You are browsing upcoming documentation for version 6.1 of OroCommerce, scheduled for release in 2025. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.
See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.
Bundle-less Structure
You can organize an OroPlatform-based application code within Symfony bundles or plain directories. Bundle-less directory structure support was added to OroPlatform v5.1 to follow the Symfony best practices and lower the entry level for new developers. This guide overviews the bundle-less structure and explains how to migrate the application code from the bundles-based to bundle-less structure.
The use of bundle-less structure is optional. However, you can use a bundle-less structure for individual customization and expansion of Oro functionality or when creating a new bundle is impractical.
The bundle-less structure includes the application structure changes outlined below (configuration and directory).
Application-level Structure Changes
├── assets/
| |── your-assets-dir # Here we can store the (scss, js, image, fonts) resources.
| └── ...
├── config/
│ ├── batch_jobs # Import and Export Configuration.
| | |── jobs-config.yml
| | └── ...
│ ├── doctrine.yml # Doctrine DBAL Configuration.
│ ├── oro/ # This is where all Oro advanced features configuration is stored.
| | |── acl_categories/ # ACL category extending configuration.
| | | |── acl_category_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── acls/ # ACLS extending configuration.
| | | |── acls_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── address_format/ # Address formatting extending configuration.
| | | |── address_format_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── api/
| | | |── api_config.yml # API extending configuration.
| | | └── ...
| | |── api_frontend/ # API frontend extending configuration.
| | | |── api_frontend_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── app/ # App extending configuration.
| | | |── app_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── cache_metadata/ # Cache metadata configuration.
| | | |── cache_metadata.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── channels/ # Channels extending configuration.
| | | |── channels_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── charts/ # Charts extending configuration.
| | | |── charts_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── configurable_permissions/ # Configurable permissions extending configuration.
| | | |── configurable_perm_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── dashboards/ # Dashboards extending configuration.
| | | |── dashboards_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── datagrids/ # Datagrids extending configuration.
| | | |── datagrids_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── entity/ # Entity extending configuration.
| | | |── entity_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── entity_extend/ # Entity extend extending configuration.
| | | |── entity_extend_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── entity_hidden_fields/
| | | |── entity_hidden_fields_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── features/ # Feature Toggle extending configuration.
| | | |── features_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── help/
| | | |── help_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── locale_data/ # Locale data extending configuration.
| | | |── locale_data_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── name_format/ # Name formatting extending configuration.
| | | |── name_format_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── navigation/ # Navigation extending configuration.
| | | |── navigation_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── permissions/ # Permissions extending configuration.
| | | |── permissions_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── placeholders/ # Placeholders extending configuration.
| | | |── placeholders_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── processes/ # Processes extending configuration.
| | | └── processes.yml # All application-level processes configuration must be registered here.
| | |── query_designer/
| | | |── query_designer_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── search/ # Search extending configuration.
| | | |── search_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── system_configuration/
| | | |── system_configuration_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── workflows/
| | | |── workflows_import/ # A directory of workflows that can be registered with an import directive.
| | | └── workflows.yml # All application-level workflows must be registered here.
| | |── websocket_routing/ # Gos PubSub routing resources.
| | | |── websocket_routing_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── sanitize # Sanitizing rules configuration
| | | |── sanitize_config.yml
| | | └── ...
| | |── assets.yml # Assets for administration themes/layouts.
| | |── jsmodules.yml # Js modules for administration themes/layouts.
| | └── behat_services.yml # Behat services must be registered here.
│ └── ...
├── src/
│ ├── ...
│ |── Entity/ # Required to set up a Doctrine mapping.
│ └── Tests/ # Application-level tests.
| | |── Behat/
| | |── Unit/
| | └── Functional/
├── templates/
├── migrations/ # All Oro application level migrations and fixture store.
│ |── your_feature_name/
| | |── Data/
| | └── Schema/
│ └── ...
├── translations/
└── ...
Moving Existing Bundle to Bundle-less Structure
To port an existing bundle to a bundle-less structure, you must update the directory structure to the one shown above. There is no automatic tool for this update, so you must move your code following these guidelines:
{BundleDir}/Migrations/Schema -> migrations/{EntityNameDir}/Schema
Bundle/UserNamingBundle/Migrations/Schema/ -> migrations/UserNaming/Schema/
{BundleDir}/Migrations/Data -> migrations/{EntityNameDir}/Data
Bundle/UserNamingBundle/Migrations/Data/ -> migrations/UserNaming/Data/
{BundleDir}/Entity/{YourEntity} -> src/Entity/{YourEntity}
Bundle/UserNamingBundle/Entity/UserNamingType.php -> src/Entity/UserNamingType.php
{BundleDir}/Controller/{YourController.php} -> src/Controller/{YourController.php}
Don’t forget about declaring the controller as a service in the configuration.
