
You are browsing documentation for version 5.1 of OroCommerce, supported until March 2026. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

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OroPlatformBundle provides adjustments to the Symfony framework that enable you to configure the application settings in bundles’ YAML configuration files, switch the application to the maintenance mode, and define the global command options, etc.

Lazy Services 

Lazy service is a service that is used all over the system wrapped inside a lazy loading proxy. It allows initializing such services not during injection but when it is requested for the first time. Symfony provides the functionality to use lazy services out-of-the-box.

In your own bundles, services must be marked as lazy in service declaration by adding an additional key “lazy” that is set to true.

For example:

        class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\SomeService
            - '@acme.another_service'
        lazy: true

For external bundles, their services can be marked as lazy using file /Resources/config/oro/lazy_services.yml in each bundle. This file should contain a plain list of service names under key lazy_services. For example:

    - assetic.asset_manager
    - knp_menu.renderer.twig
    - templating
    - twig
    - templating.engine.twig
    - twig.controller.exception

Add Application Configuration Settings from Any Bundle 

You can add some settings to the application configuration from your bundle. For instance, a bundle can implement a new data type for Doctrine. A more native way to register it is to change config.yml. However, you can achieve the same result if your bundle is used in OroPlatform. In this case, add app.yml in the Resources/config/oro directory of your bundle, and the platform will add all settings from this file to the application configuration. The format of app.yml is the same as config.yml.

The following example shows how the money data type can be registered:

            money: Oro\Bundle\EntityBundle\Entity\Type\MoneyType

Please note that the settings added through app.yml can be overwritten in config.yml. That is why you can consider settings in the app.yml file as default ones.

Optional Listeners 

Doctrine and some Kernel listeners can be slow processes, so you can disable these listeners during console command execution.

Each console command has an additional option called disabled_listeners. As a value, this option takes all string or array of optional listener services. In the first case, all optional listeners are disabled. In the second case, only specified listeners are.

For example:

bin/console some.command --disabled_listeners=first_listener --disabled_listeners=second_listener

In this case, the command will be run with disabled listeners: first_listener and second_listener.

To see the list of optional listeners, run oro:platform:optional-listeners, which lists Doctrine listeners that can be disabled.

To mark your listener as optional, your listener must implement Oro\Bundle\PlatformBundle\EventListener\OptionalListenerInterface interface and set skips in the code if $enabled = false.

Lazy Doctrine Listeners 

Doctrine Event Listeners and Entity Listeners can have dependencies on other services with many other dependencies. This can have a significant impact on the performance of each request as all these services need to be fetched from the service container (and therefore be instantiated) every time any operation with Entity Manager is performed.

To solve this issue, Symfony provides the ability to mark the listeners as lazily loaded. For details, see Lazy loading for Event Listeners. In OroPlatform, all the listeners are marked as lazily loaded but if necessary, you can remove lazy loading by adding lazy: false to doctrine.event_listener or doctrine.orm.entity_listener tags.

For example:

        class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\EventListener\DoctrineEventListener
            - { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: postPersist, lazy: false }
        class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\EventListener\DoctrineEntityListener
            - { name: doctrine.orm.entity_listener, entity: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\MyEntity, event: postPersist, lazy: false }

Global Options for Console Commands 

Global options are options that can be used for all console commands in the application. By default, there are two sets of global options in OroPlatform:

  • --disabled-listeners

  • --current-user, --current-organization

These options are added by Oro\Bundle\PlatformBundle\Provider\Console\OptionalListenersGlobalOptionsProvider and Oro\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Provider\Console\ConsoleContextGlobalOptionsProvider providers respectively.

Registry Oro\Bundle\PlatformBundle\Provider\Console\GlobalOptionsProviderRegistry enables you to add custom global options to the application. To add your own global options, create a new provider class that implements Oro\Bundle\PlatformBundle\Provider\Console\GlobalOptionsProviderInterface.

For example:

namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Provider\Console;

use Oro\Bundle\PlatformBundle\Provider\Console\GlobalOptionsProviderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;

class MyNewGlobalOptionsProvider implements GlobalOptionsProviderInterface
     * @inheritDoc
    public function addGlobalOptions(Command $command)
        // Create a new option and add it to the definitions
        $option = new InputOption('new-option');

     * @inheritDoc
    public function resolveGlobalOptions(InputInterface $input)
        // Get the option's value and do something with it
        $option = $input->getOption('new-option');
        // ...

Next, register this provider as a service with tag oro_platform.console.global_options_provider:

        class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Provider\Console\MyNewGlobalOptionsProvider
            - { name: oro_platform.console.global_options_provider }