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OroSEOBundle provides automated generation of the sitemap.xml and robots.txt files based on the website contents.
Sitemaps help webmasters inform search engines about pages on their sites that are available for crawling. Essentially, a Sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a site along with additional metadata about each URL (when it was last updated, how often it usually changes, and how important it is, relative to other URLs in the site) so that search engines can more intelligently crawl the site.
For multi-language websites, OroSEOBundle provides a hreflang attribute on pages that have content in different languages.
In the back-office, this bundle provides the following system configuration options:
In enterprise edition, there is an ability to disable sitemap generation for specific website with Enable Sitemap Generation For Website option of sitemap configuration for the website.
Select the domain url that is used in the sitemap. You can call for using either secure or insecure domain. Secure URLs are preferable for the sitemap.xml file.
Frequency of page updates changefreq and priority of the URL compared to other website URLs can be configured per an entity that is included in the sitemap (e.g., Product, Category, and CmsPage).
To change the frequency of the sitemap generation globally, update the Changefreq option in the Default section in the System Configuration > Websites > Sitemap. The sitemap cron definition will adjust automatically.
Landing Page Configuration
Exclude Direct URLs Of Landing Pages boolean - Enable the option to include only landing pages that are assigned to particular web catalog nodes into the website’s sitemap and exclude those accessed via direct URL. Enabling the option prevents landing page duplication in the sitemap file (the default value is true).
The Include Landing Pages Not Used In Web Catalog feature is available starting from OroCommerce v5.0.6. To check which application version you are running, see the system information.
Include Landing Pages Not Used In Web Catalog boolean - Enable the option to include both assigned to web catalog nodes and unassigned landing pages into the sitemap file (the default value is false).
Possible combinations

Technical Details
URLs for sitemaps are received from providers. Each provider must implement UrlItemsProviderInterface interface and be registered with oro_seo.sitemap.url_items_provider or oro_seo.sitemap.website_access_denied_urls_provider DI tag or both of them. Such providers will be gathered in UrlItemsProviderRegistry.
There are 5 providers registered out of the box:
three instances of the UrlItemsProvider:
and one instance of the ContentVariantUrlItemsProvider:
There is one more tag available to register URL providers: oro_seo.sitemap.website_access_denied_urls_provider Providers with this tag will be used in case you restrict access to the website.
To add custom logic to providers, each provider dispatches events on start and end of the UrlItemsProvider::getUrlItems method:
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getUrlItems(WebsiteInterface $website, $version)
$this->dispatchIterationEvent(UrlItemsProviderEvent::ON_START, $website, $version);
foreach ($this->getResultIterator($website, $version) as $row) {
$entityUrlItem = $this->getEntityUrlItem($website, $row);
if ($entityUrlItem) {
yield $entityUrlItem;
$this->dispatchIterationEvent(UrlItemsProviderEvent::ON_END, $website, $version);
You can create your own oro_seo.event.url_items_provider_start.*, oro_seo.event.url_items_provider_end.* listeners to add products to Sitemap from your own sources.
Add a New Provider
To create a simple provider, create an instance of the UrlItemsProvider with appropriate values for providerType and entityName parameters in the services.yml file.
class: Oro\Bundle\SEOBundle\Sitemap\Provider\UrlItemProvider
parent: oro_seo.sitemap.provider.url_items_provider
- 'my_provider'
- AppBundle/Entity/MyEntity
- { name: oro_seo.sitemap.url_items_provider, alias: 'my_provider' }
Add a New Provider Available While the Website is Locked
class: Acme\Bundle\SEOBundle\Sitemap\Provider\AcmeUrlsProvider
public: false
- '@router'
- { name: oro_seo.sitemap.website_access_denied_urls_provider, alias: 'acme_urls' }
If the URL provider should always be available, use both oro_seo.sitemap.url_items_provider and oro_seo.sitemap.website_access_denied_urls_provider tags.
