
You are browsing upcoming documentation for version 6.1 of OroCommerce, scheduled for release in 2025. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

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Configure Entities 

So far, Doctrine offers a wide range of functionality to map your entities to the database, save your data, and retrieve them from the database. However, in an application based on the OroPlatform, you usually want to control how entities are presented to the user. OroPlatform includes the EntityConfigBundle that makes it easy to configure additional metadata of your entities, as well as the fields of your entities. For example, you can now configure icons and labels used when showing an entity in the UI, or you can set up access levels to control how entities can be viewed and modified.

Configure Entities and Their Fields 

Entities will not be configurable by default. They must be tagged as configurable entities to let the system apply entity config options to them:

  • The #[Config] attribute is used to enable entity-level configuration for an entity.

  • Use the #[ConfigField] attribute to enable config options for selected fields.


The bundles from OroPlatform offer a large set of predefined options that you can use in your entities to configure them and control their behavior. Take a look at the entity_config.yml files that can be found in many bundles and read their dedicated documentation.

The #[Config] Attribute 

To make the Document entity from the first part of the chapter configurable, import the Oro\Bundle\EntityConfigBundle\Metadata\Attribute\Config attribute and use it:

 namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity;

 use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
 use Oro\Bundle\EntityConfigBundle\Metadata\Attribute\Config;

 #[ORM\Table(name: 'acme_demo_document')]
 class Document
     // ...

You can also change the default value of each configurable option using the defaultValues argument:

namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Oro\Bundle\EntityConfigBundle\Metadata\Attribute\Config;

 * ORM Entity Document.
#[ORM\Table(name: 'acme_demo_document')]
    defaultValues: [
        'dataaudit' => ['auditable' => true],

The #[ConfigField] Attribute 

Similar to the #[Config] attribute for entities, you can use the Oro\Bundle\EntityConfigBundle\Metadata\Attribute\ConfigField attribute to make properties of an entity configurable. Default values can be changed the same way as for the entity level:

    // ...
    #[ORM\Column(name: 'subject', type: 'string', length: 255, nullable: false)]
    #[ConfigField(defaultValues: ['dataaudit' => ['auditable' => true], 'importexport' => ['identity' => true]])]
    private $subject;
    // ...

Console Commands 

Update Configuration Data 

To update configurable entities, use the following:

php bin/console oro:entity-config:update

Execute this command only in the ‘dev’ mode when a new configuration attribute or the whole configuration scope is added.

Clearing Up Cache 

To remove all data related to configurable entities from the application cache, use:

php bin/console oro:entity-config:cache:clear

To skip warming up the cache after cleaning, use the --no-warmup command:

php bin/console oro:entity-config:cache:clear --no-warmup

Warming Up the Cache 

To warm up the entity config cache, use the oro:entity-config:cache:warmup command:

php bin/console oro:entity-config:cache:warmup

Debugging Configuration Data 

To get a different type of configuration data, add/remove/update configuration of entities, use the oro:entity-config:debug command. To see all available options, run this command with the --help option.

The example shows all configuration data for the User entity:

php bin/console oro:entity-config:debug "Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\Document"


Check out the Attributes topic to learn how to assign functionality to an entity to create and manipulate attributes.