
You are browsing documentation for version 5.1 of OroCommerce, supported until March 2026. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

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Calendar Provider 

The goal of calendar providers is to allow developers to add different types of calendars to the user’s calendar. The main class responsible for working with calendar providers is Calendar Manager. This class contains all providers and is responsible for collecting and merging data from them.

Add a Provider 

To add a calendar provider, create a class implements CalendarProviderInterface, register it as a service, and mark it with the oro_calendar.calendar_provider tag. Each provider must have an alias that is a unique identifier of a provider. The following example shows how a calendar provider can be registered:

    class: Oro\Bundle\CalendarBundle\Provider\UserCalendarProvider
        - '@oro_entity.doctrine_helper'
        - '@oro_entity.entity_name_resolver'
        - '@oro_calendar.calendar_event_normalizer.user'
        - { name: oro_calendar.calendar_provider, alias: user }

As mentioned below, your provider must implement CalendarProviderInterface which contains only two methods:

  • getCalendarDefaultValues - This method returns default values of a calendar properties, such as calendar name, permissions, widget options, etc.

  • getCalendarEvents - This method returns a list of calendar events.