
You are browsing the documentation for version 4.2 of OroCommerce, OroCRM and OroPlatform, which is no longer maintained. Read version 5.1 (the latest LTS version) of the Oro documentation to get up-to-date information.

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Install Docker with Docker Compose.


The application uses 80 and 8025 ports, so make sure that other services do not use them.

Run Application

  1. Download the repository with docker compose configuration file

    git clone
    cd docker-demo

    or download the archive file and extract it

    wget -O - | tar -xzf -
    cd docker-demo
  2. Run application containers

    The configuration is entirely predefined, and you can only change the name of the domain where the application will be located. By default, it is oro.demo. If you need to change the domain, create an .env file with content ORO_APP_DOMAIN=my-custom-domain.demo.

    Run containers:

    docker-compose up -d

    The docker-compose will download the required images, create networks and run containers. Application commerce-crm-application is used by default. You can run other community applications, such as crm-application, platform-application or commerce-crm-application-de. To select another application, set a different image in .env file, for example:

    Alternatively, you can set a variable before the docker-compose command without creating the .env file: docker-compose up -d

    You can also select a different tag (version). For example, set variable ORO_APP_VERSION=4.2 in .env or in the command line.

    To track the logs from the php-fpm container, run docker-compose logs -f php-fpm. To get the list of containers, run: docker-compose ps.

  3. Add a record to file /etc/hosts oro.demo
  4. Open the application in a browser: http://oro.demo.

Access the Mail Catcher

Smtp service is additionally launched so you could send emails from the application. It receives all mail and a web interface that enables you to view it and perform the required actions. The web interface for the mail catcher is available on port 8025. You can open it by URL http://localhost:8025.

Stop the Application

  • To stop and remove all containers, use the following command: docker-compose down.

  • To stop and remove all containers with the data saved in volumes, use the following command: docker-compose down -v.


If you deployed the application before, pull up fresh images with docker-compose pull.

About this Project

This repository provides a Docker Compose configuration file (docker-compose.yaml) and demonstrate how you can run different applications and required services in containers. We provide images with the Community Edition of Oro applications in the public Docker Hub.


This deployment is NOT intended for a production environment.

Docker images with different applications:

One image is used to run containers in several roles: web server, php-fpm, consumer, websocket server, cron service. All these services must be running, and MySQL database must be prepared for a full-fledged application.

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