Managing Localizations 

Caching Notice 

Localization objects are cached to provide better performance. You must disable cache usage if you need to persist, delete or assign the returned Localization (see $useCache parameter below).


LocalizationManager provides all the necessary methods for accessing localizations. You can easily access it from the controller:


Oro\Bundle\LocaleBundle\Manager::getLocalization($id\[, $useCache = true\])

Gets a single Localization object.

An example of usage:

// Will get single Localization object
$localizationManager = $this->get('oro_locale.manager.localization');
$localization = $localizationManager->getLocalization(1);

Oro\Bundle\LocaleBundle\Manager::getLocalizations(array $ids\[, $useCache = true\])

Gets one or selected Localization objects.

An example of usage:

$localizationManager = $this->get('oro_locale.manager.localization');

// Will get all Localizations from database
$localizations = $localizationManager->getLocalizations();

// Will get Localizations with ids 1, 3, 5, 7.
// If there is no Localization with provided id, this id will be skipped.
$localizations = $localizationManager->getLocalizations([1, 3, 5, 7]);

Oro\Bundle\LocaleBundle\Manager::getDefaultLocalization(\[$useCache = true\])

Gets the default Localization. The default Localization is obtained from the system configuration (see OroConfigBundle for more information).

An example of usage:

$localizationManager = $this->get('oro_locale.manager.localization');
$defaultLocalization = $localizationManager->getDefaultLocalization();


Removes Localization objects from cache. The next time a user calls getLocalization, getLocalizations, getDefaultLocalization or warmUpCache, cache will be recreated.

An example of usage:

$localizationManager = $this->get('oro_locale.manager.localization');
$defaultLocalization = $localizationManager->clearCache();


Keep in mind that cache is also cleared when you run

php bin/console cache:clear


Gets all Localization objects from the database and stores them into cache.

An example of usage:

$localizationManager = $this->get('oro_locale.manager.localization');
$defaultLocalization = $localizationManager->warmUpCache();


Keep in mind that cache is also warmed up when you run

php bin/console cache:clear