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Manage Product Brands in the Back-Office
This section is part of the Product Management topic that provides a general understanding of the product concept in OroCommerce.
For an enhanced eCommerce experience, Oro Application allows you to create and manage brands for your web store. This means that each product can be associated with a specific brand created in the back-office.
In this section, you will learn how to:
Create a Brand
There are two ways to create a brand, from scratch and when creating/editing a product.
Create a New Brand from Scratch
Navigate to Products > Product Brands in the main menu.
Click Create Brand.
In the General section, define the following fields:
Owner — Select the owner of the product brand. This limits the list of users who can manage it.
Name — Provide the brand name. The field is mandatory.
Slug — Enter a URL slug that is used when building a human-readable URL in the storefront. If the field is left blank, the slug will be generated automatically.
Status — Select product brand status (Enabled/Disabled). The field is mandatory.
In the Short Description section, provide a short but meaningful default description of the product brand to make identification of the brand more accessible. Move from tab to tab to localize the description by setting the required fallback option. You can select whether to fall back to the default value, parent localization, or a custom value from the dropdown. When selecting the custom value, provide the localized version of the short description in the text field.
In the Long Description section, enter a long default description of the product brand. Move from tab to tab to localize the description by setting the required fallback option. You can select whether to fall back to the default value, parent localization, or a custom value from the dropdown. When selecting the custom value, provide the localized version of the long description in the WYSIWYG field. For more details on WYSIWYG management, see the WYSIWYG Editor topic.
In the SEO section, provide the following information:
Meta Title — Enter the meta title for the product brand. The meta title is what is seen by search engine users and used by the search engine to help it index the page
Meta Description — Enter the meta description for the product brand. The meta description summarizes page content. Search engines show the meta description in search results when the searched phrase is contained in the description.
Meta Keywords — Enter meta keywords for the product. A meta keyword is a specific type of a meta tag that appears in the HTML code of a web page and helps tell search engines what the topic of the page is.
Click Save.
Create a Brand when Creating or Editing the Product
Navigate to Products > Products in the main menu.
Select the product you wish to assign this brand to, click the More Options menu on the far right of the product row, and click Edit.
Click + next to the Brand field on the product edit page to create a new brand.
Click Save.
Manage Product Brands
Assign Brand to a Product
Once you have created a brand, you can assign it to a product the following way:
Navigate to Products > Products in the main menu.
Select the product you wish to assign this brand to, click the More Options menu on the far right of the product row, and click Edit.
On the product edit page, next to the Brand field, select the brand from the list or click to view the list of all available brands.
To create a new brand, click +.
Click Save.
The brand has been assigned to the product and should now be available in the storefront.

Make a Brand Filterable
Once a brand has been created and assigned to a product, you may make it filterable for the customers to narrow their search and navigate through your web store more efficiently.
Navigate to Products > Product Attributes in the main menu.
Click the brand attribute or at the end of the row to edit the attribute. Keep in mind that editing system attributes is only possible in the global organization.
In the Frontend options section, set the Filterable option to Yes.
Click Save and Close.
The brand filter is now available in the storefront.