Viewport Manager
Viewport manager contains a collection of available screen types that can be used on the theme.
It is also responsible for triggering event viewport:change
through the mediator, when the type of the screen changes.
You can subscribe to the event viewport:change
in the view and create a logic based on the viewport changes (for example, DOM Relocation View).
You can also subscribe to a specific event viewport:desktop
, viewport:tablet
or any other registered media type in scss.
Viewport manager has several public methods:
: the method accepts a string or an array of strings of media types as arguments.- For example:
viewportManager.isApplicable('tablet', 'tablet-small')
viewportManager.isApplicable(['tablet', 'tablet-small'])
: returns an object with all registered breakpoints from css property--breakpoints
. You can pass thecontext
of the document as an argument.getMediaType(mediaType)
: returnsMediaQueryList
Screen Map
By default these settings for list of screen types synchronized with scss breakpoints.
// Desktop Media Breakpoint
$breakpoint-desktop: 1100px;
// iPad mini 4 (768*1024), iPad Air 2 (768*1024), iPad Pro (1024*1366)
$breakpoint-tablet: $breakpoint-desktop - 1px;
$breakpoint-tablet-small: 992px;
// iPhone 6s (375*667), iPhone 6s Plus (414*763)
$breakpoint-mobile-big: 767px;
$breakpoint-mobile-landscape: 640px;
$breakpoint-mobile: 414px;
$oro-breakpoints: (
'desktop': '(min-width: ' + $breakpoint-desktop + ')',
'tablet': '(max-width: ' + $breakpoint-tablet + ')',
'strict-tablet': '(max-width: ' + $breakpoint-tablet + ') and (min-width: ' + ($breakpoint-tablet-small + 1) + ')',
'tablet-small': '(max-width: ' + $breakpoint-tablet-small + ')',
'strict-tablet-small': '(max-width: ' + $breakpoint-tablet-small + ') and (min-width: ' + ($breakpoint-mobile-landscape + 1) + ')',
'mobile-landscape': 'screen and (max-width: ' + $breakpoint-mobile-landscape + ')',
'strict-mobile-landscape': '(max-width: ' + $breakpoint-mobile-landscape + ') and (min-width: ' + ($breakpoint-mobile + 1) + ')',
'mobile': '(max-width: ' + $breakpoint-mobile + ')',
'mobile-big': '(max-width: ' + $breakpoint-mobile-big + ')',
Default scss breakpoints are converted to the following object:
mediaTypes: {
'desktop': '(min-width: 1100px)',
'tablet': '(max-width: 1099px)',
'strict-tablet': '(max-width: 1099px) and (min-width: 993px)',
'tablet-small': '(max-width: 992px)',
'strict-tablet-small': '(max-width: 992px) and (min-width: 641px)',
'mobile-big': '(max-width: 767px)',
'strict-mobile-big': '(max-width: 767px) and (min-width: 641px)',
'mobile-landscape': '(max-width: 640px)',
'strict-mobile-landscape': '(max-width: 640px) and (min-width: 415px)',
'mobile': '(max-width: 414px)'
You can override these breakpoints via scss variables.
Media Types
A media type is used to describe a named media query;
For example:
'screen-type': '(max-width: 1024px)'
Event: MediaQueryListEvent
Media Query of the changed media type. Additionally contains a mediaType field with the name of the media type.