You are browsing documentation for version 5.0 of OroCommerce, supported until January 2025. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.
See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.

Quote Management with Approvals: Steps and Transitions
Available options depend on the current status of the quote and your permissions.
When Quote Management with Approvals is enabled, the quote status may be one of the following:
Draft — the quote is being prepared.
Submitted for Review — the quote has been sent to an authorized person for review.
Under Review — the quote is being reviewed by an authorized person.
Approved — the quote has been approved by an authorized person.
Not Approved – the authorized person declined the quote.
Sent to Customer — the quote is sent to the customer.
Closed — the quote is closed, and no further actions with it are possible unless it is reopened.
Deleted — the quote has been removed.
The following table describes the options available for each status and how the corresponding transitions change the quote status.
Some transitions are available only for a reviewer (Reviewer) and some only for a user without reviewing permissions (Sales). The availability is indicated in the corresponding columns.
A buyer can see only quotes that have been sent to the customer.
Current Quote Status |
Transitions from Step |
Reviewer |
Sales |
New Status |
Draft |
Click Edit to make changes to the quote draft. |
Draft |
Click Clone to create a copy of the quote. |
Draft |
Click Delete to remove the quote draft. |
Deleted |
Click Send to Customer to send this quote to the customer. If the quote has been modified, this option becomes unavailable for Sales. |
Sent to Customer |
Click Submit for Review to send the quote to the authorized person for review. In the Submit for Review dialog, enter any information that you consider useful and click Submit. The message will appear as a note in the Activity section of the quote view page. |
Submitted for Review |
Submitted for Review |
Click Review to start reviewing the quote. |
Under Review |
Under Review |
Click Return to return the quote for refinement. |
Open |
Click Approve and Send to Customer to indicate that you would like to approve the quote and send it to the customer. In the Approve and Send to Customer dialog, check who will receive the notification about the quote and the notification text, and click Send. The quote will appear in the customer profile in the storefront, and the buyer will receive a notification about it. |
Draft |
Click Approve to grant your approval on the quote. In the Approve dialog, enter any information that you consider useful and click Submit. Your message will appear as a note in the Activity section of the quote view page. |
Approved |
Click Decline to reject the quote. In the Decline dialog, enter the reason for rejecting the quote and click Submit. Your message will appear as a note in the Activity section of the quote view page. |
Closed |
Approved |
Click Send to Customer to directly send this quote to the customer. In the Send to Customer dialog, check who will receive the notification about the quote and the notification text, and click Send. The quote will appear in the customer profile in the storefront, and the buyer will receive a notification about it. |
Sent to Customer |
Not Approved |
Open |
Sent to Customer |
Click Cancel to call of the quote. |
Closed |
Click Expire to indicate that the quote’s validity period is over. In the confirmation dialog, click Mark As Expired. |
Closed |
Click Delete to remove the quota. |
Deleted |
Click Create New Quote to create a copy of the quote. In the Create New Quote dialog, select whether to copy notes made on the quote and when the current quote is to expire, and click Submit. |
Sent to Customer |
Click Declined by Customer to indicate that the customer did not agree to the terms of the quote. |
Closed |
Closed |
Click Reopen to actualize the quote again. A new quote with the same data will appear. The current quote remains closed. |
Closed |
Deleted |
Click Undelete to restore the quote. |
Draft |
The Accept and Decline transitions (from the Sent to Customer step) are reserved for future use.