, and a 409 (Conflict) status code is returned.

The upsert criteria is specified in the meta section using an “upsert” option. To match a resource by the resource identifier the “upsert” option should have true or ["id"] value. To match a resource by other field(s), this (these) field(s) should be specified in the “upsert” option value, e.g. ["field1", "field2"].

The upsert operation can be supported by POST and/or PATCH JSON:API requests. With the POST request, you can match a resource by the resource identifier or by some other field(s). With the PATCH request, you can match a resource by the resource identifier only.

The documentation of POST and PATCH requests in the API Sandbox contains information whether a resource supports the upsert operation. For example.:

An example of the upsert operation note

An example of a POST upsert requests when a resource should be matched by the resource identifier:


POST /api/weightunits HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
Accept: application/vnd.api+json

Request Body

{"data": {
    "type": "weightunits",
    "id": "kg",
    "meta": {
      "upsert": true
    "attributes": {
      "conversionRates": {
        "lbs": 2.2

An example of a PATCH upsert requests when a resource should be matched by the resource identifier:


PATCH /api/weightunits/kg HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
Accept: application/vnd.api+json

Request Body

{"data": {
    "type": "weightunits",
    "id": "kg",
    "meta": {
      "upsert": true
    "attributes": {
      "conversionRates": {
        "lbs": 2.2

An example of a POST upsert request when a resource should be matched by some field:


POST /api/taxjurisdictions HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
Accept: application/vnd.api+json

Request Body

{"data": {
    "type": "taxjurisdictions",
    "meta": {
      "upsert": ["code"]
    "attributes": {
      "code": "SOME_TAX_JURISDICTION",
      "description": "Some tax jurisdiction description",
      "regionText": null,
      "zipCodes": [
        {"from": "90011", "to":  null},
        {"from": "90201", "to":  "90280"}
    "relationships": {
      "country": {
        "data": {
          "type": "countries",
          "id": "US"
      "region": {
        "data": {
          "type": "regions",
          "id": "US-CA"