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Entity Name Resolver and Providers

Entity Name Resolver

The Entity Name Resolver service has been introduced to make the configuring of entity name formatting more flexible.

It provides two functions for getting the entity name:

  • string public getName*(object *entity*[, string *format, string locale])

This method can be used to get a text representation of an entity formatted according to the format notation passed (e.g., “full”, “short”, etc.). If the format is not specified, the default one is used.

To format the text representation using a specific locale, the locale parameter may be passed.

  • string public getNameDQL*(string *className, string alias*[, string *format, string locale])

This method is useful for getting a DQL expression that can be used to get a text representation of the given type of entities formatted according to the format notation passed (e.g., “full”, “short”, etc.). If the format is not specified, the default one is used.

To get a text representation using a specific locale, the locale parameter may be passed.

Example of usage:

$entityNameResolver = $container->get('oro_entity.entity_name_resolver');
echo $entityNameResolver->getName($user); // outputs: John Doe
echo $entityNameResolver->getNameDQL('Oro\Bundle\UserBundle\Entity\User', 'u'); // outputs: CONCAT(u.firstName, CONCAT(u.lastName, ' ')

The available entity formats can be configured in the entity_name_formats section of Resources/config/oro/entity.yml file:

            fallback: short
        short: ~

Note that it is possible to specify the fallback format for the entity that will be used when the given format is not implemented by any providers.

Entity Name Providers

The Entity Name Resolver does not know how to get the entity name by itself but instead it expects to have a collection of Entity Name Providers that will do the job. The first provider that is able to return a reliable result wins. The rest of providers will not be asked.

To create an Entity Name Provider you should implement the EntityNameProviderInterface:

use Oro\Bundle\EntityBundle\Provider\EntityNameProviderInterface;

class FullNameProvider implements EntityNameProviderInterface
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getName($format, $locale, $entity)
        if ($format === self::FULL && $this->isFullFormatSupported(get_class($entity))) {
            // return entity format

        return false;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getNameDQL($format, $locale, $className, $alias)
        if ($format === self::FULL && $this->isFullFormatSupported($className)) {
            // return DQL to get entity format

        return false;

     * @param string $className
     * @return bool
    protected function isFullFormatSupported($className)
        // check if $className supports full name formatting, e.g. implements some required interfaces

Note that if the provider cannot return a reliable result, FALSE should be returned to keep looking for the other providers in the chain.

Entity name providers are registered in the DI container by oro_entity.name_provider tag:

    class: Oro\Bundle\EntityBundle\Provider\EntityNameProvider
    public: false
        - '@doctrine'
        - { name: oro_entity.name_provider, priority: -100 }

The priority can be specified to move the provider up or down the provider’s chain. The bigger the priority number is, the earlier the provider will be executed. The priority value is optional and defaults to 0.

Default behavior

The bundled provider Oro\Bundle\EntityBundle\Provider\EntityNameProvider will resolve entity titles by trying to find suitable fields in the entity. For ‘short’ format it tries to use one string field from the list ‘firstName’, ‘name’, ‘title’, ‘subject’ (in that order). For ‘full’ it will use a space-delimited concatenation of all non-serialized string fields. If some of the fields is found but the resulting title is empty (i.e. value of the fields is null) it will return the entity id.

If no suitable fields are available (e.g. entity does not have any string fields) then another provider Oro\Bundle\EntityBundle\Provider\FallbackEntityNameProvider will try to construct a title in the form of ‘Item #1’ from the entity identifier and oro.entity.item translation key.