The oro_seo.event.restrict_sitemap_entity.my_provider event is triggered during the query builder iteration. Also, oro_seo.event.url_items_provider_start.my_provider and oro_seo.event.url_items_provider_end.my_provider events make some changes at the beginning and at the end of the UrlItemProvider::getUrlItems processing. These events may be used to restrict or modify the original query from third-party developers.
Customize Sitemap Provider Logic
Your new provider should implement UrlItemsProviderInterface:
class MyProvider implements UrlItemsProviderInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getUrlItems(WebsiteInterface $website)
//Return \Generator|Oro\Bundle\SEOBundle\Model\DTO\UrlItem[]
and should be register in UrlItemsProviderRegistry using the oro_seo.sitemap.url_items_provider tag:
class: AppBundle/Sitemap/Provider/WebCatalogUrlItemsProvider
- { name: oro_seo.sitemap.url_items_provider, alias: 'my_provider' }
Make Provider Availability Depend on the Web Catalog
A new frontend_master_catalog feature was created to detect if web catalog restrictions should be applied. This feature may be useful for restricting entities based on the web catalog assignment.
The provider that depends on this feature should also implement FeatureToggleableInterface, use FeatureCheckerHolderTrait:
class MyProvider implements UrlItemsProviderInterface,
use FeatureCheckerHolderTrait;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getUrlItems(WebsiteInterface $website)
if (!$this->isFeaturesEnabled()) {
//Return \Generator|Oro\Bundle\SEOBundle\Model\DTO\UrlItem[]
and should be tagged with the oro_featuretogle.feature tag for the frontend_master_catalog feature.
class: AppBundle/Sitemap/Provider/WebCatalogUrlItemsProvider
- { name: oro_seo.sitemap.url_items_provider, alias: 'my_provider' }
- { name: oro_featuretogle.feature, feature: frontend_master_catalog }
SitemapDumper creates sitemap files for each configured website in the temp directory and logs sitemap location into appropriate files depending on the storage type:
XmlSitemapIndexStorage - for index sitemap file
XmlSitemapUrlsStorage - for particular sitemap file
All sitemap files are compressed with gzip utility and have .gz file extension.
At the end of the dumping process, the generated files are moved to the Gaufrette storage. By default, the storage is configured to use a file adapter, and the files will be stored in the public/media/sitemaps/{websiteId}/ directory of your Oro application, where {websiteId} is the website Id.
Robots.txt File
Robot txt files are created for every configured website’s domain name of the system. If some websites have the same domain name and different subfolders, the final robot txt file for such domain will have a links to sitemaps from all such websites.
The config/robots.{domain}.txt.dist, where {domain} is the domain name, file is used as the base for every robots.txt file. If the file is absent, the config/robots.txt.dist file is used. If the robots.txt.dist file is absent, the following data is used as the base:
User-agent: *
The DumpRobotsTxtListener.php adds the links to the sitemap index files.
At the finish of dumping process, generated robot txt files are moves to the Gaufrette storage. By default, the storage is configured to use file adapter and files will be stored at public/media/sitemaps/ directory of your Oro application.
The file names of dumped files have the next format: robots.{domain}.txt, where:
{domain} - the domain name of configured website url for website
To configure the redirect from the /robots.txt web request to the appropriate generated robot txt file, use the following configuration of the web server:
for Apache server, add the rewrite rule to the mod_rewire configuration block of the .htaccess file:
RewriteRule ^robots.txt /media/sitemaps/ [L]
for nginx web server, add the following configuration:
location /robots.txt {
alias /media/sitemaps/;
Sitemap Generation
The cron command oro:cron:sitemap:generate adds a message to the queue to generate sitemap and robot txt files.
Sitemap generation is a deferred process that is executed using the SitemapGenerationProcessor.php queue processor. For time-based sitemap generation on the predefined schedule, Oro application uses cron jobs.