
You are browsing documentation for version 5.1 of OroCommerce, supported until March 2026. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

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Name Formatting 

Format Source 

Name formats can be found in name_format.yml. Name formats are grouped by locale.

An example of format configuration for en_US:

en_US: "%prefix% %first_name% %middle_name% %last_name% %suffix%"

Possible format placeholders:

  • prefix - name prefix

  • first_name - first name

  • middle_name - middle name

  • last_name - last name

  • suffix - name suffix

When format placeholder is in upper case, the corresponding value will be also be uppercased.

PHP Name Formatter 

Class: Oro\Bundle\LocaleBundle\Formatter\NameFormatter

Service id:

Formats name based on given locale.

Methods and Usage Examples 


string *public* *format*(*person*[, string *locale*])

This method can be used to format objects that implement one of the following interfaces:

  • FirstNameInterface - defines getter for first name

  • MiddleNameInterface - defines getter for middle name

  • LastNameInterface - defines getter for last name

  • NamePrefixInterface - defines getter for name prefix

  • NameSuffixInterface - defines getter for name suffix

  • FullNameInterface - extends FirstNameInterface, MiddleNameInterface, LastNameInterface, NamePrefixInterface and NameSuffixInterface

To format a name using a specific locale format, pass locale parameters.


en_US: "%prefix% %first_name% %middle_name% %LAST_NAME% %suffix%"


$formatter = $container->get('');
// Person implements FullNameInterface
echo $formatter->format($person, 'en_US');


Mr. First Middle LAST Sn.


string *public* *getNameFormat*([string *locale*])

Get the name format based on the locale; if the argument is not passed, locale from the system configuration is used.




This filter uses the format method from the name formatter, and has the same logic.

{{ user|oro_format_name }}


Methods and Usage Examples 


string *public* *format*(Object *person*[, String *locale*])

This method can be used to format names. To format a name using a specific locale, pass format locale parameters.

Possible name object parameters are the same as format placeholder keys.

Usage example:

import nameFormatter from 'orolocale/js/formatter/name';

const formattedName = nameFormatter.format({
    prefix: 'Mr.',
    first_name: 'First',
    middle_name: 'Middle',
    last_name: 'Last',
    suffix: 'Sn.'


string *public* *getNameFormat*([string *locale*])

Gets the name format based on the locale; if the argument is not passed, the locale from the system configuration is used.