- [ 'setContainer', [ '@Psr\Container\ContainerInterface' ] ]
- { name: container.service_subscriber }
{BundleDir}/Resources/views/{YourEntityName}/index.html.twig -> templates/{entity_alias_underscore}/index.html.twig
{BundleDir}/Resources/translations/messages.en.yml -> translations/messages.en.yml
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/datagrids.yml -> config/oro/datagrids/{name_your_feature.yml}
BundleDir}/Resources/views/{YourEntityName}/Datagrid/yourTemplate.html.twig -> templates/{entity_alias_underscore}/Datagrid/yourTemplate.html.twig
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/search.yml -> config/oro/search/{your_search_name.yml}
{BundleDir}/Resources/views/{YourEntityName}/Search/yourTemplate.html.twig -> templates/{entity_alias_underscore}/Search/yourTemplate.html.twig
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/entity.yml -> config/oro/entity/{your_entity_name.yml}
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/acls.yml -> config/oro/acls/{your_acls_name.yml}
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/api.yml -> config/oro/api/{your_api_name.yml}
In the bundle-less structure, documentation_resource path must be defined as a relative path from the App`s root directory.
For example:
# File placed `AppRootDir/doc/api/frontend/` api: entities: App\Entity\User: documentation_resource: 'doc/api/frontend/' ...
This feature is available as of OroPlatform version 6.0.3.
For more information, see Documenting API Resources.
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/channels.yml -> config/oro/channels/{your_channel_name.yml}
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/charts.yml -> config/oro/charts/{your_chart_name.yml}
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/workflows.yml -> config/oro/workflows/workflows.yml
All application-level workflows can be stored in separate directories but must be registered in the /config/oro/workflows.yml file (via an import directive).
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/processes.yml -> config/oro/processes/processes.yml
All application-level processes must be registered in the /config/oro/processes.yml file.
ACL Categories
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/acl_categories.yml -> config/oro/acl_categories/your_acl_name.yml
Address Format
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/address_format.yml -> config/oro/address_format/your_format_name.yml
API Frontend
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/api_frontend.yml -> config/oro/api_frontend/your_api_name.yml
Application Base Configuration
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/app.yml -> config/oro/app/your_app_name.yml
Configurable Permissions
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/configurable_permissions.yml -> config/oro/configurable_permissions/your_permission_name.yml
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/dashboards.yml -> config/oro/dashboards/your_dashboard.yml
{BundleDir}/Resources/views/Dashboard/yourTemplate.html.twig -> templates/Dashboard/yourTemplate.html.twig
Entity Extend
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/entity_extend.yml -> config/oro/entity_extend/your_config.yml
Locale Data
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/locale_data.yml -> config/oro/locale_data/your_config.yml
Naming Format
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/name_format.yml -> config/oro/name_format/your_config.yml
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/permissions.yml -> config/oro/permissions/your_config.yml
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/placeholders.yml -> config/oro/placeholders/your_config.yml
System Configurations
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/system_configuration.yml -> config/oro/system_configuration/your_config.yml
Cache Metadata
{BundleDir}/Resources/config/oro/cache_metadata.yml -> config/oro/cache_metadata/cache_metadata.yml
All application-level caching data must be registered in the /config/oro/cache_metadata/cache_metadata.yml file.
Moving Extension and Configuration
Create Extension and Configuration classes in
class YourExtension extends Extension
public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container): void
$config = $this->processConfiguration(new YourConfigurationClass(), $configs);
$container->prependExtensionConfig($this->getAlias(), SettingsBuilder::getSettings($config));
public function getAlias(): string
return YourConfigurationClass::ROOT_NODE;
Register the extension in
protected function build(ContainerBuilder $container)
$container->registerExtension(new YourExtension());
Themes & Layouts
Assets for themes should be moved to
.Storefront Themes and layouts should be placed in
.Themes configuration:
Layout assets configuration:
Layout theme configuration:
Asset Handling in Application Development
If the build uses the image or any other asset, it is automatically copied to the public folder. Copying ensures that the assets are readily available and can be served to users without issues.
