
You are browsing upcoming documentation for version 6.1 of OroCommerce, scheduled for release in 2025. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

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OroPlatform gives you a wide variety of ways to prepare and supply data to a datagrid by encapsulating all data access in a datasource object. Datagrids can be configured to retrieve data from a PHP array, Doctrine ORM, a search engine, or any other source by using datasources that implement DatasourceInterface.

Supported Types

Custom Types 

To implement your own datasource type:

  • Create a class that implements DatasourceInterface

  • Register your type as a tagged service - { name: oro_datagrid.datasource, type: YOUR_CUSTOM_TYPE_NAME }

namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Datagrid\Datasource;

use Oro\Bundle\DataGridBundle\Datagrid\DatagridInterface;
use Oro\Bundle\DataGridBundle\Datasource\DatasourceInterface;
use Oro\Bundle\DataGridBundle\Datasource\ResultRecord;

class CustomDatasource implements DatasourceInterface
    const TYPE = 'acme_custom';

    protected array $arraySource = [];

    public function process(DatagridInterface $grid, array $config)
        $grid->setDatasource(clone $this);

    public function getResults()
        $rows = [];
        foreach ($this->arraySource as $result) {
            $rows[] = new ResultRecord($result);

        return $rows;

     * @return array
    public function getArraySource(): array
        return $this->arraySource;

     * @param array $source
     * @return void
    public function setArraySource(array $source): void
        $this->arraySource = $source;

Add the service definition to services.yml:

    class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Datagrid\Datasource\CustomDatasource
        - { name: oro_datagrid.datasource, type: acme_custom }

Now that you have created your custom datasource type, you can use it in any datagrid. The configuration of the datagrid tells OroPlatform to use this datasource via the type parameter under the source node:

            type: acme_custom


You can protect a datasource with ACL by adding the acl_resource parameter under the source node in the datagrid configuration:

            acl_resource: SOME_ACL_IF_NEEDED

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