
You are browsing documentation for version 5.1 of OroCommerce, supported until March 2026. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.

Shopping List in the Storefront 

A shopping list page on a storefront is a controller action templated by layout engine and displaying a shopping list line items datagrid. A shopping list in the storefront is presented by two routes and two datagrids:

  • oro_shopping_list_frontend_view route with the frontend-customer-user-shopping-list-grid datagrid represents the “view” version of a shopping list

  • oro_shopping_list_frontend_update route with the frontend-customer-user-shopping-list-edit-grid datagrid represents the “edit” version of a shopping list.

Datagrid Frontend Rendering 

Due to the high requirements for performance, shopping list line items datagrid skips the backend rendering of cells and utilizes frontend rendering instead. For example:

    # ...
        # ...
            frontend_type: html-template
            frontend_template: tpl-loader!oroshoppinglist/templates/datagrid/cell/quantity.html
        # ...

Datagrid Line Items Data 

It is impossible to fetch all data needed to be shown in the shopping list line items datagrid via the datagrid query, so OroShoppingListBundle introduced the mechanism that enables you to add data for each line item, such as visibility state, validation messages, etc.

The entry point for this mechanism is the datagrid event listener \Oro\Bundle\ProductBundle\DataGrid\EventListener\FrontendLineItemsGrid\LineItemsDataOnResultAfterListener that listens to the \Oro\Bundle\DataGridBundle\Event\OrmResultAfter event to collect shopping list line items coming from the datagrid datasource and dispatches in its turn its own event oro_product.datagrid_line_items_data. Every datagrid line items data listener of this event gets the \Oro\Bundle\ProductBundle\Event\DatagridLineItemsDataEvent event object, which can be used to add/modify line items data that will be sent to the frontend.

Datagrid Kit Line Items Data 

A product kit line item is a complex structure that, under the hood, consists of product kit item line items. The data needed to be collected for regular line items partly intersect with product kit item line items, e.g., product name, image, quantity, etc. To make it possible to reuse existing datagrid line items data listeners, OroShoppingListBundle introduced a similar mechanism that allows adding data for each product kit item line item.

The entry point for this mechanism is the datagrid line items data listener \Oro\Bundle\ProductBundle\EventListener\DatagridKitLineItemsDataListener that dispatches in its turn its own event - oro_product.datagrid_kit_item_line_items_data. Every datagrid kit item line items data listener of this event gets the \Oro\Bundle\ProductBundle\Event\DatagridKitLineItemsDataEvent event object which can be used to add/modify product kit item line items data that will be sent to the frontend.