However, in some scenarios where assets are not directly utilized within the webpack build process, placing them directly in the public folder from the beginning is recommended. This approach eliminates the need for automatic copying since the assets are already in the correct location.
To adhere to the best practices mentioned above, manually move the image or any other static asset to the public folder.
Overriding SASS Variables
Below is an example of overriding SASS variables in a custom theme:
Define a custom theme. Add theme file appRoot/templates/layouts/{theme_name}/theme.yml:
label: 'Default New'
groups: [ commerce ]
svg_icons_support: true
parent: default
rtl_support: true
Define theme-related styles:
/* @theme: theme-name; */
$color-palette: (
'primary': (
'main': #0a7f8f,
'hover': #075963,
'active': #05444d,
'disabled': #7d999e,
'light': #e8fcff
'secondary': (
'c1': #ffc221,
'c2': #f7941d,
'c3': #6e98dc,
'c4': #7ea6a4,
'c5': #197b30,
'sale': #9c0067
'neutral': (
'white-100': #fff,
'white-50': rgb(255 255 255 / .5),
'white-30': rgb(255 255 255 / .3),
'white-15': rgb(255 255 255 / .15),
'grey1': #f0f3f5,
'grey2': #d4dcdd,
'grey3': #c3cfcf,
'dark': #002434,
'focus': #1a69fe
'text': (
'primary': #002434,
'secondary': #45606e,
'disabled': #8e9da4,
'inverse': #fff,
'inverse-70': rgb(255 255 255 / .7),
'link': red,
'link-hover': red,
'link-hover-on-dark': red
'destructive': (
'light': #ffebed,
'light-on-dark': rgb(255 107 107 / .3),
'base': #de0b07,
'main': #b50400,
'main-on-dark': #ff6b6b,
'dark': #9c0000,
'disabled': #d17573
'success': (
'light': #e2fbe9,
'dark': #005e1f
'warning': (
'light': #fff7d1,
'base': #f19500,
'dark': #8f3700
'info': (
'light': #edf5ff,
'dark': #143dd4
If you extend your theme from existing themes, your new color palette must include all the colors present in the parent theme. Otherwise, you will encounter an assets build error, which is why in this example, $color-palette is fully shown and includes all the colors from the default theme.
/* @theme: {theme_name}; */
@import 'colors';
/* @theme: {theme_name}; */
$page-header-background-color: get-color('primary', 'light');
Define theme-related assets config:
- '../../assets/{theme_name}/css/scss/settings/primary-settings.scss'
- '../../assets/{theme_name}/css/scss/variables/page-header-config.scss'
output: 'css/styles.css'
Enable the new theme. Update the application config:
- default
- {theme_name}
To apply changes, clear the application cache and re-install assets.
php bin/console cache:clear
php bin/console oro:assets:install
For more information on Storefront Customization and AssetBundle CLI Commands, see the frontend developer guide.
Referencing Assets Using the asset() Function in Twig
Once the asset is placed in the public folder, you can reference it within your application using the asset() function in Twig. The asset() function provides a convenient way to generate the correct URL for the asset, allowing you to include it within your templates or code.
{# the image lives at "public/images/example.jpg" #}
<img src="{{ asset('images/example.jpg') }}" alt="Example Image"/>
JS Modules
Location of jsmodules.yml is as follows:
In the back-office -
In the storefront -
Below is an example of the webpack entry points configuration:
- js/example-module # path is relative
As an example, the specified resource js/example-module
can be stored in the following ways:
The path specified for any asset resource is relative, and the webpack builder will search for it in the following sequence:
{resolvedExtraPaths} # if they are in the theme settings
Admin Theme Configuration
The admin theme can be configured using the following files:
These configuration files can also be used to customize the admin theme.
For more information on the Back-Office Customization, see the frontend developer guide.
Unit tests should be placed in
.Functional tests should be placed in
.Behat tests should be placed in
.Configuration for Behat services:
Example of loading fixtures in behat test:
@fixture-app:payment_rules.yml Feature: Payment Rules Scenario: Creating Payment Rule Given I login as administrator When I go to System/ Payment Rules And I click "Create Payment Rule" Then I fill "Payment Rule Form" with: | Method | PayPal |