How to Override, Remove, Disable Files 


The documentation you are viewing is accurate for OroCommerce version 5.1 and below. An updated guide for version 6.0 will be available soon.

Override or Disable Files 

To remove or override scss/css, create an assets.yml and write the following config in Resources/views/layouts/{theme_name}/ for layout theme, or in Resources/config/oro/ for back-office.

        - 'bundles/oroform/default/scss/styles.scss': ~ // file will be removed from build process
        - 'bundles/oroform/default/scss/styles.scss': 'bundles/oroform/your_theme/scss/styles.scss' // file will be overridden

Remove Unnecessary Oro Files 

Remove all scss/css: all the themes use styles registered in this theme and from parent themes. You cannot change this behavior without changes in assets build logic. To remove all assets, override oro_layout.assetic.layout_resource service in your bundle and customize assets collect logic.