Storefront REST API 

The REST API resources for the storefront are accessible via http://<hostname>/api, while REST API resources for the back-office is accessible via http://<hostname>/admin/api. There are also two REST API sandboxes, one for the storefront (http://<hostname>/api/doc) and another for the back-office (http://<hostname>/admin/api/doc).


Please note that the admin prefix is used by default and can be changed via the web_backend_prefix parameter.

All approaches described in API Developer Guide are applicable to REST API resources for the storefront, but there are several differences:

  • for configuration files, use Resources/config/oro/api_frontend.yml, not Resources/config/oro/api.yml

  • the default value for the exclusion_policy option is custom_fields, which means that all custom fields (fields with is_extend = true and owner = Custom in extend scope in entity configuration) that are not configured explicitly are excluded

  • for documentation files, use the Resources/doc/api_frontend folder, not Resources/doc/api

  • for API processors, use the frontend request type

  • for API routes, use the Oro\Bundle\FrontendBundle\Controller\FrontendRestApiController controller instead of Oro\Bundle\ApiBundle\Controller\RestApiController, use the frontend_rest_api group instead of rest_api and set the frontend option to true

  • for CORS requests configuration, use the oro_frontend / frontend_api / cors section, not oro_api / cors

  • for API functional tests, use Oro\Bundle\FrontendBundle\Tests\Functional\ApiFrontend\FrontendRestJsonApiTestCase instead of Oro\Bundle\ApiBundle\Tests\Functional\RestJsonApiTestCase. By default, all API requests are executed by an anonymous user. To execute them by the customer user with administrative permissions, use the Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Tests\Functional\ApiFrontend\DataFixtures\LoadAdminCustomerUserData data fixture and add the $this->loadFixtures([LoadAdminCustomerUserData::class]); in setUp() method of your test class. To execute the test by the customer user with buyer permissions, you can use the Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Tests\Functional\ApiFrontend\DataFixtures\LoadBuyerCustomerUserData data fixture.

When Public Storefront API is enabled some API resources can be used by non-authenticated visitors. The list of such resources is configured by developers by oro_customer / frontend_api / non_authenticated_visitors_api_resources in Resources/config/oro/app.yml, for example:

            - Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\SomeEntity

Additional notes:

  • You can use the SetWebsite processor to assign an entity to the current website.

  • You can use the SetCurrency processor to set the current currency to an entity.

  • You can use the SetCustomer processor to assign an entity to the current customer.

  • You can use the SetCustomerUser processor to assign an entity to the current customer user.

An example of registration of such processors:

        class: Oro\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Api\Processor\SetWebsite
            - '@oro_api.form_property_accessor'
            - '@oro_website.manager'
            - { name: oro.api.processor, action: customize_form_data, event: pre_validate, requestType: frontend, parentAction: create, class: Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Entity\CustomerUser, priority: 20 }

        class: Oro\Bundle\CurrencyBundle\Api\Processor\SetCurrency
            - '@oro_api.form_property_accessor'
            - '@oro_locale.settings'
            - { name: oro.api.processor, action: customize_form_data, event: pre_validate, requestType: frontend, parentAction: create, class: Oro\Bundle\OrderBundle\Entity\Order, priority: 15 }

        class: Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Api\Processor\SetCustomer
            - '@oro_api.form_property_accessor'
            - '@oro_security.token_accessor'
            - 'frontendOwner'
            - { name: oro.api.processor, action: customize_form_data, event: pre_validate, requestType: frontend, parentAction: create, class: Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Entity\CustomerAddress, priority: 10 }

        class: Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Api\Processor\SetCustomerUser
            - '@oro_api.form_property_accessor'
            - '@oro_security.token_accessor'
            - 'frontendOwner'
            - { name: oro.api.processor, action: customize_form_data, event: pre_validate, requestType: frontend, parentAction: create, class: Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Entity\CustomerUserAddress, priority: 10 }